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Bob stepped down and got his own microphone. He chuckled softly as he looked back at Phoenix who was now sitting down.

"How am I supposed to top that? That was probably the perfect post-wedding speech." He said getting a chuckle out of the group.

He sighed and rubbed his neck. "I guess I can try to do just as good." He said as he thought.

"I... I had a rough childhood." He said starting off.

"My father was an abuser verbally and physically. It affected me so bad to the point I didn't want to experience love or physical love ever in my life. Cause if my father, a person who apparently loved me, treats me like this... how would I be able to love anyone." He said looked around the group.

"I refused to date anyone. I refused to fall in love honestly..." he took a deep breath.

"Until I met Natasha..." he said as he looked at her.

"She reminded me of a superhero. Someone who could protect me, someone who would be able to beat the villain of my story, who was my dad." Everyone stayed quiet.

"And she really was a superhero... she flew in the sky, protected those who needed it, and was always able to succeed. Even when we crashed together, she was still my superhero." He said starting to get emotional.

He never talked about the crash.

"For those of you who didn't know, my heart stopped on that mission. I had ejected at close ground range, and had gotten shot. I was a walking deadman. I'm here today, at my wedding cause she fought for my life. She performed CPR, patched my wounds, stayed awake to take care of me, and even gave me her blankets to keep me alive." He wiped his eyes.

"If I was at home... my family would've watched me die. So, when she did all of these things for me, that's when it clicked. This was the kindness that I had been deprived of in my life. She treated me with kindness for the first moment..." he lowered the microphone and took a deep breath.

Phoenix wiped her eyes and listened.

"That's when I knew I needed to keep this superhero In my life." He said as his voice broke slightly.

He just realized how he never had any love in his life until she showed up.

"I.... I made it my mission to keep her in my life." he rubbed his neck.

"Do you know how important it was to have my scars be called beautiful in a moment when I was most vulnerable? Do you know how much joy that gave me?" He said with a chuckle.

He looked at Phoenix. "You, you were my saving grace. I probably wouldn't have made it to this exact moment without you. You have fought for me, defended me, and loved me. I can't wait to be your husband for the rest of my life, be the father of your children, and be your partner. You are the brightest, kindest, and most wonderful human being I've ever had the pleasure of calling my wife. Here's to you, my first and last girlfriend, and forever my wife." He said.

Phoenix got up and ran over to him and hugged him. He hugged her tightly and hid his head in her shoulder and teared up more.

Everyone stood and clapped for him.

"I love you..." she said.

"I love you too." He said back.

The group all got settled and continued to enjoy their night.

Phoenix and Bob decided to go for a walk on the beach. She had changed into a dress for comfort and he was out of his uniform at this point.

The two walked hand in hand. She was bare foot as he walked next to her. Her earrings reflected the light from the moon.

The two walked in silence until she stopped him. He looked at her. A tired joy covered her face, making her just as bright as the moon.

"I love you. I love you a lot..." she said.

He knew this. But he loved to hear it. She stepped closer and kissed cheek. "I love you to the moon and back."

She continued to kiss him and give him words of love after each one. She had him sat down, and just embraced him.

He let her.

She went to kiss his cheek again when she saw a tear go down his cheek. "Bob?" He just smiled softly and leaned forward and kissed her. He kept her close.

She knew this was a lot for him. She knew he still wasn't used to being told he was loved. She just figured she could express that more right now.

He broke the kiss and looked at her. She smiled softly at him and poked his cheek. "Save it for the honeymoon, cutie."

He chuckled and nodded. "Yes ma'am."

She just took his hand into hers. "Let's head back."

Maverick and Ice watched their dagger squad dance, drink, laugh, and have a grand ole time.

Maverick sipped on a beer as he watched them. He glanced at Ice who had tears in his eyes. "You okay?" Maverick asked.

"Do you think I'll be around for at least one grandchild?" He said sadly. Maverick looked at him and then the group. "Of course. You're a strong man, I think everything will be alright." He said trying his hardest not to think about the negatives.

"If... if we had our own kids, what would we have named them?" Ice asked. Maverick lowered his beer and continued to watch the dagger squad.

"I wished for two daughters. One would be named Carol and the other Nicole." Ice understood why.

"What about you?" Maverick asked. Ice looked at his wedding ring as he put his head on Mavericks shoulder. "I wanted a daughter and a son... Penelope and Peter, name them both after you." Ice said.

"Nah... don't do that."

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