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A/N: God, this made me feel uncomfortable. Why is Cooper so creepy here?

Our story begins in Kevin's garage, where said boy could be seen placing a banana into a strange machine. Gwen and Jen stood a safe distance away from the machine, whereas you were nowhere to be found.

Gwen: This is a very bad idea.

The camera zoomed out, revealing the warp gate that you and Reiny had fallen into two chapters prior.

Gwen: I mean, we don't even know how to work a teleporter pad. 

Kevin: Got to start somewhere.

He said before looking back at the two of them.

Gwen: Jen, tell Kevin this seems like a very bad idea. 

No response was given to the ginger-haired girl's previous statement, confusing her. Gwen would swing her head around, scanning the room to find her cousin.

Gwen: Jen? Are you hiding?

Jen: No.

Her voice could be heard from Gwen's left. Seconds later the brunette girl would step out from behind a stack of crates, revealing herself to her two friends.

Jen: It's just that if a fly lands on that banana when it teleports and it rematerializes as a deadly banana fly monster, I don't want to be standing next to it, is all.

Kevin: Don't see the big deal, Tennyson. Didn't you use to turn into an insect all the time?

While he teased Jen, he would flick up a few switches on the control panel before pressing down on the center button. The red circle at the top right of the panel glowed with a warping effect added onto it, signifying that the machine was now active.

Jen: That was different.

Jen would say while taking a few steps towards the machine. A perspective shift brought us back to the warp gate's control panel where a large silver button had yet to be pressed.

Kevin: Here we go.

Once he pushed the button the banana began to levitate. Blue lightning struck the potassium rich fruit before a bright flash filled the screen. For a second it looked as though the machine had worked as intended. The banana was gone for a second, but only a second. It quickly rematerialized as a burnt, smoking husk. Air bubbles distorted the shape of the now brown peel, pushing up against the barrier while the fluid pressure increased. 

Eventually it grew too much for the withered peel to bear and it burst, splattering disgusting yellow mush all over the lower arc of the warp gate. The test had been a failure and that wasn't all. 

Sparks flew from the external machinery of the silver ring, causing the hardware to explode. All those present gazed upon the scene with caution.

Kevin: Well, that can't be good. 

Jen: Turn that damn thing off before it blows!

As if it were a timed event the panel would spark too, preventing the ravenette from taking any action to prevent the machine's destruction.

Kevin: It's too hot.

Jen: I got this!

With a quick press of the buttons, Jen would activate and slam down on the Omnitrix, transforming herself into Yuki. She would attempt to use the form's temperature invulnerability to try and shut off the warp gate. However, by the time she had arrived it was too late. The sparks had wreaked havoc upon the panel, damaging it beyond usability. Her and Kevin stared down at the damaged machinery before simultaneously lifting their heads to look at what the panel commanded.

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