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Rooster had an awful night. Not only did he have a sore back from sleeping on the couch, but... the nightmares filled his night.

He sighed as he made his way upstairs to their room. He opened the door slowly seeing that Hangman was still asleep.

He carefully walked in and went to the closet to grab his naval uniform. He glanced at Hangman and then his uniform. He carefully laid out Hangman's uniform for him on the part of the bed he wasn't sleeping on.

He grabbed his and walked into the bathroom and started to get changed.

Hangman woke up slowly to the sound of his phone vibrating. He groaned and turned off the alarm as he sat up. He looked around and noticed that his uniform was all laid out for him.

He looked around a bit confused and tired as Rooster came out of the bathroom in his uniform. "Good morning." Rooster said as he was placed his cap on the table.

Hangman watched him and nodded. "Morning..." he said as he yawned slightly.

"Did you sleep?" Rooster asked, his back still to Hangman as he adjusted his tie.

"Barely..." he said as he got up and grabbed his uniform and walked to the bathroom. He closed the door and got changed into his black naval uniform like Rooster.

He walked out as he finished making himself look presentable. "Ready to go?" Hangman asked as he straightened his tie. Rooster looked at him and nearly glitched.

He... he has seen this man in uniform so many times. Why was this time different?

He looked perfect...

"Rooster?" Hangman asked.

"Yeah yeah, we can head down." Rooster said as he walked ahead of him. Hangman sighed and walked behind him. The two put their caps down as they walked outside.

"Well... since I'm the best man, I'll be up there." Hangman said as rooster found two seats. As he was explaining how everything was going to work the groom walked over.

"Annie wants to make a change." He said. Hangman looked at him confused. "A change?"

"She wants you and your sister to be her maid of honor." He said. Hangman smiled softly at that. "I'll do it."

He said as he looked for Joy who was in her military uniform. Hangman walked over to her and explained to her. Joy laughed but nodded as they walked to the front with the others.

Rooster watched him the entire time until his phone vibrated.

Old man: having fun?? Haven't heard from you.

Rooster: sure... literally having an identity crisis, and been saving hangman's ass from homophobic people the entire time

Old man: ahh.. look at you being a good boyfriend

Rooster: very funny

Oldman: oh you're too much like me. I can't wait for you to figure this out without me having to tell you.

Rooster sighed and placed his phone back in his pocket. The ceremony started.

The doors opened revealing the bride. Rooster smiled softly as he watched her walk down the aisle. As she made her way down he saw Hangman watching the bride and groom with a loving and longing look.

Roosters gaze softened as he watched Hangman smile softly at his sister. The two exchanged vows, and it finally came to their i do's.

"Annie Seresin, do you take this man to be your husband?" She smiled softly and nodded.

"Charles Linnden, do you take Annie Seresin to be your wife?" He nodded as well.

"You May kiss the bride." The reverend said. The very excited bride and groom kissed each other as cheers exploded through the crowd.

Hangman smiled softly at two as the they walked down the aisle holding hands. Rooster met Hangman's eyes and they stayed there.

Hangman turned his head and spoke to his sister next to him as everyone else made their way to the reception. Rooster simply felt he should just leave Hangman for the time being.

He went with Carol and Jack as they went to the reception.

Hangman walked with his sister behind the crowd. "Why aren't you walking with your boyfriend?" She asked.

"He just needs some room to breathe." He said as he took his cap off as they walked into the building. But then they went outside to the front to the outdoor reception. He sighed and put his cap back on.

"Interesting..." she said hangman sat down next to his parents. Joy sat next to Hangman and then rooster next to her.

The bride and groom came out in their reception outfits. The crowd cheered and whistled for the couple. They smiled as they danced.

Hangman got up and video taped the two of them dancing. Rooster gazed at him but lowered his head so the rim of his hat covered his eyes.

Stop. Stop it...

He kept telling himself. Don't do this.

The music eventually stopped and then everyone was allowed to come dance. Rooster saw Hangman walking towards him until a girl walked over to him and asked him to dance. Hangman glanced at Rooster and then at her.

"Absolutely." He smiled and took her hand and lead her to the dance floor. Rooster raised his head and watched the two dance.

He had this awful feeling rise in his chest. Carol walked over and placed a hand on Roosters shoulder. "I know I shouldn't say this... cause it is for him to say..." he looked at her.

"My son loves you my dear... but I have no idea what's going on with you two." She sighed.

Roosters heart rate picked up as he stood up. "He does?" He said.

She looked at him surprised. "Of course he does... I thought it was obvious." Rooster thought it was obvious they both were faking.

"Excuse me." He walked past the people on the dance floor and then walked over to Hangman. He grabbed his arm.

Hangman looked at him. "Oh you actually are acknowledging my existence..." hangman said with hurt in his voice.

"I'm sorry... I was overthinking a lot of things. I..." he just watched him and pulled him into a kiss. Hangman was surprised but kissed him back.

Rooster gripped his coat and broke the kiss slightly. Hangman kissed him again as people danced around him. He thought this was still an act.

Rooster did not.

The two broke the kiss and looked at each other under the brims of their caps. "You're a good kisser..." Hangman said.

Rooster smiled softly at that. "I have experience." He teased. Hangman chuckled and then started to dance with him.

Rooster felt his heart rate pick up. He was excited.

But there wasn't much clarification.

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