Nobody Like A Mikaelson

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Walking through the woods I was trying to track our daughter seeing that she hadn't come home last night. Which resulted in the three of us searching. The three of us being me, Klaus and Landon. Stopping in my tracks I sniffed the air smelling blood wiping my head around. I groaned seeing someone else. "Ugh Landon, I thought you were my daughter!"

"Sorry Mrs. Mikaelson." He apologized, slumping his shoulders. "I didn't find anything."

Nodding at his words I run my hand down my face remembering the conversation I had with my husband before we came out here. "Neither did I. This is just proving my theory even more. Because she clearly doesn't want to be found."

Sitting the phone down on the table in the kitchen I put Elijah on speaker phone. Hailey and him were clearly in France for a simple vacation. "Are you sure I'm not right about this? I mean she looks slightly like you two."

Klaus leans in the doorway wearing only some pants since I had made him get out of bed early to have this conversation. "Maddie, I do so enjoy your worry for this young girl but she isn't our child and I think my dear brother would remember if he had one. Now can we please go back to bed because I would rather have woken up to make love to you then have this conversation."

"Nik, come on. There's something that's drawing me to here." I slumped my shoulders watching him vamp forward tilting my chin up so I'd look him in the eye.

"I'm most certainly drawn to you, love..." He leans down nuzzling his face in my neck and starts to plant kisses there.

My hands gripping his arms when he tugged me against his chest knowing my sweet spot and earning a moan from me where I almost forgot where we were. "Klaus..."

"Niklaus. Maddie?" Elijah called back into the room, making me break away from my husband.

Klaus growled under his breath, annoyed with his brother for not just hanging up the phone. "Uh sorry Elijah. I'm - uh - we're listening." I stuttered picking up the phone trying to focus my attention back onto the original vampire.

"Yes well before my brother started trying to make love to you as he so put it. I was going to say that unfortunately Hayley doesn't know anything about her family. That's why she came to New Orleans to find answers. But she doesn't know anything about this Hope girl."

Throwing my head back in frustration the front door of the mansion gets opened and a concerned Landon walks in. "There you guys are. I need your help. Nikola didn't come back last night."

"What do you mean, mate?" Nik questions the young teenager.

He throws his hands up concerned. "She wasn't in her room and I asked anyone in the squad and they haven't seen her since yesterday."

"Then it has to be a monster or she's still angry with me. Let's go." I hung up the phone with my brother in law.

Klaus vamped in front of us shrugging his shoulders wearing his black jacket that looked like there was another gray one underneath it. "I've lost her scent, she must be blocking it with her magic or something."

"Are we even sure it was a monster? I mean I know that's a normal thing now. But what if it was that weird Mystic Falls girl from the game?" Landon points out seeing that we weren't going to find her the normal supernatural way.

Raising a hand up I had to take a step back not sure I heard him correctly. He couldn't honestly think she had something to do with this. "Hold the phone. You can't seriously think she did this. Can you?"

"She seemed pretty weird at the game and got really angry at Nikola for some reason." Landon trailed off.

"You told me last night after you came home that she used magic and broke your arm-" I cut my husband short on his sentence.

Slumping my shoulders with an annoyed tilt of my head towards him. "But she also said she was here to take care of the monsters. They're apparently back for some reason so we need her."

My husband scoffed, cutting himself off when we heard the leaves moving about. "We don't need her, Maddie. She could be a monster for all we know-"

Whipping our heads around at the same time I could hear a low growl from a wolf. The creature broke through where I saw a werewolf with light gray fur whose eyes locked onto mine. The wolf bent its back legs snarling towards the three of us. "Bloody hell, she's a wolf too, you didn't mention that."

"I didn't know she was either, Nik." I glared towards him where she transformed back into her human form. Turning my back to her, Nik tossed her his jacket.

"What are you guys doing out here? I was trying to lead the creature out of town!" Hope barked, wrapping his jacket around her naked body.

Landon peaked his head over my shoulder raising his right hand asking. "Uh hi, what type of monster is it exactly?"

Hope rolled her eyes at his question, clearly not in the mood for chatting right now. "It's called a Shunka and it feeds on werewolves. So you need to go." She pointed towards my husband sternly. "I can smell your wolf all over you."

"You're a kid we can't just leave you out here on your own!" I exclaimed not thinking her plan was good.

Suddenly there's a huge roar and a creature that was huge stepped out. It has bright red eyes and is black standing on all fours. Landon froze in place shrugging for words. "Oh geez!"

The creature charged forward where Hope raised her hand shouting "incendia!" But the fire only made the creature angrier where he raised its hand trying to claw Landon until I tackled him into the dirt.

"What are you guys doing out here!" I recognized the voice of my daughter where she broke towards us in a run quickly helping us to our feet.

"Get them out of here, Maddie. I'll draw him away." Klaus demanded with his eyes turning to gold with his hands turned into fists. He quickly transformed into his black werewolf form launching up into the air biting the arm of the creature.

Nikola left mine and Landon's side grasping the Hope girls hand replying back. "Follow my lead." The two girls closed their eyes concentrating deeply before they both raised their hands blasting it back but the creature ran forward throwing them backwards in the air.

The Hope girl got thrown on her back. I gasped seeing Nikola get blasted into a tree with a large branch piercing her through the heart before she collapsed to the dirt. "Nikola!" Klaus and I both screamed in such terror vampire towards her.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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