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The chaotic group got the airport the next morning.

Bob and Ice were in charge of navigating the airport, keeping track of tickets, and being the leaders of this endeavor.

Mav and Phoenix were supposed to take head-counts, make sure everyone was here, and kept track of carry ons.

Rooster and Hangmans job were to simply keep an eye on the trio of chaos that was behind them, which consisted of Payback, Coyote and Fanboy.

And then the chaos trios job was to keep the group on their toes. They probably had the most entertaining job out of all of them.

Bob sat in his chair looking at their flight route as Phoenix sat next to him. "You okay?" She asked as she noticed him being slightly frustrated.

"I don't understand why he didn't call me earlier to tell me about my mom and her situation." He said as he looked at her.

"I don't know why either, but, we're going to see her now, and you're gonna spend time with her." She said. Bob was scared about his mother passing...

He glanced at Phoenix. He knew he eventually wanted to propose to Phoenix, and the only person he wanted to be there at the wedding from his family was his mother.

Guess some things wouldn't work out...

He nodded and kissed her cheek as he motioned to everyone to get ready to board the plane. He took Phoenix's hand into his and kissed her hand.

"You're very correct. At least you'll get to meet my mom." He said as everyone got onto the aircraft. Phoenix squeezed his hand and nodded.

"And I can't wait.."

The group landed at Fort Worth. They got their bags and headed towards the exit. Bob was looking around until he saw a person holding a sign.

Robert Floyd and Company

He walked over. "Hi, I'm here to go see my father and family." The man nodded and motioned them to a black van.

"And this is where in the story we get kidnapped." Fanboy said with Coyote. Bob rolled his eyes as he got into the van. He had memories going back to when his father would sent people to pick him and his sisters up from school.

Not a word said to each other.

He shook them away and sat down with everyone. He knew he was going to hate this.

The group eventually made it to a rather large house. Way too big for a family of five. Bob saw his father standing outside as they went down the long driveway. He simply looked away as they pulled up.

The car parked and everyone got out starting with Maverick. He walked over to Bobs father and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you sir."

The Senator shook his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Never thought I'd meet the icon of the Navy." Maverick just chuckled, knowing that if he knew who he was married to his tune would change.

The Senator went around introducing himself to them all and then looking at Bob and simply ignoring his son. Bob clenched his fist as he followed his father inside.

Everyone saw the animosity the two had for each other.

Phoenix watched him worryingly. She knew he wasn't going to do well this week.

The Senator showed them around the home and stopped in front of a bedroom. "This is where my wife rests until her time to pass... I have some work to do, so, please introduce yourselves. Bob, your sisters will be here in an hour. Make yourself presentable."

Bob rolled his eyes and walked over to the door and opened the door slightly. He stepped in first as he motioned for everyone to follow him in.

He cleared his throat as he felt Phoenix hold his hand. "Mom?" He said. A woman with long blonde hair and striking blue eyes looked at him.

Her face went from confusion to the biggest smile. "Bobby!" She said as she weakly pushed herself up. Bob ran over and held her up. She held onto him as she shook slightly.

"Oh my... you've grown very strong my beautiful boy..." she said with a chuckle as she just gazed at him. Her eyes were filled with pure love and joy.

Bob was absolutely heartbroken. When he last saw her, she was able to hike and do things, but now... she was so weak she could barely stand. It took everything in him to avoid sobbing.

"It's good to see you..." he said as he lowered her back onto the bed. She coughed slightly but smiled brightly as she saw him. She held his hand. "It's been so long..." she said.

He nodded slightly as he cleared his throat. He looked at Phoenix and motioned her over. She walked over as he took her hand into his. "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Natasha or you can call her Phoenix."

"Hi Mrs. Floyd." Phoenix said as he knelt down in front of his mother so she wouldn't have have to get up. His mother gasped and then looked at her in awe.

"How did you find such a beautiful girl in the navy, Bobby!?" She said as she held Phoenix's hand. "I told you being a pilot has its perks." He said jokingly.

Mrs. Floyd nodded in agreement as she simply gazed at Phoenix. "You are such a beautiful girl... please take care of my little Bobby. He's so bad at expressing himself, smiling, or even talking."

Phoenix was worried about that statement but she just smiled and nodded. "Of course..."

Phoenix stood and looked at Bob as he started motioning everyone else over. She sensed he didn't want to be here.

She sensed tension and stress radiating off of him... it was concerning to her. She knew she would need to ask him later when everyone else was away.

She simply just continued to engage with the group, smiling and laughing as they all gave this women their love and attention.

"Oh oh!" She said with a smile.

"My name is Gabby!" She said brightly.

"It's so night to meet you all."

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