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Bob looked outside the door and then motioned for hangman to follow him.

Hangman sorta kinda walked with Maverick. "How many minutes we got?"

"5..." Bob said as the trio started to speed walk to the helicopter.

"We need to hurry up." Maverick said weakly. Hangman looked around and saw oxygen tanks on the ramp. "Ooo... Bob. There's a distraction at your 2 o'clock." Bob looked and nodded.

He aimed and shot the oxygens tanks which resulted in an explosion. Everyone started to run over to a fire that was spreading.

Hangman picked up Maverick and ran to the chopper with Bob. Bob jumped in and got into the pilots spot and started to turn the helicopter on.

"Perfect, full tanks." He said as hangman got maverick seated and rushed over to the copilot spot. Bob turned everything on and waited for the chopper to warm up.

Hangman shot a few people who got to close. "Finally! We can go!" Bob pulled up and pulled away from the ship.

"Shoot the flare!" Bob yelled as he handed hangman the flare. Hangman aimed down and shot the flare.

The radar plane got the signal. "Dagger Squad, infiltration squad are successful. Feel free to engage."

Ice took off of the ship first and then everyone else followed suit.

Bob connected the coms to the battleship. "USS Abraham Lincoln, This is Lt. Robert "Bob" Floyd flying a hijacked aircraft. We are about 15 miles out and requesting priority landing. We have a POW, and need medical attention upon landing." He said.

"Lt. Floyd, permission granted to land. All F/18s are in the air. No other aircraft will take off until you land. Medical attention will be waiting." Bob sighed in relief.

"Thank you. Will be landing shortly." Bob continued forward as Hangman noticed Bobs head bleeding. Hangman placed a bandage onto the cut on his head.

"Thanks Jake..." Bob said tiredly. Hangman nodded and sighed. "You are one hell of a pilot..." maverick said from the back seat.

"That's a major compliment coming from you sir. But right now, you need to rest. You are losing blood, talking will make it worse." Bob said.

Maverick nodded and stopped talking as the sound of fighter jets roared as they went the opposite direction they were going. Bob saw the ship in the distance.

Soon they all landed and Bob quickly turned off the aircraft and got out with Hangman. The two got maverick out of the helicopter and to the medical team.

At that moment both Bob and Hangman sat down and let out a sigh of relief. "I'm exhausted..." Bob said.

"Same... " he said as he laid down by the helicopter. "I have a new meaning for your call sign." Hangman said. Bob rolled his eyes. "Baby On Board isn't good enough?"

"Nah.... Badass On Board suits you better." Hangman said with a chuckle. Bob smiled softly and that and chuckled. "Thanks man."

Hangman saw bruises and cuts on Bob. "Let's get you to the medbay."

Iceman raced forward and watched as the battleship came into the focus.

"Rooster, Phoenix, aim for the tower so there are no communications to the other ships, Payback, Fanboy, and Coyote blow the ship to hell."

Ice went past this ship to the rest in the fleet coming towards them. "Should we help him?" Phoenix said.

Rooster shot at the tower with her. "No, he can sink a few carriers on his own."

The group sunk the ship and headed back over to where Ice was. Ice was heading back towards them. They all flew a bit further ahead and saw he had sank 5 out of the 6. They were all shocked. "Ice, why'd you leave one behind?"

"So he can tell his commander back in their country not to mess with the pacific fleet." The other five turned around and went back to land.

Phoenix was excited and nervous. She didn't know how or if Bob got back. Which was making her nervous. Ice landed first and then everyone all landed one by one.

Phoenix landed and got her plane Parked. She opened her canopy and took her helmet off and sighed in relief. She climbed out of the jet and looked around. She saw Hangman but didn't see Bob.

She stayed where she was as another jet landed which ruined her view off where Hangman was. She watched the plane and then saw Bob running towards her as the crew started to park the plane.

She teared up and hugged him as he came over to her. She held onto him and smiled. "You're okay."

"Of course I am." He said as he held her close. He pulled from the hug and kissed her like he promised. She looked at him and just sighed in relief.

"Love you..." he said.

"Love you too."  She said.

Ice placed his gear away and kept his flight suit on. He walked out of the gear room and walked down to the medbay. He stopped in front of Mavericks door and knocked on the door, before stepping in.

Ice stepped and saw Maverick sitting up and getting treated. Maverick didn't notice him until he stepped over to him.

Maverick looked at him and smiled weakly. "There's my Ace..." ice teared up and walked over to him. Maverick looked at him as Ice simply scanned Maverick.

He saw the bruises, cuts, and blood on him. Yet, through all the pain. Maverick smiled softly at him and just leaned his head against his chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't answer your call..." Mav said quietly. Ice simply rubbed his head and neck.

"You're barely forgiven." Ice said as he felt relief wash over him that maverick was right here, and Alive. That was all he asked for.

"I'll take barely..."

The nurse left the room as ice lifted mavericks chin up towards him. He leaned down and kissed him gently. Maverick kissed him back and teared up slightly.

"Thought Id never see my wingman again." Maverick said. Ice chuckled. "He will always be right here." As he said that the others came barging in.

Rooster was arguing with the nurse saying he was maverick and iceman's biological, hangman was saying he was the son in law/ son, Phoenix said that she was their only daughter, Bob just kinda... snuck into the room, Coyote was arguing with fanboy and payback over who was the best older son, which then brought rooster into that arguement.

Ice rolled his eyes. "Lieutenants!" He said loudly. They all froze and looked at him. The nurse looked terribly confused. She looked at him.

"They're all able to come on in."

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