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The two walked each other down the aisle. They stood in the front where Ice was standing.

Phoenix stood as Roosters best man, and Coyote was on the side of Hangman.

"Today! We are gathered here to celebrate a marriage between two pilots who developed and unexpected love story." Ice said with a soft smile.

"The two met at Top Gun. They were rivals... they hated each others guts due to their two personality's and techniques clashing with each other. They drove each other crazy until they were called back for a mission. The two were wingmen for the nearly impossible mission they never thought would happen."

Rooster looked at Hangman under the rim of his cap.

"During this mission, Rooster had saved the life of his future fiancé in enemy territory, kept him safe, and brought him home. The two grew from that moment and grew closer and closer... from watching the other almost crash, and the other got into a mission to save the life of their mentor. Clearly, it was time."

Hangman met roosters gaze and smiled softly.

"They have now decided to dedicate their lives to each other. Since the wedding bands are still being made, we will go to vows... Lieutenant Bradshaw, you may start."

Rooster reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "Jake... when we were in flight school we learned we would have a battle buddy. A person we were willing to go through hell with, and we would do it together. This is what this is. We are now going to be battle buddies for life. We are going to protect one another, fight for each other, cover the other when they're under fire, and fly together. You are the only person I see myself being with for the rest of my life.... I think that is because you and I remind me of my father and mother. You have the fire and energy of my mother which compliments my crazy personality."

Hangman looked at him surprised. He didn't know he reminded Rooster of his mother.

"We compliment each other... and I can't wait to see it for the rest of our forever."

Hangman smiled softly as he pulled out his piece of paper.

"Bradley, you have no idea how much you drove me crazy. You had a killer smile, beautiful eyes, gentle hands and a lovely personality. It was my shitty personality that caused me not to see it till now."

Everyone laughed at that.

"But now... I see you for the angel that you are. Especially when you saved my life ... especially when I almost died in that plane... I heard the screams and pounding on my cockpit window. I never had anyone fight like that for me.... I then knew I was going to have you by my side for eternity." Hangman said as he wiped his eyes.

"I promise.... I promise to be the best husband ever, the best wingman to you, the best pilot so I can protect you, and the best husband for our children in the future. And I promise to be yours."

Rooster teared up and wiped his eyes.

"Do you, Lt. Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw take Jake to be your husband." Rooster nodded.

"Lt. Jake "Hangman" Seresin, do you take Bradley to be your husband?" Hangman nodded.

"By the power invested in me by the navy, I declare you married. You may kiss the groom."

Everyone cheered as Hangman took Roosters hand into his hand and pulled him into a kiss. Rooster squeezed his hands as he kissed him back.

Everyone cheered and clapped.

Rooster broke the kiss slightly and looked at him. "Were married now aren't we?"

Hangman nodded and smiled softly.

" yes we are."

"Damn it's actually happening..." rooster said.

"And that it is, Mr. Seresin- Bradshaw." Hangman said as he started to walk back down the aisle with him.

"That sounds good to me..."

Rooster and everyone started to party in Mavericks house. He danced with Hangman, with love filling his eyes.

He glanced around when he saw Phoenix by the front door in her flight suit pulling on her boots.

He kissed Hangman's cheek. "I'll be right back."

Phoenix started to go outside as she carried her duffel bag on her back. "Natasha!" Rooster said as she walked over to her car.

She turned and looked at Rooster who was walking over to her. She smiled tiredly and looked at him.

"You leaving...?" He asked. She looked down slightly and nodded. She was hoping he wouldn't have seen her leaving.

"Yeah... I'll be gone for a bit. There's some rumors that some shits going to go down in Hawai'i soon... so, I'll be down there in the aggressor squadron. Just in case..." she said.

Rooster looked as if he had tears in his eyes, she could barely tell.

"But don't worry too much about it! I'll be back home before you even know it-" he pulled her into a hug and stood there silently.

She felt him start to cry. Tears pricked her eyes as she hugged him tightly.

"I promise... I'll come back. I always do. I'm Phoenix..." she said as she felt like crying. This was worse than when she said goodbye to Bob...

Today was her brothers wedding and she couldn't even enjoy it with him. He pulled from the hug and looked at her.

"I'll be back before you know it..." she said with a sad smile. All he could do was nod. She knew he didn't believe her.

She took her dog tags off her neck and opened his hand, and carefully placed them into his palm.

"My amazing brother.... To prove to you I'll come home, here... keep these till I come home. I'll need them later."

Rooster held them and nodded slightly as she smiled softly at him.

"Congratulations... enjoy your time with him. Don't worry about me. Okay?" She waved and walked over to the drivers seat and rolled down the windows.

She looked at him once more.

"Give them hell..." he said.

She smiled softly and nodded.

"Of course I will... I'm the next ace in this group. What was I gonna do? Not give them hell?"

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