Desirable Soulmates Evening

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Entering the living room with the giant fireplace of the mansion I saw Nik sitting on the couch watching me. "Well I am pleased to see a smile grace that beautiful face after the sad days we've dealt with. Care to share why, Mads?"

He was right that ever since my mother's funeral it was rare to see me or my sister to smile. Sitting beside him on the couch staring up at him I giggled. "My sister decided to watch the twins tonight. So we have the entire evening to do whatever we want."

"That is tempting. So love what would the soon to be Mrs. Mikaelson wish to do?" He hummed, laying his right arm on the back of the couch staring at me with those deep blue eyes.

Avoiding his gaze for a second a thought crossed my mind. Since I was turned into a vampire I thought the soulmate bond would have disappeared. Yet I felt the twinge still inside my chest. On top of that my sister told me that I was apparently sired to Nik. The first day I drank blood she reminded me that's why I couldn't keep down animal blood. Only his blood or from the vein because he said so. "I want to see if the sire bond is real or at least if the soulmate bond is still there.

"I thought we agreed that I wouldn't force you to do anything, Maddie." He replied softly, staring at me.

Slumping my shoulders to my fiancé I knew he was trying to be nice but if I was asking he wasn't necessarily forcing me into it. "Nik, please. You wouldn't be forcing me. I'm asking so it's different."

"Tell me what you've feeling, Nik. What's your desire tonight?" I asked, smirking at him wrapping my arms around his neck climbing onto his lap.

His left hand goes to my hip while his right hand cradles my cheek in his hand. I let myself lean into his touch. Missing being able to be this close and simple with him. Ever since the twins were born it's like my life has turned upside down. "I want to kiss you...hold you like this...make love to you...and above all just treat you like the queen you are." He pressed his lips to mine, making me fall into his embrace.

"Let's get married...tomorrow." I mumbled in between kisses as his hand moved into my hair twisting his fingers into it. He moaned into the feeling when I started doing the same, making his hair a slight mess.

He bent his head down, starting to leave kisses up and down my neck. Throwing my head to the side I gasped gripping his hair in one and on the other hand I gripped his shirt in my fingers. "You're sister won't like such short notice..."

"It's not like she'll not figure it out..." Pulling his lips back down onto mine I cupped his face in my hands smiling. "She's had her whole wedding planned out since she was six."

Nik breaks the kiss showing me his hybrid eyes at me. Pulling my right hand back I used my thumb to trace the veins underneath his eyes. He parts his lips just watching my movements. "The first time I saw you like this I was terrified...but seeing it now. It makes you even hotter, Nik."

"Bloody hell, Mads..all you have to do is look at me like that and I'm almost weak to my knees. I can't stand it." He breathed out resting his forehead against mine. Moving my hands down his chest I played with his dog tags. "I want to draw you like this, Maddie.."

Lifting my head up a little if I could still blush as a vampire I would be a blushing mess right now. "Like Jack did for Rose on Titanic?"

"Well I don't know who those people are and I lived through that tragedy. But if it means I get to sketch you then yes." He replied a little snarky until I got to my feet offering me his hands vamping us into his art studio grinning ear to ear.

Klaus got his sketchbook waiting for me to enter the room. He was just wearing some pants and one of his gray long sleeve shirts. His hair is a little curly mess from our events a few moments ago. "I must admit I don't quite understand your fascination with such an event like the Titanic sweatshirt. It wasn't a good event in history."

"It's not so much the event, Nik. It hurts my heart and I will never understand how horrible it must have been for the ones who survived." I entered the room wearing only one of his tea shirts that was basically a dress on me. "But the movie characters Jack and Rose. They're just...epic. Every girl at one point must have wished they were Rose in that film. So just let me live out my little fantasy, please."

Nik waves his right hand shaking his head with a smile on his face directing me over to lay on the couch. "Tick tok Maddison or I'll have you in our bed before the evening is over." He teased a devilish smirk on his face.

"Like I didn't already know that, Nikky." I giggled pulling the shirt over my head letting my hair fall loose from its braid. Laying down on the couch I struggled to not laugh when I could see the urge in his blue eyes as he drew me. He was almost done by the time he dropped it on the ground vamping forward hovering above me.

He leans down, capturing my lips with his moaning into it when my hands flew up into his hair. His left hand runs through my hair while his right trails up my side. "Maddie, any work of art will not do you and your beauty justice. I could draw you like this a thousand times and still be baffled that you're mine."

Running my fingers through his locks letting my other hand move under his shirt tracing the tattoo on the front of his chest. He started breathing heavily, crashing his lips onto mine where I moaned into the kiss using my vamp speed flipping him on his back yanking his shirt over his head smirking down at him once I broke the heated kiss. "I love you, Nik. Now let's end this night together.."

Before I could blink my back hit the soft mattress of the bed with him hovering above me with a smirk on his lips. Closing my eyes for a brief moment I couldn't imagine that I was so worried about losing my virginity to him. Because now I enjoyed it far too much. "Tomorrow night I shall treat you like the queen you are, Maddie Forbes and every night after that..always and forever." He trailed off leaving kisses down my neck.

Throwing my head back against the pillows I giggled gripping his shoulders mumbling into his ear. "I love you, Klaus. Always and forever."

"Maddie, Klaus, I just had the greatest idea for our kids. Oh geez!" My sister enters the room covering her eyes with her freehand causing us to stop our current actions.

Klaus flopped on his back as I buried myself underneath the covers not expecting her to be home so soon. "Caroline, haven't you ever heard of knocking? We were right in the middle of a pleasant evening." He said, rolling over burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"Well I'm sorry but this idea I have is so great and it would hopefully help a lot of people. Especially kids." She sighed, removing her hand from her eyes. I could see it on her face that she was almost about to burst if she didn't tell us right now.

Shifting under the covers I looked at my twin knowing whatever it was it would be a big deal to her. "What's your idea, Care. Oh and Nik and I have decided on something."

"So I was watching the kids play today and I remember the school complaints about Lizzie and Josie..." She spun around on her feet grinning like it was Christmas. "I want to open a school for supernatural kids. To be a safe place for kids like yours and Ric's."

Nik sits up resting his hands on his knees underneath the covers glancing between me and my twin sister. "That's a brilliant idea, Caroline. In fact I'll give you some funding to help get it started."

"Thank you, Klaus. So Maddie, what do you think...and what's your news?" She clasped her hands together in front of her mouth, almost squealing.

Intertwining my hand with Nik's he lays his head against mine mirroring the same pure grin I have. "It's perfect for our news we were wanting to get married tomorrow."

"Are you two serious!" She slightly sounds annoyed but overjoyed over my news.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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