Matching Rings

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6 years ago
Caroline and I chased each other around the yard squealing at the age of ten years old. My hair blows in my face before she tackled me into the ground rolling us around in the dirt. Being a twin is nice in my opinion because you know you'll always have a loyal friend since they are your family. It was horrible when our father left but I had my sisters shoulder to cry on throughout the long nights. "Girls, come here I have a birthday present for you two!" Our mother called from the back porch.

Caroline got to her feet first her blonde hair bouncing as we raced towards her. "What is it mommy?"

Splashing my brown boots in the mud I sit down beside our mother watching her reveal a small box from behind her back. She lifted the lid revealing two small rings laying inside of it. "These are matching rings to represent your friendship as sisters. As twins that will always have each other's back."

"For my little princess Maddie..." She slipped one ring on my finger making me smile at her. Then she slipped the other on my sister's right ring finger making her giggle. "And for my other princess Caroline."

Sitting at the foot of my sister's bed now I am almost in tears seeing a bite on her neck that was killing her. A couple months ago she had been turned into a vampire. Grasping my hand in hers she started sniffing tears too. "Care, you're gonna be okay. You aren't going to die I're my twin sister so I refuse to let you die."

"Mads...I am dying. A werewolf bite can kill a vampire.." She mumbled laying her head tiredly on the pillow until I heard foosteps approached her room. The stranger has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes that locked onto the two of us.

My sister bared her teeth in her weakened state. "Get out of here, Klaus!"

"He's the immortal hybrid..." I accidentally gasped feeling my face heating up. "He's kinda attractive."

My twin gives me a look of disgust before Klaus and I faced each other with me moving to sit on the other side of her bed. "I don't believe we've met. My name is Klaus. What's yours love?" He asked sitting down in the spot I was a few seconds before.

"Maddie, her twin sister." I replied when he lifted my hand to his lips kissing it before I let it drkp back onto the bed eyeing my sister who was still holding my other hand that I wore our ring on which is my right hand.

He reaches forward seeing a bracelet on her other wrist. "I love birthdays." 

"Yeah, Haven't you like.. a billion, or something?" My sister asked.

He locked gazes with her glancing to me only once. "Well you have to adjust your perception of time when you become a vampire, Caroline. Celebrate the fact that you're no longer bond by trivial human conventions. You're free."

"No, I'm dying." Caroline whimpered nearly breaking my heart in two.

Klaus and I locked gazes softly before he leans down whispering to my sister about her choice. "And I could let you die, if that's what you want. If you really believe your existence has no meaning. I thought about it myself, once or twice, over the centuries, truth will be told. But I'll let you know a little secret. There is a whole world out there, waiting for you. Great cities and art and music, genuine beauty. And you can have all of it. You can have a thousand more birthdays. All you have to do is ask."

"I don't wanna die." She whimpered before he rolled his sleeve down lifting her head up so she could bite him.

He whispered pushing her hair away until the bite healed. He gently layed her back down to sleep following me when I left the room. "Here you go, sweet heart. Have at it. Happy birthday Caroline."

"Why haven't I met you until now Ms. Maddie?" He asked leaning in the doorway of my sister's bedroom arms crossed over his chest.

Looking at the ground I bite my lip feeling my heart skip a beat when he says my name. I can't deny that his British accent might make me weak to my knees. If my sister ever knew that she would be disgusted. "My sister didn't tell me anything to protect me. I only know she's a vampire. Why do you ask mysterious stranger?"

"Knowing that do you think your sister would allow me to spend more time with you. Get to know you..." He asked with a small smirk unknown to me that he could hear my heart quickening at his question. Klaus already had a feeling that Caroline was protective of you. Yet in the brief moment you had only spoken your name there was something that drew him in. Where he needed to know who Maddie Forbes was.

Playing with loose strands of my hair I bite my lip taken back by his question. Growing up my sister and I are complete opposites. She was the outgoing one with confidence even though he always gets mad when Elena Gilbert is everyone's first choice and not her. And then there's me, the little shy younger sister by only a second. I haven't even had a real boyfriend yet. Just simple crushes here and there but none got to be my first kiss. "She's protective of me so I'm not sure about that. Recently she's been fighting this guy called the big bad hybrid. So you'd have to be a pretty good guy to get her approval."

"Ah I see. Well it's getting late I should let you get some sleep." Klaus stepped forward tucking a piece of hair behind my ear then heading out the front door. "Goodnight Maddie."

Once he's gone I rushed to the front closing it behind me when I leaned against awe struck. Twirling the ring on my finger I felt myself smiling ear to ear. "Thank you universe for letting me meet him." Tomorrow Caroline was going to tell me everything. I have to know who he is.

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