The Krakken

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You are in the lake for a late-night swim. Jen then does a cannonball. 

Y/N: (in announcer voice) A perfect 10.

Jen: The crowd loves her.

Gwen: A perfect dweeb is more like it.

Y/N: Hey I'm gonna go take a shower and go to bed. Night.

Jen: Night. Come on Gwen dive in. 

You then get out of the lake and go into the Rustbucket.

Gwen: Please who knows what kinds of nasty slimy things are in there?

Jen: What's the point of camping by a lake if you're afraid to get wet?

Jen then splashes Gwen. 

Gwen: Knock it off midget!

Jen then gets the idea to play a prank on Gwen as Four Arms. After she leaves Jen then gets attacked by a lake monster.

It pulls her under the water, and she stares into its eye. She manages to get free and runs to the Rustbucket. 

Four Arms: I was just attacked by a giant lake monster. 

Gwen: Hello current events: you already got me with that one. 

Four Arms: But I'm not kidding this time. 

Y/N: Jen go to bed it's late. The joke's over. 

Four Arms: But I...

Max then cuts her off.

Max: Get some sleep. Remember we have an early day tomorrow for our fishing trip. 

She then times out and goes to bed.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Jen turning into Ripjaws.

Jen: No really. It was humongous with these red glowing eyes. 

Y/N: Probably just some big fish.

Gwen: Yeah, so give the mega fish story a rest. 

Jen then looks at the bucket of worms and holds some out in front of Gwen.

Jen: Breakfast.

Gwen: Oh, Jen, gross. What's with the bucket of slimies?

Max: Bait.

Y/N: Yeah. 

Gwen: I think I'm going to pass on the fishing thing. Jen how is it that you're a girl yet not grossed out by these things?

Jen: Cuz I'm not as prissy as you. 

Gwen: Well, I'll stay here and catch some sun instead.  

Y/N: Okay but you don't know what you're missing. 

Gwen: I'm pretty sure I do. 

Max: Captain Shaw?

Shaw: Who wants to know? 

Max: I'm Max Tennyson and this is my granddaughter Jen and her friend Y/N. We chartered your boat today for a fishing trip. 

Shaw: Well, what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation? Get aboard. I ain't got all day.

You get on the boat with Jen and Shaw sails off. 

Max: Anything interesting to catch out there today?

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