Dr. Animo and the Mutant Ray

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Max: Aah! Looks like we beat the crowd. 

Gwen: Yeah. You sure we're in the right place Grandpa? 

Max: Tomorrow this place will be crawling with gator-fest fans.

Dio: Speaking of which why did they make a festival specifically for alligators?

A/N: Yes, Dio was in control because Jen wanted to play him in checkers. 

Max: Best not to question it.

Gwen steps down and recoils. Your eyes roll back, and you get back in control. You walk around the Rustbucket and see Jen fiddling with the Omnitrix. 

Y/N: What are you doing?

Jen: Who knows how many more alien hero dudes are inside this thing? I just have to figure out how it works.

Y/N: So, you're taking a screwdriver to it? Look you shouldn't mess around with it. We don't know what could happen. 

Jen: Calm down N/N. I know what I'm doing.

Y/N: You're trying to pry open a watch from outer space with a screwdriver. Yeah, I don't think you know what you're doing. 

Max: Y/N's right Jen. I want you to promise me you'll take it easy on the Omnitrix. 

Jen: Okay Grandpa.

Dio; She's gonna screw with it behind our backs, isn't she?

Y/N; Do you even have to ask? 

Max: Now don't stay up too late. Tomorrow's a big day. Good night.

They go inside the Rustbucket and you stay behind.

Jen: Why aren't you going in?

Y/N: Because I know you. You're gonna go behind our backs and screw with the Omnitrix. If I stay here at least it won't be behind our back. 

Jen: Fine.

She fiddles with it more and the dial pops off.

Y/N: Why am I not surprised? 

Jen: Yes! 

The Omnitrix starts to act up.

Jen: Oh no! 

A green light flashes and a burst of light appears.

The two of you hit your heads on the Rustbucket. 

Dio; She had this coming.

Y/N: We told you not to mess with the Omnitrix but no you wouldn't listen and now this happened. Let this be a lesson... Newton's third law of motion. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Which can also be used in this case. Every action has a consequence... you know I love you, but I can't wait to see what yours' is. 

You pick up the dial and hand it to her. Max and Gwen walk out of the RV.

Max: Jen, Y/N? 

Gwen: What was that? 

Jen: What was what?

Max: What was that noise?

Jen: Uh lightning?

Gwen: There's not a cloud in the sky. Y/N you want to share anything with the class?

Y/N: Nah me and Dio just want to see how this plays out.

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