Everything is Red

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Dropping my phone in my lap I drained the blood bag faster than I ever had smirking with the hybrid's blood still on my lips. "Nik is gonna love no humanity, Maddie Forbes."

Waiting behind a tree in the woods I listened to Damon teaching Jeremy how to kill vampires to grow his hunter mark that would lead us to the cure. "Good... Now do it like your life depends on it 'cause it does."

"Don't act like you care about my life. You care about the hunter's mark and curing Elena so she's not sired to your ass." Jeremy scoffed, dropping the gun on the table.

I smirked hearing Nik's voice while I wrapped my fingers around a stake in my hands ready to come out of hiding in the next second." I'm sorry. Did I interrupt play time?"

Jeremy asked. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Klaus walked up to the pair. "I'm simply appreciating the sights and smells of nature, neither of which presently include rotting vampire flesh, so I'm a bit concerned. How many vampires has he killed?" He looked around in search of something. "Another question is have either of you, Maddie. She's been dodging my calls all day?"

"If we throw Jeremy out into the world right now, he's chum." Damon crossed his arms over his chest.

"Hold up, are you worried that she might have left your ass." Jeremy scoffed towards him.

"Now, see, that's not a number. 12... that's a number. That's how many of my hybrids I slaughtered with my sword. 3... that's how many days it took to quell the urge to kill your brother, after he knowingly watched as I walked into a death trap. One... That's the number of purposes you serve. You are here to grow Jeremy's mark, so I ask again... How many vampires has he killed since he's been here?" Nik listed off his hand stepping closer to Damon as I gripped the stake in my hands ready to vamp towards my target.

Damon slumped his shoulders. "Zero."

"Hmm. That's a pity. I'm going to need that cure sooner rather than later, hybrid shortage and all. How can I help?" Klaus turned on his heels asking.

Damon cooked a gun firing off multiple bullets into Klaus's chest where he stumbled against a tree angry. "You know... Now that you mention it, Jeremy... Watch and learn. That's for Carol Lockwood."

Vamping behind the Salvatore brother shoving the stake into his chest near his heart so he wouldn't die. He grunts dropping to the ground where I kicked him onto his back yanking it out. Pressing the tip into his throat smirking as I hovered above him. "That was for killing me!"

"I...found...her!" He growled watching me rise to my feet flipping my hair where I spun around to my boyfriend smiling.

"Hi Nikky, did you miss me?" I giggled as he slowly stepped up being able to read that something was different about me. I know that I'm enjoying not having all of my emotions.

He slowly reached up resting his hand to my face, staring into my eyes gently. "What have you done, sweetheart?"

"Flipped my switch, obviously Nik." Tilting my head to the side I twist the stake in my hands, a grin on my face hearing Damon moaning as he gets to his feet behind us. "You see, last night I got a phone call from Bianca sobbing that you killed her mother and I was sad at first. And then I thought why the hell should I feel bad. Because the only people who care about me in my supposed friends are you and my sister. So everyone else is fair game for torture as I see fit."

He tugs me by my arm into the tree line running a hand through his hair sighing. "Maddie, I wish you had picked another time to do this...dare I ask what is your plan for the baby?"

"It'll be fine, Nik. See my plan is this. Keep my switch off for 9 months and hurt all the people who claimed to be my friends." Tossing the stake towards him he caught it eyeing me up and down struggling to hold back a smirk at me wanting revenge just like he would possibly do. "Once the baby is born I'll turn everything back on and we can raise our kid up and down bourbon street if we wished...Now there's a bar down the street and I'm craving a grilled cheese. You can join or watch the terrible teachers."

Nik throws his head back feeling the desire from the bond driving him bloody mad where he vamps after me opening the door sliding some money to the bartender as I plopped down on a barstool beside him. "Whatever the lady wants, give it to her, no questions asked."

He came back with a grilled cheese that I immediately bit into until an idea crossed my mind seeing a bunch of people sitting in this bar smirking in the direction of my soulmate. "What's running in that head of yours, Mads?"

"Jeremy needs to kill vampires right. We're in a bar full of people and I'm a little hungry for something more than this aren't you?" Resting my chin in the palm of my hand I playfully smirked showing my fangs a little peeking out from underneath my top lip

Nik leans forward brushing his nose against mine. "Great minds think alike, my love...ladies first." He gestures with his hand out to anyone in the room. Turning my vampire face on I vamp forward attaching my fangs into a guy's neck tasting his blood for a second. Then biting into my wrist shoving my blood down his throat then snapping his neck where he collapsed at my feet.

Ripping my fangs into half of their necks I pulled back letting blood drip down my chin. Klaus gave the remaining ones his blood vamping over to me tugging me into his chest. He had blood on his mouth too where he reached up, taking some off of me moving his other hand to my neck. I watched his eyes flash gold nuzzling his nose into my neck whispering. "I want to know what your blood tastes like, Little Forbes."

"What's stopping you?" I teased moving my hair so he could bite me.

"Because my wolf side could kill you." He mumbled lifting his head up locking eyes with me listening to some of the humans waking up in transition around us already.

Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed him twisting my fingers into his hair hearing him moan into the kiss. "Your blood is the cure, Nik. I'll take from you and you take from me."

"Blood sharing is...intimate...personal dear." He breathed out like I would back down.

"Nothing as intimate as giving you my virginity, Nik. Plus now we won't have to stop so I can catch my breath." I smirked before he hooked my legs around my waist, vamping me against the wall kissing me hungrily. Everything felt right, his hands and lips on mine. Blood mixing together where he started kissing my neck slowly then breaking my skin with his fangs drinking my blood. I gasped, gripping his locks in my fingers, throwing my head back. He pulled away biting into his wrist holding it up to me so I'd have the cure in my system already.

Drinking the blood I captured his lips with mine tasting my own blood till I leaned down sinking my fangs into him. His hands moved under my shirt, almost pulling it over my head until I drew my fangs out. "Let's paint the world red, Maddie. Together, you and I...you'll be my queen." He started moving my shirt up again, almost getting it over my head until the door to the bar opened and the boys entered, all shocked at what was before them. "I was beginning to worry you boys wouldn't find the place."

"Urgh, seriously!" I grumbled under my breath with Nik sitting me down on my feet fixing my shirt. Wrapping an arm over my shoulder wiping the blood from our mouths even though my shirt was covered red. "We were about to have vampire sex."

Jeremy cursed under his breath. "What the hell...?"

"Did you kill all these people?" Matt asked as I felt my fangs slipping out again since I could smell his blood strongly like he was a drug.

Nik takes my hand helping me climb back up onto a barstool simply eating my grilled cheese again even though I had blood still on the corner of my lips. "Not exactly. They're in transition. Killing them is your job.''

Jeremy looks at Damon not liking the plan. "You said you were going to convince Klaus to do this another way."

"I thought about it. And then I realized his idea was better." Damon responded looking over at Nik and I as he smirked, raising a shot glass in his hand.

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