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Maverick walked back into his quarters he shared with Hangman. He saw he was on a FaceTime with rooster.

He smiled and sighed in relief. Both hangman and rooster were passed out. Maverick walked over to Hangmans bunk and fixed the blanket on him, seeing how it was barely covering him.

Maverick then finally laid down in his bed. He stared at the ceiling and closed his eyes.

Maverick thought of Phoenix getting hurt on the mission, Bob having his panic attack, Rooster having a breakdown, Hangman's past and issues with his sexuality,  Fanboys family issues and anxiety, Paybacks g-loc when they were training weeks ago, and Coyotes hiding his issues.

These were his kids. He wanted to protect them from everything, just like how he wanted to protect Rooster from the Navy and his fathers death. It only backfired on him and broke Rooster further.

Maverick covered his face as he thought of all the shit he has to deal With. He didn't want to get attached to these guys from day one, but his paternal instincts kicked in and he could never shake it.

Maverick knew he was struggling to stay mentally okay. He still is dealing with Gooses death All these years later, and all of the stuff now.

He just wished he could have a breather. He started to catch himself hyperventilating. He quickly and quietly took off his flight suit and tried to calm himself.

He laid down and felt his breathing quicken. He gripped his chest and tried to control it. He felt pain shoot through his body as he reached for his phone.

He scrolled through his contacts and went to press Ices but stopped. His hand was shaking slightly.

He didn't want to worry Ice... and plus, he had a meeting the next day. It would be inconsiderate. He turned his phone off and just laid on his back and tried everything to slow his breathing, until he saw Hangman jump off his bunk and look at Maverick.

Hangman heard him having an attack. Hangman motioned him over as he sat on the edge of his bunk. Maverick hesitantly got up, and was suddenly hugged by a half asleep hangman.

"Just tell me what's going on old man... I'll try my best to help." Hangman said seriously. Maverick teared up and hugged him back as just started to vent about everything, starting with the plane crash.

Hangman stayed with him the entire time as maverick vented about everything. Hangman was composed until Maverick started talking about Goose.

Hangman teared up about it. "We're alike... in a lot of different ways." He said to Mav.

"We are..." maverick said in agreement. He was able to breathe and was doing much better.

"Mav... please know that the whole squad is here for you just like you are for us. Your worries are also our concerns. Please confide in us like we do with you." Hangman said as he looked at Mav.

Maverick looked at him and sighed as he chuckled. "I don't want to be a burden."

" You aren't and you never will." Hangman said. "And plus, since you and I are stuck as wingman for the next few months, we need to be able to communicate with each other." Hangman said with a smile.

"Fine... I'll communicate more from now on." Maverick said with a tired chuckle. Hangman nodded as he got up.

"Awesome. I'll do the same in return. Well, I need to go back to bed, and you need to fall asleep old man. I'll see you tomorrow." Hangman climbed back into his bunk and basically passed out again.

Maverick laid down and closed his eyes. He thought of his wedding with ice, and all the good moments. And thankfully...

He fell asleep.

Phoenix woke up in her room next to Bob. He was exhausted because for past two days he had been calling schools in the area to find an open position and thankfully he found one.

He was going to be teaching at a school about 45 minutes away and today was his first day.  He was excited about it, but once again wished he was still in the navy.

She sat up and shook him gently. He woke up slowly. "What time is it..." he grumbled.

"5:30... you need to be at the school at 7:00. Don't wanna rush through traffic." She said as she yawned. Bob nodded as he looked at her. He kissed her cheek and got up to quickly shower.

She watched him walk off which made a small smile Go across her face. "Lucky me." She said with a chuckle. She pulled herself out of bed and slowly got dressed into her flight suit.

She walked out holding her boots as she watched Bob push up his tie in front of the living room mirror. "You ready? Mr. Floyd?" She asked as she walked to her bathroom to brush her hair back into a bun.

"Honestly... no idea." He said as she quickly finished and walked out.

"Well... that's okay. I'll be right there with you." She said as she walked over to him and held his hand gently. She lifted it and kissed his hand softly.

He simply looked at her and kissed her forehead. "Believe it or not... I'd rather be going into combat than dealing with 30 kids a day."

"I know... but this is how the cards fell." She said with a sigh. His gaze saddened slightly.

"Lemme drive you to work?" She said as she looked up at him.

"I'd like that."

The two eventually made it to the school just in time for him to get a grand tour and to see his classroom. It wasn't really decorated, but he had an idea.

"Wow..." he said as he stepped into the classroom. Phoenix stayed back and watched him explore the room just a bit.

The woman who was giving him the tour looked at Phoenix. "Are you his wife?" She asked Phoenix quietly.

Phoenix flinched and looked at her. "Oh uh... no. I'm the girlfriend." She said with a smile.

"Well didn't he get lucky." The lady said with a smile. "He got himself a powerful woman." The woman said as she patted her back and walked into the room to hand Bob some rosters.

Phoenix felt her face starting to get hot.


No... no... not thinking that far ahead. She said as she shook it off.

"And Mr. Floyd, you can decorate this room anyway you please, even if you want jets all over the room." The woman said.

"Then I guess I'll fit right in here."

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