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Maverick listens to every voicemail Ice left.

He listened to each one more than once. It's what gave him comfort during his first night here. It already felt like days had gone by.

He was so ready to go home.

He wanted to be with Ice, and hangout with his seven ducklings. He just wanted to be at home at this point in his life.

He needed to find a way to get home. He opened the phones messages and went to Ices name in his text messages.

Admiral Kazansky (darling)

He took a deep breath and started to type something.

Maverick: alive. injured. Second battleship. Sink it. 

Maverick pressed sent and prayed the message would go through. He needed it to go through. Even though maverick wanted to go home, he had to think about the fleet in the pacific.

If these guys got too close, it would be a bloody battle and they didn't need another.

Suddenly the door to his prison opened up. "Bring him out here." The gentleman from the day before said. Maverick suddenly realized his mistake. They were tracking all signals going to and from the ship.

"Damn it..." he said as they yanked him out of the cell and took his phone. He winced as they threw him onto the ramp. The gentleman took Mavericks phone and threw it overboard.

Maverick kicked the guy but was promptly punched to the ground.

"Damn you hit hard..." maverick said with a chuckle. He looked up at the guy with a bloody nose. The guy who he assumed was the commander walked over.

"I've heard you're unkillable... so, we're going to test that theory today."' He waved his men over. "Take care of him..."

Ice was sitting in his office typing on his computer when suddenly his phone vibrated. He ignored it and continued his work.

As he continued, rooster came in with two cups of coffee. He handed one to Iceman, and sat next to him. The office felt cold and sad.

"You okay?" Rooster asked.

"I don't even know kid... I'm kind of just forcing myself to work at this point." Ice said as he sent the email he was typing, and then closed his computer.
He grabbed his phone and sighed as he looked at the message.

His eyes widened. He got up, nearly shooting his chair back ten feet. "Ice?"

"Alive... injured... second battleship, sink it." Ice said.

"Who's that from?" Rooster said curiously.

"Maverick..." ice said as a faint smile appeared on his face. He quickly shoved his phone into his pocket. "Get to the airport, get your flight suit on. Tell the others."

Rooster ran out as he typed on his phone.

Seven Ducklings

Rooster: EVERYONE! URGENT! Get to the hangar, be in flight suits and get jets fired and ready

Phoenix: okay!? Under whose command.

Fanboy: my thoughts exactly. It is starting to rain

Coyote: ^^

Payback: ^^

Rooster: by order of the COMPACFLT. We're heading to the same ship as Hangmnan. We're sinking the second ship and whatever comes into our waters.

Phoenix: damn. Gotcha

Coyote: on our way

Payback: ^^

Fanboy: ^^

Rooster ran to his car and quickly drove to the airport as fast as he could.

When he arrived, so did everyone else. Even Bob was there. They all rushed into the prep room and started pulling their flight suits and gear on.

Bob was going to transported via helicopter cause he wanted to participate in the situation room.

Bob walked over to Phoenix as she did her checks. "You ready for this?" He asked. She shook her head.

"No. I'm not." She said as she looked at him. He stepped forward to her and kissed her forehead. "You're gonna do amazing... the moment you land, I'll be on the ramp and I'll give you a proper kiss. Okay?" He said lovingly.

She nodded and hugged him. "Okay. I'll be back soon. Maybe you'll be able to encourage me?" She said with a smirk as she continued her checks around. Bob smirked and walked off with Cyclone and Warlock to get to the helicopter that was heading out to the aircraft carrier.

Phoenix, Fanboy, Rooster, Payback, and Coyote were up in the air in record time. They all headed in formation until their heard another jet speeding up in front of them.

"Who's this?" Phoenix said.

"Your COMPACFLT." Iceman said. The group was shocked he made it out here that fast.

"Didn't know you were coming along, Dad." Rooster said as he looked over at his jet. It was his for sure. Had his name and everyone on it.

"Figured I might as well help take out the assholes who tried to kill my fleet. And my husband of course." He said with a chuckle.

"Admiral Tom Kazansky, you should not be flying with this fleet!" Cyclone said over the intercom. Ice chuckled and pressed his tall button.

"Cyclone, I have every right to fly this plane. I am still certified, and, the plane has my name on it. And, last I checked, I give you orders. Get to the carrier. This fleet will be pushing forward towards the enemy. I will brief them in the air." Ice said.

"Sir. You're only doing this because your husband is on that carrier." Cyclone said.

"Then why am I going to sink the ship?"

The group went silent. "My husband is a concern, but the safety of the pacific fleet is more important in mind. There are six more battleships coming in behind the main one. We need to take out the main one, and have them lose their point of reference."  Ice said seriously.

Cyclone couldn't deny that it was a good plan.

"Fine... then who is going to get Maverick?" Cyclone said. Ice raised a brow. "Who isn't in the air."

"I'm not." Bob said.

"Woah hey hey... you're a civilian now!" Phoenix said quickly.

"Yes, but-"

"Hangman can go with him." Ice said. "Bob, if this mission is a success and you make it out alive, I will send in a request for you to work logistics at top gun for reserves. You still deserve to be in the military, even if not to the extreme that you wanted." Ice said as the group made it to the ocean.

"Thank you sir. I appreciate it." Bob said.

"No problem. Now, disconnecting from main communications. Pushing to 500 knots." Ice said.

The group followed suit.

"Let's do recon, and then head on over to our ship."

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