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Phoenix woke up to someone falling. She looked around and saw Bob on the ground, on his knees holding his side.

She rushed to his side as she realized he was having a panic attack. "I-I can't..." he gripped his shirt and cringed in pain because of his side.

She helped him back into the couch. "I got. Just talk to me!" She said thinking about how to help passengers who were hyperventilating.

"Uh um... what's your favorite color!?" She asked him as she held his hand. He was squeezing her hand so tightly.

"Y-yellow..." he said as he leaned his head back.

"Favorite plane?" She asked as she calmed her voice too. "F-18."

"Favorite Movie?" She said as she rubbed his hand. "Any Disney cartoons..." he said as he started to calm his breathing down. He took one deep breath, held it, and released it.

"Good job..." she said reassuringly. She pulled him up carefully. "I think you'll be more comfortable in your bed." He nodded as he walked with her, holding onto her as she helped lay him onto his bed.

He watched her closely as she covered him. "Night,Bob..." she said as she turned to leave. He leaned over and grabbed her wrist. She turned and looked at him.

"Please... please don't leave..." he said he looked down at the ground. She walked back over to him and sat on the edge of the bed and ran her fingers through his hair.

Almost as if it was second nature, he leaned into it. She smiled softly and sighed. "I'll stay here with you." She said as he scooted over slightly.

She laid down on her back as he started to fall asleep the moment she laid down. She faced him and smiled softly as took his glasses off his face.

"I'll be right here..." she said softly as she leaned forward and kissed his cheek like she did in the cave. He shifted slightly as she laid back down.

The next morning, Bob woke up and groaned quietly in pain. He pushed himself up slowly as he noticed Phoenix next to him.

He gazed at her. She truly was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. He reached over and pushed her hair out of her face.

He wondered if he would've been here with her if she wasn't there to fix up his wounds. He had a feeling he wouldn't be alive.

He laid back down and looked at her.

He knew he liked her.

He liked her a whole lot. She was a beautiful, smart, strong, and badass woman. He wanted to love her and spoil her like as if she was his girlfriend, but, he knew that would make things more difficult for the two of them.

He knew she wouldn't want that.

She stirred in her sleep and turned her back to him. He smiled softly and closed his eyes and was going to try and fall back asleep until they both shot up to rapid knocking at their door.

Phoenix sighed and got up. "I'm coming! Damn...!" She unlocked the door and opened it. Revealing Payback, Fanboy, Coyote, Hangman and Rooster.

"Yes?" She said annoyed due to the fact she was not a morning person at all.

"Beautiful beautiful Natasha...." Rooster said.

"What do you want?" She said with her head tilted in annoyance.

"Birdmans dads are inviting us for a barbecue and we're dragging you two introverts along." Payback said.

She sighed as she looked over at Bob. "Wanna go?" She simply saw him nod. She looked back at the group. "Give us a few minutes." She closed the door on them before any more could be said.

Bob got himself up and was changing into a loose t-shirt . She walked into her room and took off her t-shirt and searched for a tank top.

She pulled her tank top on, and tied her hair up. Bob walked past her room and accidentally glanced at her muscular self. He blushed slightly and continued to the living room.

"Ready to go?" She asked as she came out if her room. He looked at her, and wondered some nice guy hasn't asked her out yet.

"Yea I am." He said as he grabbed guys crutches and opened the door. The group cheered as they saw him. Bob smiled softly at the fact that's they missed him.

Phoenix followed behind. Bob ended up walking with the others in the front, while Phoenix walked with Hangman.

"Well?" She said quietly.

"We're a couple now." He said extremely quietly. "We're keeping it on the down low so things don't get weird in the group." He said with a faint smile .

She could tell he was happy. "Congrats... I'm proud of you." She said as she watched Bob slowly go down the stairs with the other three.

"How's it going with you?" Hangman asked her. He looked at her and saw her expression have them smallest indications of sadness.

"You're still afraid." He said.

"Of course I am." She said as she started to go down the other set of stairs. Hangman sighed and ran after her. "Why haven't you asked?"

"For the same reason you haven't told everyone. I can't make it weird. We are Top Gun pilots... our performance has to be tip top 24/7.... And if I'm performance goes down simply because I'm in love, guess who will be the first one to be washed out. And guess who else that would hurt? BOB, all of you." She said as she waited by the car.

Hangman realized and sighed. "I see..." he said.

She sighed and just got into the vehicle as everyone else got in. Bob was put in the front as the other complained about sitting in the back.

She looked at Bob as he sat in the front smiling and laughing as he heard the complaints. She just closed her eyes and tuned it out.

The group made it to Mavericks house. Rooster got out and walked over to his dad and smiled. "Hey dad!" He walked over and was pulled into a hug by Maverick. The two hadn't seen each other since they docked at port. Rooster chuckled and hugged him back.

"Are you two idiots finally a couple?" Maverick said quietly.

Rooster rolled eyes and nodded. "Yeah we are." He said as Hangman walked over.

"Good. You figured it out." Maverick said with a chuckle the one and only COMPACFLT came into a view.

All of the pilots froze as they looked at him. Iceman smiled and motioned to Maverick. "Coming dear." Maverick said with a joking tone.

"Not what we were expecting to see today." Payback said.

"Nope. Not at all."

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