Be Afraid of the Dark

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You and Jen ran like hell, trying to escape the crazed ghost. She popped up in front of the two of you causing you to change directions. The shadow monster appeared in front of both of you as well and you guys jumped away. You grabbed onto a hanging wire and Jen grabbed onto you. It tried to shoot the two of you with a shadow projectile, but Zs'Skayr stopped it.

Zs'Skayr: No!

The projectile cut the rope causing you guys to fall onto a copper pipe.

Zs'Skayr: She must be alive when I merge with her if I am to control the Omnitrix.

She then flew off, searching for the two of you. While they were bickering, the two of you had leapt onto another platform and hid. The ghostly villain flew down to your level and searched.

Zs'Skayr: What's the matter, Jen? Aren't you glad to see me? Haven't you learned by now that nothing can stop me? Oh, and Y/N these tentacles aren't just for show~

Your eyes widened in fear and Jen panicked. Zs'Skayr phased through the canister that you were hiding behind and both of you ran.

Jen: Nothing except...

She activated the Omnitrix and slammed down on the dial. She mistransformed and became Grey Matter.

Grey Matter: You've gotta be shitting me.

Y/N: Guess that's my cue.

You activated the Ultimatrix and scrolled to Big Chill. You slammed down on the dial and transformed.

Viktor then leapt from a catwalk about 30ft above the two of you and slammed onto the ground trying to catch Jen. But his impact split the ground giving Jen an opening to fall through.

Big Chill: Dumbass.

Viktor: You insolent...

Zs'Skayr: He's right. Why did you think jumping from the highest point would catch her alive?! Imbecile.

You went intangible and phased through the catwalk where Jen was. She walked away and Zs'Skayr looked down for a moment.

Zs'Skayr: Find her! I can't merge with her in her alien form. But it's merely a matter of time before she turns human again.

She flew off leaving Viktor there humbled. In space the rocket has just exited the atmosphere.

Gwen: Shouldn't we be looking for the corrodium?

Max: Easier to search for the whole kit and caboodle than waste time searching for a few rocks in a whole rocket ship.

He climbed the ladder and Gwen followed.

Gwen: Guess we know where I got my brains from. But you sure you remember how to fly this thing grandpa?

They entered the cockpit where the elder sat down.

Max: Just like riding a bicycle a 100-ton, 20,000 mile an hour, high-tech bicycle.

He pressed a few buttons while unbeknownst to them bandages crept up the entrance. Zs'Skayr and Viktor were searching for Jen frantically. Viktor then decided to question Zs'Skayr.

Viktor: Why are we chasing this little pest when the master plan is so close to becoming reality?

She turned around and force choked him with her telekinesis. She held him up in the air and brought him close to her.

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