Merge Day

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Maddie's POV

"What do you mean she wants to merge early. I thought we handled Dark Josie?" I asked resting my hands on the desk while I stood over it, eyeing my husband and Hope.

Nikola was off searching for Landon since he was still at the school. But avoiding her since she just told him her baby she was carrying inside of her was his. "Lizzie and I were talking in the gym and she said that it could happen earlier."

"I thought that was a rule like with the werewolf curse. You don't have to forcefully turn until you kill someone. Unless you are me or Nikola obviously." Klaus responded, shifting his gaze from me then to our youngest daughter.

Hope nodded leaning back in one of the chairs explaining. "Josie said that apparently the 22 age limit is just a suggestion. So the twins are old enough to understand what is happening. Josie wants them to merge tonight thinking that she will win."

"And Lizzie thinks that she won't win.." I finished her sentence closing my eyes figuring that I could picture my blonde niece. Lizzie got to be self conscious about herself from both me and my twin. Before my sister became a vampire she was very hard on herself thinking that she was always the second choice to Elena like I was to my own sister.

Tapping my fingers on the table I bend my head down, slumping down into the chair. The twins merging was not a good idea especially since Josie had dark magic controlling her. The school would be put in danger. "Alright then we need a backup plan. Just in case she doesn't win. I refuse to lose one of my nieces to dark magic."

"Hope, I need you at my side right now. I'm freaking out." Someone knocked on the door with Lizzie poking her head inside clearly freaking out about tonight.

"Go. We'll find you later." Nodding my head towards my daughter before she exited the room leaving us alone.

Klaus walked up to me intertwining my hands with his shoulders slumping. He could see the worry in my eyes. It was like a secret he always could. "We should call Caroline. Maybe she can talk Josie out of it. You know, take the stress off of you for a while."

"As much as I wish it was that simple it isn't, Nik. She's traveling for the school-"

"To find a solution to the Merge. She needs to know that it might happen tonight, Maddie." He cut me off shortly where I fling myself against his chest and into his arms.

He wrapped his arms around my waist gently. Burying his face into my loose blonde hair kissing my head. "I just want our family to be together like we used to be. When the girls were little and things were simpler."

"I'll call her but it won't fix the problem fast enough." Separating from his hold I picked up my phone and dialed my twin sister. "Hey Care, it's me. There's something you need to know that you're daughters might be going through with the merge tonight."

Caroline gasped through the phone. "Oh God. I thought we had more time. Maddie, please try and stop them. I won't make it there in time."

"Don't worry I will." I replied getting cut off by hearing a loud commotion outside before Nikola and Hope burst into the office.

"Lizzie ran off!" They both shouted.

Putting the phone back up to my ear I slowly hung up the phone. "Hey Caroline I have to call you back." Dropping the phone on the desk I sighed knowing we had a problem.

MG and I vamped to a gas station finding Lizzie trying to run away with the car that used to be Damon's. "I know I'm being selfish, but what am I supposed to do? Let you drag me back to the school so that I can die?"

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