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Rooster laid in bed, and woke up slightly. He felt his whole family curled up around him.

He had hangman against his back, and Nicole in front of him. He was about to go back to sleep when he felt his phone vibrate.

He didn't want to look at it.

He really didn't want to answer either. Something told him to look at it. He opened his phone and saw a message from Maverick.

Dad - can you meet me at the hangar?

Rooster looked at the time and sensed a sadness behind it. He simply sent a thumbs up, and carefully crawled out of his families little cuddle and got ready to meet Maverick at the airport.

Rooster arrived in the hangar and saw Maverick sitting there. Alone.

Maverick was in his typical jacket and was sitting on a chair in the classroom. The air was cold and crisp, which rooster hated.

He walked over and sat next to Maverick. He didn't say anything until he realized Mavericks eyes were red and slightly puffy.


"Do you... ever have those days where you realized you're going to lose a fight. Despite fighting so hard for it to end a certain way, it ends just awfully?" Maverick said as he looked at a paper.

Rooster knew too well. His mother was his prime example. She got better with her cancer and then crashed awfully.

"Why... why are you bringing this up?" Rooster said. Maverick handed Rooster the paper he was holding as he lowered his head.

Mr. Mitchell - Kazansky,
Your husband, Tom, has not been showing any significant improvement. He is getting weaker, the treatments aren't showing any positive help, and he is not going to make it to the end of the month. If he does, he will not be around much longer. We need to talk future-

Rooster couldn't read the rest. "Nothings working..." he held his head and looked out over the silent airport.

"He's not going to make it Bradley.... He's not going to make it to see Natasha's twins either. He just wanted to see all of you live your lives... that's all he wanted." Maverick said as he felt tears threaten to fall.

Rooster stood up and wrapped an arm Around his father. "Have you told Phoenix?"

Maverick shook his head. "I don't have the heart to tell her... she would be devastated. She's going into labor soon, I don't want to sadden her for one of the most important events of her life..."

Rooster nodded and sighed. "Let's go see Ice."

Ice laid in his hospital bed. His eyes were closed and he felt the silence caving in on him. He knew he wasn't going to make it.

He was fighting with everything in him. He just wanted to be around. He wanted to watch everyone grow and be happy.

He didn't like this feeling.

This feeling of slowing down and not being able to take care of himself.

It scared him. It made him fear what was coming for him in the future. He felt tears go down his cheeks as he opened his eyes slowly.

It even hurt to do that.

He slowly lifted his hand and wiped his eyes. He pushed himself up and looked in the mirror across from him.

His eyes widened as he realized how frail, and weak he had become. He lowered his head and just cried.

"Why... why..." he said as Maverick came in with Rooster. Ice just covered his face and cried in pain.

"Why can't I just be with my family!? I don't want to die!" He said as he heard Maverick run over to him.

"Ice... hey..."

"It's not fair!" He said as he pulled himself out of the bed. He limped over to the mirror. He saw how he was frail, and how he was ill.

He didn't feel alive.

Maverick simply walked over to him as wrapped his arms round him. He lowered his head and let the tears fall. "Why can't to be here with you... with the kids...?" Ice said.

Rooster watched feeling this awful deja vu.

Maverick kissed his cheek. "I don't know..." he helped ice back to his bed. Rooster then walked over and looked at his father.

Ice stared at the ceiling.

"I know it's hard that we will have to part one day... but... let's cherish the days we have now." Rooster said as he held Ices hand.

Ice squeezed his hand and closed his eyes tight. "I don't want to leave cause I don't want to cause you all pain..."

"We know... but you can't control it."

Rooster helped Maverick get Ice dressed and into a wheelchair.

They got him outside and walked him down to where the dagger squad was meeting. They were all going to a park for lunch.

Hangman was there playing catch with Nicole and Coyote.

Phoenix was sitting by the food with Fanboy and Payback discussing baby names, and Bob was grilling.

"We're here!" Rooster said as he pushed Ice over to the table. Phoenix smiled. "Dad!"

Everyone smiled and greeted him. Ice smiled and waved slightly.

Maverick sat next to Ice as he Listened to everyone's conversations. He smiled softly as he enjoyed being in everyone's company. He never wanted this day to end

Nicole ran over and climbed onto Ices lap. "Grandpa! Tell me flying stories again! They're so cool!" She said excitedly. Her blond hair and bright eyes shone with excitement.

Ice smiled softly and sighed. "Hm... what story should I tell you. Should I tell you when your grandpa and I flew or! When I saved people on the ground?" He asked her.

Her eyes lit up. "Can I hear about both!?" She said as ice chuckled.

"Of course."

He started to tell her his fascinating tales. She listened and hung on every word. He knew she loved these stories, and he would happily tell her then whenever she wanted.

This is all he wanted.

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