Recognition Of Heros

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"As you all know... in the last four days, the pacific was attacked harshly by the enemy forces after attempting to attack the White House." The president said.

"But... these pilots in front of you did their job beyond perfection." He said.

"Before you, stands Rear Admiral Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Commander Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Lieutenant Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Lieutenant Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Lieutenant Javy "Coyote" Machado, Lieutenant Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia, and Lieutenant Reuben "Payback" Fitch." The president said. Ice watched them all with pride.

"There were two other pilots, but we lost them in the missile strike as they attempted to get to their jets to protect Hawaii. Their names were Lieutenant William "Junior" Gold, and Lieutenant Andrew "Reaper" Jackson. May we have a moment of peace."

Phoenixes heart sank. She didn't know they didn't make it. Tears welled in her eyes. She lost those two...

She held back her tears as the president continued to talk.

"Today, we will be awarding and promoting our pilots today." The president said as he held ranks in his hands.

Maverick and Phoenix were already promoted so he walked over to Rooster.

He shook Roosters hand and handed him his Lieutenant Commander ranks. "Congratulations Commander."

Rooster nodded. "Thank you sir."

The president stepped and looked at hangman and handed him his ranks, shook his hand as well. "Congratulations Commander, and thank you again for your efforts in DC." He said as he continued down the line.

Everyone was promoted to Lieutenant Commander.

"I will not be promoting Phoenix or Maverick due to them already receiving promotion." He said as he opened a small box.

It was time for awards now.

"Today, I am presenting the Defense Distinguished Service Medal to Admiral Mitchell. He has served our nation without hesitation, and has done it gallantly each time. He proved this once again in the battle in Hawaii." The president walked over and pinned the medal onto his jacket.

He handed him the ribbon, and then saluted him. Maverick saluted him back.

"Next... I am presenting the Navy Distinguished Service Medal. This will be given to Commander Trace. She went above and beyond when fighting in combat. She organized the strikes, did a covert stealth mission alone in an F-35, and saved the lives of her fellow sailors. She did spectacularly." He walked over and pinned the medal and handed her the ribbon.

He saluted her, and she saluted back. He saw the tears welling in her eyes.

He lowered his arm and sighed. "Commander..." he said. She looked at him. "Yes sir..."

"It's okay to cry. They didn't have any family that would grieve them. You're their family." He said calmly.

She lowered her head let the tears fall. "Yes sir..."

"Next... I am presenting the Navy Combat Action Ribbon to all of the commanders. All of them have served in combat and survived while continuing to defend the people around them." He said as he saluted each one of them.

"I am also presenting the Navy and Marine Corps award for saving the life of Admiral Kazansky to Coyote. He performed CPR, and did other medical procedures on the battle field which revived the Admiral." He presented Coyote with his medal and saluted him.

He went back over to his podium.

"Now... I want to present awards to our three aces." He opened another box.

"Commander Trace has a confirmed air kill count of 9 enemy aircraft."

"Admiral Mitchell has a count of 8 enemy air kills."

"Lieutenant Commander Seresin with an air kill count of 7 kills."

He stood in front them all and handed each of them a Congressional Gold Medal.

"I would love to also recognize Fleet Admiral Tom "Iceman" Kazansky." The president said as he pulled a box out of his pocket.

Iceman looked at him. The president chuckled and motioned him up.

Ice looked at Maverick and then stepped up.

"I remember calling him when he we just Admiral Kazansky, and asked him. "Admiral... a war is looming over the islands and the nation. There will be attacks at the island. I need a leader who can protect the island and. nation with his life. Can you do it?" I remember his answer distinctly." The president looked at Ice.

"Sir. I swore years ago to support and defend the United States Constitution. If This means in combat and in the government, then yes sir... what do you need me to do." The president recited word for word. Ice stood there with a faint smile.

"He has since then, blown up an enemies fleet, command the entire country's navy, command in an active battle zone, command his jets while flying to the White House to defend me, command while hooked up to an oxygen machine after being revived. He even organized 50 C-130s to come to Hawaii to evacuate the population..." the president then opened his box and pulled out the Navy Cross.

"... all while fighting cancer." The president stood in front of him.

"Admiral. You have gone above and beyond. Thank you." He pinned the medal on Ice. The president saluted him, and nodded.

Ice saluted him back and then shook his hand. "Thank you so much sir..."

"No, thank you, Admiral."

Everyone stood and stared clapping and cheering. "Thank you all for participating." The president said. "Sailors, you are dismissed."

Phoenix stood with the group and looked at their awards. "I didn't know we had three aces." She said with an chuckle.

"Neither did I!" Hangman said with a chuckle. But he was promptly tackled by his sisters. They were scolding him for being reckless.

Ice went over and kissed Maverick.

Phoenix just watched everyone interact with each other. She rubbed her neck and looked around the crowd wondering where her people were.

She didn't see Bob anywhere.

"Dam-" suddenly someone hugged her tightly. Her eyes widened. She felt tears well up in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around the person.

She recognized this person. "Bob..." she said as she started to sob. Bob kissed her cheek and had tears go down his face.

"Look at you... Commander." He said with a teary smile. He handed her the flowers. "I thought you'd want to see something pret-"

She took her cap off and pulled him into a kiss. He smiled and kept her close.

She finally was back home.

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