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The scene opens on a dark, damp room. The camera panned, showing that its inhabitants were the Plague Rats who had somehow escaped from prison. 

Jack: As you know we are in desperate need of rent money. This motel is surprisingly expensive. Well, all of our rent problems are about to disappear. Permanently. 

Rat3: So, what's the plan boss? 

Jack: Simple. 

He placed down a blue roll of paper, rolling it out to reveal the schematics of a bank. 

Jack: This is the Starlight Bank, home to the world's largest diamond. We sell that shit; we're set for life. 

Rat4: Doesn't the Starlight have one of the world's best security systems? 

Jack: Yeah. But I know a guy who can get us through with ease. All he needs is one small thing. Some purple rock called Corro... Corrod... Corrodent or something. 

Rat5: Well, where can we find it. 

Jack: Luckily for us it's in our stomping grounds. So, you up for some rock collecting? 

Rats: Yeah!

Jack: Good. 

He gave a sinister smirk as the camera zoomed into his face.

Big Chill and Stinkfly flew after some petty criminals after they stole from a jewelry store. Jen shot a glob of goo at the tire, the green gunk sticking to the tire and making the car spin out. You flew in front of the vehicle, using your cryokinesis to anchor the car in ice and prevent it from spinning out. 

The criminals inside the car shivered. Their exhales visible due to the severe drop in temperature. Big Chill had phased into the vehicle, his chilling presence visibly affecting the criminals. He simply stared at them while they looked at him in fear.

Criminal: So what? You just gonna stare?

Big Chill: I was gonna make an ice pun but couldn't think of anything. 

You watched as one of them reached for the handle to open the door. You sighed and decided to advise them. 

Big Chill: Trust me when I say trying to go out that way is useless. 

Your advice fell on deaf ears as he pushed against the seemingly locked door. 

Criminal2: Wha-What's up with the door. 

He looked out the window, only to be met with the same green sludge that was stuck to one of their tires. Jen had already used her goop to lock the doors, preventing them from escaping. 

Big Chill: Told you.

You flew back out and used ice to block the sunroof, eliminating all means of escape for the two crooks. Y/N flew over to Jen and folded his wings up upon landing. He looked at her with a smile on his face.

Big Chill: They've been fridged. 

Stinkfly: No, just no. 

Big Chill: I regretted it the second it came out of my mouth. So... I saw an arcade nearby. You up for some Galaga? 

Stinkfly: You up to lose for the 101th time. 

Big Chill: Last I checked, I'm beating you 102-100. 

The two best friends laughed and prepared for flight. They took off, unaware that someone peeked their head through a manhole and watched the two of them. He dropped back down into the sewers, scurrying back to his friends. This person was a member of the Plague Rats and had just met up with his allies. 

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