You Will Be Missed Liz

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Sitting outside the hospital room with my head between my knees I just let myself cry since my mother had just passed away. Footsteps approached making me look up seeing Klaus who takes a seat in the chair beside me. "Why...why didn't you just do what I asked. She would still be could you ignore what your mate wanted!" I croaked my voice since he hadn't given her his blood like I had asked a few days ago.

"Maddie, If you need someone to be angry at. Then pick me. But we both know your mother never wanted to become a vampire-" He softly explained but I cut him off throwing my hands up in the air shouting.

"It doesn't matter what she wanted. She's dead, Nik...she's gone and I didn't do everything I could to save her!" Tears started streaming down my face hating that my emotions as a vampire made this so much worse. "I'm a vampire and yet I have to watch my mother die. Vampire blood fixes everything so why - why in the freaking world of the supernatural couldn't it work this time!"

Klaus pulled me against his chest where I cling to his clothes sobbing into his chest. He moves one hand to run through my hair falling down my back while his other rests on my lower back. Damon was watching the twins in the waiting room since everyone else was with my sister. "Sssh Maddie. I know it's hard, but she lived a long life. You will get through this.' He kisses my forehead glancing over his shoulder towards the doorway. "I made a phone call to someone who could help you through this.."

"Rebekah..." I croaked through tears seeing the original blonde weakly staring at us. Vamping forward into her arms she wrapped her arms around me sniffing through some tears too.

Once we broke the hug she intertwined our hands together hating to see me in such pain. Wiping away tears she helps me walk out of the hospital to prepare for the funeral later tomorrow. My sister took charge of getting everything ready just the way that she would have wanted them. Sitting on my bed I just watch the twins peacefully sleeping on the pillows. Reaching forward I brushed Nikola's hair from her face, gasping suddenly as I entered her mind accidentally seeing something I didn't recognize.

Everyone was sitting in the funeral home watching the service of my mother. "Mads, would you please come sing with me?" My sister asked, offering me her freehand struggling to not cry too.

"Care, I..." I trailed off holding little Nikola in my lap who was playing with a loose strand of my hair. Klaus sits next to me holding Hope staring in my direction.

She tilted her head with a weakful look so I placed my hand in hers right before I felt myself crying happy tears at the miracle that happened before our eyes. "Momma. Momma!" Little Nikola stuttered out her first word before I exited her mind not being able to see anymore.

The next day has come and I'm not sure I'm ready to see my mom laying in a casket then being put to rest. Wearing a simple black dress with my hair in a braid falling over my right shoulder Nik and I entered the room finding Elena and Stefan sitting beside my sister. I take a seat on the other side of her. Rebekah sat on the other side of Nik and we both had each twin sitting on our laps before the ceremony started. "We are here today to pay our tribute and our respect to a pillar of our community, our sister, our protector, Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes. We are also here today to show our love and support for Liz's family and friends."

Elena reaches for my twins hand as some officers placed an American flag over our mothers casket. "Calling Sheriff Forbes. This is the last call for Sheriff Forbes." Pressing the button on one of their radios where I glanced over to Matt seeing him leaning forward for some reason. "No response. Radio Number 2-6 is out of service after twelve years and four months of police service. Gone, but never forgotten. Center!"

"Liz Forbes was my friend. In her last moments, she asked me to pass along a message to her daughters, but I cut her off before she could say too much..." Damon walks up to the podium slowly taking a breath to deliver a speech for our mother. I could hear the slight regret in his voice. "I told her she could tell Caroline and Maddie herself, but she didn't get that chance."

Nikola started getting fuzzy, muttering something I couldn't quite understand, making me think back to the vision I saw last night in her head. "Ssh sweetheart. Ssh." Klaus muttered trying to keep her quiet during Damon's speech.

Damon's eyes locked onto my twin and I where I intertwined my freehand with hers feeling some tears starting to slip out. "Your mom wanted you to know how proud of you two she was, and she should be. You're both a beautiful, strong woman, a generous friend, and a bright light in a sea of dark. She said you were both extraordinary, and you are, and so was she. Liz was a hero to this town. She was a hero to all of you. And she was a hero to me." He glanced down to my mom's casket, making his voice croak a little. "Goodbye, Sheriff. You will be missed."

"Mads, would you please come sing with me?" My sister asked, offering me her freehand struggling to not cry too.

Whipping my head around my heart skipped a beat not believing that the vision was actually happening how it unfolded last night. "Care, I..." My head was spinning around in such a crazy way until I felt Nikola tug at my braid pulling me from my trance.

My twin sister tilted her head with a weakful look so I placed my hand in hers right before I felt myself crying happy tears at the miracle that happened before our eyes. "Momma. Momma!" Little Nikola stuttered out her first word.

Klaus and I locked eyes where he nearly jumped out of his seat at hearing such a thing. "Did she just - there's my little princess!" He tickled her tiny stomach where I handed Hope over to Elena for a second so he could pick up Nikola who started giggling happily.

"Thank you for the vision babygirl...I needed something good today." I whispered in her ear even though she probably didn't understand what I was saying. Slowly getting to my feet I squeezed my sister's hand where we stood in front of our mothers casket.

"Thank you all for coming. This is for our mom." She glanced at me and I looked back at her before we softly started singing. "Go in peace. Go in kindness. Go in love. Go in faith. Leave the day. The day behind us. The day is done. Go in grace. Let us go into the dark. Not afraid. Not alone. Let us hope by some good pleasure. Safely to. Arrive at home."

Everyone else had left and Stefan comforted my sister where she left as I looked down to my mother's body. Gripping the edge of her casket I started crying as footsteps approached glancing over my shoulder I saw Damon staring at me. "Come to say your final goodbye, Salvatore?"

"Actually I have something for you from your mom. She gave it to me the other night before she passed away.." He stepped up reaching into his suit revealing a sealed note. Taking the note from his hands I tear it open pulling out a letter in her handwriting.

"Dear Maddison, I have already written a letter to your sister but I know you deserve the same. I know that you will miss me and worry will you be able to face the world without me. But you shouldn't worry about something like that. You are a strong woman who will raise beautiful children and you have found someone who loves you just as much as I do. Just know that I will always be watching you from heaven. If you ever miss me just write everything down in a notebook and read them to me like I am listening in the room. I love you, Maddie." I read the letter out loud, turning to Damon and suddenly hugging him. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I sniffed through some more tears. "Thank you, Damon..."

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