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Ice sat with Rooster in the living room as everyone else went back to their living quarters on the base. They all knew right now was not the time to be bombarding Rooster.

Ice was sitting on the couch watching the news as Rooster sat next to him in silence. He looked ever so slightly distraught.

Ice looked at him. "Are you okay?" Rooster looked at him.

"Have I lost him?" Rooster asked him. He was searching for any guidance and for the first time, I've wasn't able to give him any.

"Son... I don't think anything is truly lost. You have to just search a little bit harder. You know what you're looking for, you have to make sure you want to find it." Ice said as he thought back to Maverick reaching out to Rooster all those years.

Despite all of the ignored calls, emails, texts, and letters, Maverick continued and continued forward. He never gave up...

Ice just hopes that Rooster does the Same in this situation. Cause if he doesn't... we'll not think about what would happen if he didn't.

Rooster simply nodded at what Ice said. Rooster looked like he had partially given up, but that drive to do better was glistening in his eyes.

"Get some rest kid. Got to bed." Ice said with a tired. Rooster simply nodded in response and went up to the guest room. Ice sighed and leaned back into the couch and sighed tiredly.

A few weeks later, Ice was getting ready to go to bed when his phone rang.

He pulled his phone out and saw Husband show up on the front screen. A tired smile went across his face as he answered.

"Yes, Captain Mitchell?" Ice said as he went upstairs to his room. Maverick chuckled as he looked over the ocean.

"I just wanted to say hello. I hope that's okay, Admiral." Maverick said with another chuckle except this one sounded a bit more on the exhausted side, and ice knew.

"You sound tired..." ice said as he looked out the window and over the ocean. There was a bit of silence before the response.

"Yeah... yeah I am tired. Flew two missions today with Hangman. He's already passed out in our sleeping area. He's also been significantly ignoring his phone." Maverick said as another F/18 landed on the flight deck.

"I'm not surprised... Roos- Bradley hasnt been as well.. he didn't know that Hangman was leaving for deployment that day you guys left. That's why he didn't say goodbye to either one of you." Ice said as he put Mav on speaker and got changed for bed.

"Damn... I know I told him though. I guess things got confused in the shuffle." Maverick knew rooster wouldn't miss saying goodbye for a deployment. Rooster had this feeling that would always eat him up if he didn't give his farewells. He remembered the one time Rooster told him it reminds him of what happened to his dad.

"Yeah... I mean, he would've gone down there to say bye to you guys." Ice said as he sat on the bed.

"That he would. It'll be okay, they'll both be okay." Mav looked at his ring and was silent for a bit.

"You're thinking aren't you..." ice said, breaking the silence. Maverick chuckled slightly and nodded even though ice wasn't looking at him.

"You're gonna come home. Don't let those thoughts get into your head." Ice said sternly.

"But what if I don't, Tom." Maverick said as he felt Like crying. A lot of stuff had been happening in the last few days, hell, last few weeks and it was all getting to him real bad.

"Pete... Pete Mitchell, I'm not saying this as your husband, but as your commander. You are an excellent pilot. Probably the best of the best. You have gone through the fire and came out stronger. Don't let a measly deployment make you falter in your steps. I'll be right here waiting for you to come home." Ice said oh so eloquently. Maverick wiped his eyes and nodded.

"Understood?" Ice said.

"Yes Sir..." maverick said as he took deep breaths. Maverick looked at his ring and thanked the stars above he was given such a caring spouse.

"Well... how are you?" Maverick asked, moving on from his little emotional scene.

"I am alright. Really tired. I have to head into work tomorrow for a few hours cause the secretary of defense needs to have a chat with TOP GUN." Ice said as he set his alarm.

Maverick raised a brow. "Secretary of Defense? Interesting... isn't it usually serious when he comes rolling in?"'

"He gave me the order for the mission you crashed in with Phoenix, Bob, and Hangman." Ice said bluntly.  "Which means your time at TOP GUN isn't done just yet." Ice said with a serious tone.

"Wouldn't and couldn't imagine it. Well... I'll let you go. Get some sleep, and tell me how the meeting goes when I call again." Maverick said.

"Sounds good to me. Love you, be safe." Ice said with a soft smile.

"Love you, no promises. Bye." He hung up.

Ice sighed and just laid down and started the long process of trying to sleep.

Rooster was in his room staring at the ceiling. He had his phone in his phone, with Hangman's contact selected. He struggled to call him for the past few weeks.

He sighed and then looked at his phone, pressed a number and lifted it to his ear. He wanted him to answer the phone, he wanted Hangm- Jake to answer.

He just wanted to ability to explain himself. He didn't want them to crash and burn already, he wanted them to last a long while.  Even voicemail would be fine too... at least he could say what happened there.

He was about to give up when.

"What..." a voice said to Rooster. Roosters eyes widened. "Jake... are you okay? I'm assuming you made it safely?" Rooster said with teary eyes.

"Yeah... yeah I made it. I've been here for a few weeks." Hangman said. It sounded like he was in his quarters, and was getting ready to pass out.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not coming to the airport, and I'm sorry for pressing about your fiancé. I, I just struggle with lack of information because of the shit that happened between Maverick and I. Please understand I didn't want to know because I wanted you to revisit bad memories, I just wanted to know so that our relationship wouldn't suffer." Rooster started to tear up.

"And I'm sorry I didn't go to the airport to say goodbye. I... I didn't know you were leaving today. I thought maverick said the day after, but I just misheard. Please.. please forgive me."

Hangman was silent for a moment.

"Did you mean it when you said you were signed up for a 'part' when dating me?" Hangman said tiredly.

"No.... No no. I didn't mean that at all. I don't even know why I was stressing about it. I kissed you for a reason at the wedding, and I called you my boyfriend in front of my parents for a reason. It's because you are my boyfriend and I love you a lot. I know I'm probably saying that prematurely, but... I feel like right now it is due." Rooster said confidently.

Hangman closed his eyes and smiled tiredly. "Alright... I might forgive you and your stupid face." Hangman said as he switched from phone call to face time.

Rooster accepted it and smiled softly.

Hangman propped his phone up against the wall of his bunk and plugged it in. His hair was a mess and he looked comfortable.

"Stay on the line with me while I try to sleep?" Hangman said.

"I was gonna ask you the same." Rooster said as propped his phone up and plugged it in.

"Alright... I'll see you tomorrow then." Hangman said as he started to fall asleep.

"See you tomorrow."

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