Keys to the Kingdom

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Pacing in front of the fireplace I held up the phone to my ear ranting to my sister Caroline. "Everything is fine, Care. I mean even though Elijah is being held captive by Marcel. And I think we saw a vision of our future twins...nevermind I guess everything isn't fine." Running my fingers through my hair I throw my head back feeling my fangs trying to come out since I haven't had blood yet today.

"Well it sounds bought as typical it does here. There's apparently this family of witches called the Gemini. They don't have their own magic so they have to siphon it from something else supernatural. And Alaric is dating one of them and she has a crazy pyscho twin brother." She responded through the phone clearly in a huff over everything that was happening. I knew we both just wished our lives could be normal for once.

Slumping down onto the couch I twirl pieces of my hair. "On a more normal note how's mom - oh!" I cut myself feeling two little kicks against my stomach.

"Mads, you okay?" My twin asked, concerned.

Even though she couldn't see me smiling I giggled as one baby kicked. "Yeah sis it's just they're 1.." Another kick followed shortly after where I rested my freehand there. "There's baby 2...Care I can't wait until they're born."

"Me too, Maddie. Oh my gosh we haven't even had a chance to throw you a baby shower yet!" She scoffed through the phone so disappointed in herself.

"It's alright, I don't need a baby shower... I have all that I need already " I replied turning her on video call so she could see I was serious.

"Every pregnant woman dreams of having one and I am going to make sure you have the best baby shower ever " Caroline exclaimed.

"Alright, fine you can plan it but please nothing too big " I said.

"Don't worry little sis, it won't be that granded " she replied with a tiny devilish smile which I noticed.

"Care, I mean it " I stated, staring at my sister knowing she was up to no good.

"Don't worry, It will be just a small gathering with just family and friends " she promised before I hung up the phone looking out the front door. Opening it I instantly grabbed my head feeling pain. Looking up I winced seeing a girl with brown hair holding her hand up meaning she was a witch.

She flickered her wrist snapping my neck before I could say anything. "Marcel told me about you and that baby." My head fell onto the curb until I woke up a few hours later laying in a circle full of vampires. Scanning the room I recognized Rebekah standing behind Marcel until she noticed me.

"I thought I said no harming her and the babies!" She scoffed bending down on a knee seeing that I'm not hurt right before someone vamped behind me.

She vamped back seeing it was Klaus. He helped me to my feet seeing the veins appearing underneath my eyes. "How about we get you some blood.." He looked around the room getting in a fighting stance beside me watching the vampires circle around us closer. "Vampires of New Orleans! Do recall that I am an Original. A hybrid. I cannot be killed. Eternity is an awfully long time. How long, do you think, Marcel will stay in power? What if one of you lot were to release me, knowing I will be eternally in your debt? Oh, I would pity those of you who dared to cross me. I can assure you, your ends would be spectacular. To borrow a trick from an old friend." He streches out a hand with a coin in it. "Whoever picks up... this coin... gets to live. Now which of you magnificent bastards wants to join me?"

Marcel looks around at his men who didn't make a move for the coin. "Anyone wants that coin, pledge allegiance to Klaus. Take it now. Go ahead. The choice is yours....Take him."

Two vampires moved forward where I grabbed one by the arm snapping their neck. Klaus breaks the other's leg then his neck raising his hands away from his sides smirking. "Even with my humanity on you won't hurt my twins." I said revealing my fangs with my hands into fists at my sides.

Some vampires behind is threw out chains wrapping them around his wrists but he throws them around for a few seconds. Three vampires raced directly for me but I twisted the arm of one throwing him against the wall. The second one I bite into his neck dropping him on the ground then the last one I choked them out until I could get a good hold and snap her neck. I felt a burning in my throat whipping my head around I gasped seeing that the vampires had overpowered him. They shoved Vervain and wolfbane in his mouth. He bends his head down then lifted it up revealing his hybrid eyes. "Running is the best option if I were you two." I suggested looking to Rebekah and Marcel.

Nik broke the chains wrapping them around a vampires throat killing two of them. Vamping forward towards the group I tilted my head motioning for the two boys to come at me. They do but I grabbed them by their shoulders slamming them back into each other where they landed flat on their backs. I winced sharply feeling a knife into my back by a blonde vampire. "Grah - Nik!" He whipped his head around ripping the heart out of the chest of the vampire that stabbed me. He draws the dagger out of my back slowly handing it to me.

A red head vampire tries to snap my neck but I shoved the blade into it. She dropped against my shirt staining it with blood. I shoved her off hearing Nik holler out covered in blood too ripping throats of some vampires. "Marcel! Come and finish this!"

She dropped the dagger in her hands vamping forward before he got himself killed. "No! Take the coin!"

"What?" He asked not understanding what she meant.

Rebekah gasped watching me sink my fangs into another girl who attempted to take the knife from me. "He won't stop until everyone is dead. And he will kill you too. End this. Pick up the coin!"

Nik and I nodded to each other vamping forward grabbing each of the vampires biting into their necks. Removing my fangs I sighed hearing Marcel holler out. "Enough!" Nik released the girl he had in a choke hold with blood still running down his chin like me.

"Well, well, well. The great Marcel, self-proclaimed king of New Orleans, bowing before me." Nik slowly walks forward intertwining his hand with mine while I wipe blood from my chin with my other hand feeling really tired now.

Marcel throws away the coin in our direction now on his knees in front of us. "There. I hereby pledge my allegiance to you. You have the keys to my kingdom. It's yours."

Nik glanced down to me smiling then back down to the vampire. "From here on out Maddie is your queen...and if you ever attempt to come after her again. I will kill you without hesitation." He wrapped his arms around my waist vamping me bridal style back to the compound.

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