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Rooster stayed with Ice the entire night.

Not a word was said. Only the sound of crying was heard in the room.

Neither one knew what to say to each other.

Until Ice broke the silence with the most painful words. "I didn't... I didn't even get to say goodbye to him..." rooster looked down at his hands and teared up more at that.

"He called me..." rooster said sadly. Ice looked at him. His gaze was almost distraught. "He told me to take care of you." Rooster said as his voice broke slightly.

Ice sat up and took the oxygen mask off.

He pulled his jacket on and wiped his eyes. Rooster watched his father force himself to calm down. "Dad... you need to rest."

Ice looked at him and shook his head. "I am the Commander of the Pacific Fleet. We are at war right now... I don't have time to rest. Plus..." he said as he started to walk out.

"I have a funeral to plan."

Ice made his way back to his office and started to bury himself in his work. He started strategizing new moves with the people working with him, working on the tasks given to him.

He also had to get ready to give an announcement to the pacific. The official declaration of war. Each commander of each region gave their respective speeches.

Ice was sitting in a chair getting ready for the television as his seven ducklings walked in. Ice looked at them. "Aren't you five, supposed to be training?"

"We don't have an instructor." Phoenix said. Ice sighed and nodded.

"That's fine..." he stood up and straightened out his suit. "Pardon me. I have a speech to go give." As he turned all of them hugged him. He froze and looked down.

"Thank you kids..." they let go as he stepped out. His ice cold personality showed as he walked in front of cameras and reporters. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"We are at war. The rival nation broke a treaty. This treaty had them staying away from our waters. Instead of following suit with our treaty, they declared on our nation. They were a security risk to have in our water, so, one of the two battleships were swiftly removed and destroyed by some of the best pilots I have ever seen." Ice felt the tears coming to his eyes.

He just wanted to see his husband so badly. In the middle of the announcement, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture and placed it on top of his speech.

Something that he deemed more important than this whole affair. It was a picture of him and Maverick at their first fake wedding. He wiped his eyes and looked at the crowd.

"We will win this war at any cost." He said as he was about to walk off the stage.

"Sir! A question!" A woman said. He turned and looked at her. "Yes ma'am."

"Did you lose someone?" She asked. He sensed genuine curiosity in her question. He looked at the picture in his hand and nodded just a bit.

"My husband lead the strike. He didn't make it out." He said sadly as he walked off stage. The Secretary of Defense walked over to him.

"Why the hell did you tell them that he's dead?!" I've really didn't want to be yelled at right now.

"Because I have every right to tell the world my husband is dead. Now... let's go sink this second battleship. I do believe they have multiple fleets coming into our waters." Ice said sharply. The secretary of defense just walked away leaving ice with his kids.

Rooster walked over and hugged Ice tight. Ice hugged him back and hugged him tightly back. "I miss your dad so bad..." he said quietly.

"I know... me too."

The last battleship creeped further into US territory as another fleet was at least 10 miles behind this one.

This ship had a few jets on board, and one US F/18 jet on its ramp.

The enemy troops rushed onto it broke into the jet. There was an unconscious Maverick sitting there. The troops pulled him out which made him start to wake up.

He quickly realized what happened. He kicked them off of him. "Shit!" He said as he looked at his jet. Broken completely.

He suddenly remembered crashing straight into the ocean after he took a hit meant for Hangman. He needed to get out, but was promptly restrained and detained.

He was tossed into a cell on the ship by himself. "I wonder what he knows..." a gentleman said as he walked over to the cage.

"You're the famed pilot, Maverick..." the gentleman said.

As much as maverick wanted to say something to that, he kept his mouth shut. He looked down and avoided eye contact.

"Well... Maverick, you will be staying here till you die of either dehydration, hunger, or because I simply want you dead." He said as he started to leave but then stopped.

"Hm... you're the first POW of this war." He said with an chuckle. "Lieutenant! Make record of this." The man left turning off the light and closing the door behind him.

Maverick was in complete darkness. He sighed as he tried to reach into his chest pocket for his phone. He winced as the cuffs dug into his skin as he pulled his phone out.

He prayed that it would turn on. He quickly pressed the on button, and waited for the significant Apple logo to appear on the front.

It took a minute before it did. He sighed in relief as it started to boot up. The door to the cell opened as he quickly hid it under a blanket in the cell.

Maverick was dragged out of his cell to an interrogation room. He stayed silent the entire time.

"Time to chat maverick." The gentleman from earlier said.

Maverick didn't say a word.

After a few hours Maverick was thrown back into his cell. He winced as he pushed himself up against the wall. They punched him a few times, but he didn't say anything.

He had a feeling everyone on the ship was going to be sleeping around this time so he grabbed his phone and opened it. His heart broke when he noticed that Ice had called him multiple times since the announcement he was was MIA.

He pressed one of the voicemails.

"Pete... there's no way you're gone. You're the best pilot I know. I can't lose you right now. Please... please let me know you're okay somehow. I need something..." the message stopped.

Mav didn't call him for a reason. He didn't want him to worry.

But he realized that didn't help at all.

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