The Galactic Enforcers

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The story begins in space, where a wormhole opens and allows a ship to fly out into a planet's orbit. As they land, two robot guards go over to check the ship. As they were about to reach the ship another wormhole opened, and another ship flew out of it. This one shot a laser down through the ship that had just landed and made a hole in the floor.

The explosion created a lot of smoke, blanketing someone inside of it. Once the smoke cleared we got a better look of how had just emerged. It was a tall alien wearing an armor suite. The suit had construction claws for plating and a caution-tape styled pattern. A mining lamp rested on top of his helmet and was decked out with two brass-knuckle drills. 

The robot-guards all aimed their weapons at him, firing electric blasts at the hulking alien

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The robot-guards all aimed their weapons at him, firing electric blasts at the hulking alien. This did no damage as the man began to retaliate. He charged at the robots, tearing through them with his drills. He grabbed the last one by its face and crushed it before cutting open the door. This revealed a room containing a strange gem inside of a canister. 

He looked at it and squinted his eyes from the brightness. He then exited the station where his partner picked him up. Once he was inside, the alien held out his hand with the crystal. 

???: Element X. It's no good by itself, you know. Where are we gonna find the Bicenthium we need to make it go boom? 

A long cord extended from the darkness and retrieved the canister. The camera panned over to where the cord was headed, revealing that he was working with SixSix. SixSix then pressed a button on his chair, pulling up a holographic display of a planet.

???: Oh. I should have known. The cesspool of the galaxy... Earth. 

The scene changed to a black and white city where people fled from something.

???: Tremble insects. Bow and kiss the feet of Lord Dumerkas! 

The man known as Lord Dumerkas was piloting a Demonic Gundam. One person stood against him, standing triumphantly on top of a car. 

Jen: We'll see about that. 

It was Jen in a supersuit. 

Lord Dumerkas: Ultra Jen!

Jen then started to beat up the robot, breaking off both of its legs. 

Lord Dumerkas: My destructoid! No!!!

Cut to him lying on the ground while Jen stood on top of a severed leg. 

Jen: And anyone else who tries to make trouble in Tennyson Town is gonna get the same two-fisted Justice.

The crowd began to cheer for her screaming out cries of "Ultra Jen!". This then just turned to a call of her name as the crowd's voice shifted to yours. 

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