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Linda's eyes widened as she saw Phoenix grip her blanket. Tears fell from her closed eyes as she laid there.

Maverick rushed around and held her hand. "Hey hey, it's okay. We're here." He said as Linda held her other hand.

"Don't... don't leave me...." She muttered in her sleep. Maverick rubbed her head as Linda whispered words of encouragement to her little girl.

"Come on Phoenix... there are people who miss you. They need you. You hold this group together. We need you..." Maverick said as he heart rate monitor started to pick up.

Suddenly it went back to where it was. She fell back into her sleep. Linda teared up and wiped her daughters tears away.

Maverick teared up himself and took deep breaths. "She's gonna come back soon..." he said quietly. Linda looked at Mav.

"She said that your words are what kept her going as the only girl in the program." She said.

Maverick chuckled slightly. "It was her words that kept me motivated as an instructor." He said as he started to let go of her hand until she squeezed his hand.

He looked at her and sighed. "I'll stay here kiddo... I won't go anywhere..." he said.

"Don't..... leave..." she said quietly once again.

Bob was packing up his side of the room. He packed all of his clothes. All of his gear, and all of his books. He left his white uniform out for the ceremony.

He sat down on his couch and sighed as he thought about this new adventure he was gonna take. "A teacher..." he said quietly.

He chuckled as he realized how much Phoenix would get a kick out of that. He didn't even get to tell her what he was up to.

He just realized how much he would give just to hear her voice again.

Maverick: Phoenix is starting become responsive. You need to get down here.

Bob looked at his phone and nearly fell off his couch. He slipped his shoes on and rushed to his car.

After eventually figuring his way to the hospital, he checked in and stumbled into the room. He was in his civies now.

Linda was asleep now. Maverick was half awake. "Mav?" Maverick looked up tiredly.

"Hey kid." He said as he sat up. Bob went over to where he was sitting at. "How are you?"

"I'm alive... just trying to see if she will wake up soon..." Mav said as he answered Iceman's text.
Mav looked at Bob who was watching her carefully.

"Talk to her..." maverick said. "Linda said when you spoke to her earlier, she started to become more responsive."

Bob couldn't believe it. "Me...?" He looked at her and suddenly had an idea. "Don't you dare laugh at me. Got it Mav?" Bob said seriously.

Mav nodded. He is open to anything that would wake her.

Bob held her hand gently and started to sing a song quietly to her.

I would never fall in love again until I found her...

This was a song that she would listen to on repeat. He remembers when the two of them went on a trip and she was belting this out with the biggest smile on her face.

I said "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"

He loved hearing her sing her heart out. It was cute. He loved everything about her. He loved her smile, her  determination, her competitiveness, her dedication, everything about her.

I was lost within the darkness but then I found her...

He stopped singing when he felt her squeeze his hands. "Natasha... please..." He said.

He was on his knees as he held her hand. "I miss you so much... everyone does. I want to be able to say goodbye before I don't even get to work with you anymore..." he said as he looked at her. He noticed something peeking out of her flight suit pocket.

He reached over and pulled it out. It was the picture of him when he picked her up bridal style. She had the biggest smile on her face.

He placed it back into her pocket and placed his forehead against her hand. "Natasha... please..."
She squeezed his hand as the monitor picked up. He looked at the monitor and stood up.

"Come on Natasha! I'm right here... I'll be right here till you tell me to go away. I promise you that. I'll answer your calls in class, answer your text messages, let you come over for lunch, let you bother me, whatever... just come back to all of us... come back to me..." he said as he teared up.

He closed his eyes as he suddenly felt a hand leave his and then touch his face. He opened his eyes and met the gaze of the one and only Phoenix.

"Can... I come bother you during work?" She said quietly, with her voice hoarse. Bob teared up and nodded with a smile as tears fell down his face.

"Yes! Yes! Everyday for how ever long you want!" He said as he squeezed her hand. Linda opened her eyes at the commotion and then saw that her little girl was awake.

"Natasha!" her mother Hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek. Natasha patted her mothers back slightly as she pulled away.

Maverick watched happily. Phoenix smiled tiredly through her oxygen mask. Bob took a step back and leaned against the wall feeling like he could breathe.

He pulled out his phone and texted the group.

7 Ducklings

Bob: she's awake! She's responsive and is alright

Bagman: oh thank God...

Roo: YES! Thank goodness

IOU (Payback): that's our powerhouse!


Coyote: in knew she'd be okay

Bob watched as Maverick walked over to him as the doctors came in to check up on her. "She can be picked up tomorrow. We can call you when she is ready. We need you to leave now." The doctor said.

Phoenix reached out for Bob as the doctors rushed him and Maverick out. Bob sighed in relief and sank to his knees.

"She's okay..."

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