Final Salute

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Maverick woke up the next morning and stared at the ceiling blankly.

He heard his phone ringing and ringing and ringing.

He didn't want to answer.

But, he knew he needed to. He sat up and reached over for his phone and answered. "Yes..."

"Hey.  It's Cyclone." Maverick looked at the clock and saw it was 8:00, the funeral was in an hour.

"What's wrong Cyclone?" Maverick said. Cyclone sighed, "I just wanted to check on you, Same with Warlock. You're the Air Boss and the commander of Top Gun, and were worried about you." He said.

Maverick just got up and stared out the window. "So... how are you?" Cyclone asked.

Maverick lowered his gaze and teared up. "I'm doing really shitty actually." He said as he felt everything crashing all at once.

"Can I explain it with planes?" Maverick said with a teary chuckle.

"Absolutely." Cyclone said with a chuckle. Maverick cleared his throat and thought. "It's like I'm pulling G's, all the while diving towards the ground." Maverick said as he opened the closet and pulled out his uniform.

"I understand Maverick... it's hard. If you don't want to be at the funeral, we all understand wholeheartedly. If I lost Warlock, I don't know how I would react." He said.

"I have to go. I need to say one last farewell to him. I need to." He said.

"Understood. We will be there to support you. Please don't be afraid to be emotional in front of us. I have seen sailors fight to be calm, when all they needed was to let it out." Cyclone said.

"Thanks... I'll see you all there." He said as he hung up. He looked at his uniform and took a deep breath as he went to take a shower.

He got into the shower and the let water hit his head. He stared at the ground and covered his face and took deep breaths.

He had prepared a speech about two days before, but he wasn't sure if he even wanted to go, but then he knew he needed to be there for his kids.

Maverick eventually got into his uniform, got out to the car and drove to the funeral grounds. He Parked, and walked in.

He strolled past the graves and turned his head and took deep breaths as he walked to where he saw his group sitting together. Phoenix was sitting with Bob and they both were in uniform.

Rooster was consoling a crying Nicole as the group waited for Maverick.

Maverick took a deep breath and walked over to the group. He felt a lot of eyes on him, but he just nodded and walked up and sat with his son and daughter.

Bob took the other twin from Phoenix and placed them back in their carriers.

Suddenly the president walked into the area and took a seat. Maverick didn't say anything to him.

The group stood as Maverick got up and went to the podium. He cleared his throat as the coffin stood behind him.

It felt like it's presence suffocated him.

"You all may sit..." he said as he pulled his speech. He hid his eyes under the lid of his cap.

"Tom "Iceman" Kazansky - Mitchell. The Commander of the Pacific Fleet, a Top Gun Graduate, a father figure to the dagger squad, step father to Rooster, a grandfather, a hero, and... and my husband." He said as he wiped his eyes.

"He served for all of his life. He loved it when he got to serve his nation.  He loved it when he got to experience the navy in different decades, when he got to see all of the men and women, and how he got to see and experience the navy changing their regulations surrounding the LGBTQ+ community." Maverick said as he turned the page.

"He was the love of my life..." he said as his voice broke. He looked down slightly. "He gave me everything. A family, love, a partner, a wingman, a career, he even gave me hope... he was everything I had ever dream of. From a young age." He said as he looked up with teary eyes.

"When I was in the navy as a Lieutenant, he came into my life and helped me understand my sexuality, he helped me even come out. It was hard, but he was there for every step of the way. Even to our wedding, my crashes, my time as a POW and as a father. He was what kept me afloat." He held his tears back from falling.

"His whole existence is what kept me afloat. From mental health to my career, he was there. I... I honestly don't know what to do now without him here, but... I know he is finally at rest from his cancer." He took a deep breath and turned to Ices coffin.

"Tom, you may have heard what I said already, but I need you to understand that you were my life, you were who kept me alive, afloat, and just happy. I hope to see you one day again, so for now, thank you for your service, thank you for your love, and thank you for being my husband." He said as he turned back to the crowd and lowered the microphone.

The ceremony continued.

Maverick stepped in front of Ices coffin and saw the picture of his husband staring back at him. He couldn't keep up with his military bearing.

He unpinned his wings from His uniform, walked over and placed them on the coffin and pinned them into the wood.

He took a step back and saluted the coffin as his tears fell. The final salute from the jets flew over. The four flew over and then one went up to represent a fallen soldier.

He ordered arms and concluded the ceremony. He stepped forward and placed his hand on the coffin.

"Rest... you deserve it so much." He said as he broke into sobs. He felt so alone....

Until His family came over and covered him in their love.

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