To the Rescue

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Maverick and his dagger raced towards the fleet.

"I wish we had that F-35... it packs a hard punch that we need." Maverick said as they flew over the now destroyed base.

"Phoenix is the only one out of us who is training to fly the F-35. If she can get up and running, then we might have a chance, but I don't see that happening." Rooster said as the enemy was getting closer.

"Very true... so. We need to aim low to sink the ships, but we need to take into consideration that they have long range weapons that can reached the base. This means they most likely have anti weapon artillery." Junior said as he flew underneath Maverick.

Maverick nodded. "Yes... so, we need to hurry and get the jump on them." They all went full throttle.

"I just wanna say this guys, it's an honor flying with you all." Hangman said as he switched to guns. Everyone did.

Rooster glanced over at Hangman's plane and then back in front of him. "It's Been an honor to fly with you all... especially you dad." Rooster said.

"Kids... I have never met a more prepared bunch like you all. You're all going to go far. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, you guys are the future of the navy. Just like Ice thought I was, I think you all are. Now... let's give these guys hell and get home."

"Let's head to the aircraft carrier first." Hangman said as they all turned to the right.

Phoenix woke up. She had an oxygen mask on her face and her side was tightly bound. She looked around and saw nurses looking at her.

"She's awake!" Fanboy yelled. Coyote ran and sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness..." she pushed herself up and winced.

She looked and saw Ice on a bed next to her. He had an oxygen mask on, and was hooked up to all sorts of machines. She frowned and started take the leds off of herself.

"Yo! Phoenix!"Fanboy said.

The nurses rushed in. "Lieutenant!" They said as they tried to make her stop getting up. "Test me, and clear me." She said as she looked at them.

They all looked confused. "Look... our communications with them are destroyed... I know I said there was only one aircraft carrier out there, but two came from another. They need the F-35 up there to help... there planes are good. I need to go up there." She said quickly.

The nurses looked at each other. Phoenix rolled her eyes. She stood up and walked about like normal. "You can test my eyes, and anything you want, but I need to get up there. And so do you two..." Phoenix said to Coyote and Fanboy.

A nurse just looked at her and started to do the tests to clear her.

Fanboy couldn't believe she was going to go up. Phoenix looked at him. "Go get suited up! We need to be out of here soon! Get to the east of the island and get your plane, I'll head down to where my F-35 is and so a short field take off."
Fanboy nodded and ran off with Coyote. 

"Alright, Commander, you're cleared to fly. Be careful though about your cut." They handed her a gentle painkiller.

"Here, so pulling G's won't feel like hell." She said.

Phoenix nodded and smiled. "Thank you ma'am." She winked and ran out the room. The nurse blushed. "Nice lady..."

Phoenix got suited up and ran over to her F-35. There was no time to preflight. She got in, turned the plane on, and looked for what was left of the runway. She found the longest one.

She put full power and took off and lifted up and headed east as Coyote and Fanboy were in the air. "Good! We need to hurry!" She turned and raced towards the enemy fleet.

Maverick flew with them to the aircraft carrier. He sat the fleet. It had the same amount of planes that Phoenix had reported.

He frowned and lowered himself closer to the runway. "If Phoenix shot down three jets last night, why hasn't the number on this carrier changed..."

Suddenly they were under attack. They all spread out and had an enemy jet on their tails. "There's another aircraft carrier!" He said.

Rooster raced down towards the original carrier. "It's a fake!" He said as he went vertical to avoid the enemy plane behind him.

"This carrier only has wrecked planes on it!" He said as he somehow got behind the plane and fired. The enemy plane landed in the ocean.

"Hangman coming over to you!" Rooster said as he turned and went full power.

They were all struggling. These were sixth generation fighters and they were all flying 4th generation.

Maverick took out one but it felt as if they just kept showing up. He had two on his tail. "I can't shake them!" He said as he went straight up.

He winced as he started pulling G's. He was getting so close to giving up when suddenly something shot at the jets behind him and knocked them both of the sky.

Maverick turned and looked as an F-35 raced right behind him. "Hey boys." Phoenix said as she leveled out. The remaining two enemy planes retreated and headed back towards their carrier.

"Phoenix!? Are you cleared to fly!?" Rooster said.

"Of course I am. I need to be." She said as she looked at her radar.

"Stay here. Get missiles ready. I'm going stealth." She turned her lights, and radar off and raced into the clouds. She was not heard, and she was not seen.

"Mav, aren't you higher ranking?" Hangman asked. Maverick chuckled and nodded.

"I am, but she knows what she's doing."

Phoenix looked for the aircraft carrier. She smirked when she found it. She took note of its location and turned back.

She turned her coms on. "5 miles ahead. Prepare to strike, missiles ready." She said as she raced pass them circling. They quickly race towards the carriers position.

"Maverick, lead the strike." She said as she came in behind.

"Yes ma'am."

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