Ring to New Orleans

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It's been a couple days since I had turned into a vampire and unfortunately the process of feeding hadn't gotten any easier. Slumping against the wall I slid down the wall sighing heavily staring at the blood bag thrown across the road. Hugging my knees to my chest I pressed my phone to my ear sniffing through tears. "Klaus...I need your help." I sniffed through tears.

"I'm already on my way, Mads. Don't you worry." Nik responded before I heard the front door get kicked open then he stood in the doorway of my bathroom. He vamped down on his knees seeing that my shirt had puke on it but most of it was in the toilet. "Drink Maddie. Tell me what happened here." He bites into his wrist bringing it up to my lips where I wrapped my fingers around it drinking it to stop the sickness burning in my throat.

Once I didn't feel bad anymore I leaned into his chest wishing that I didn't still feel worse. "I don't really know. I was sitting in the living room happily drinking a blood bag and then I vamped in here throwing up." Lifting my head up I started crying terrified that I had done something wrong during the transition. Maybe I shouldn't have drank from that girl at the grill so soon but dang it felt good. "Nik, something's wrong...I'm scared...what if I'm dying?"

"Lisen to me, Maddie. You aren't dying I promise." He pulled out his phone holding it up to his ear calling his brother who was out of town. "Elijah, I need a favor for Maddie's concern. Find Tyler Lockwood's sister for me. We're coming to New Orleans."

Traveling to the city was easy but while we walked the streets at night Klaus kept a tight grip on my arm saying that he didn't trust the vampires that were walking around in the night. Looking around at the city I smiled with Klaus searching around allowing the chance for someone else to throw their arms around me. "Well if it isn't, little Mystic girl. I didn't expect you to be back so soon." Marcel's voice met my ears with a grin.

"It's good to be back, Marcel." I smiled, flashing my fangs at him quickly to not draw too much attention.

He smiled resting his hands on my shoulders. "Dang girl who turned you into one of us?"

"That would be me..." Klaus spoke where we both turned our heads. I take a step back allowing the two to stand closely in front of each other. "I thought you were dead, Marcel."

Marcel throws his arms around him and they share a hug grinning. "I managed to escape your papa's revenge." He breaks the hug waving for me to follow the pair. "Niklaus Mikaelson. My mentor, my savior, my sire. Let's get you and your girl a drink."

Raising a drink of beer to my lips I sniffed it sitting it back down feeling the sickness returning. So I just hold the glass in my hands seeing Klaus eyeing a ring on one of the vampires in the room with us. "I see your friends are daywalkers."

"Yeah, yeah, I shared the secret of your daylight ring with a few buddies. Just the inner circle, though. The family." Marcel explained downing a drink.

Klaus leans forward intertwining his hands together. "Tell me. How did you find a witch willing to make daylight rings?"

"I got the witches here wrapped around my finger." Marcel spoke proudly of himself.

Nik chuckled at his friend resting a hand on my leg. "Is that so? I'm looking for a witch."

"What do you need a witch for? Last I knew you don't like them." Marcel leaned back in his chair, brows raised at him.

Nik glanced in my direction with soft eyes where I leaned forward resting a hand on my stomach. "Ever since I turned I haven't been able to keep really any blood down. I don't know why, so we're looking for a witch. Maybe they'll have some answers. Do you think Bianca could find someone?" Tucking hair behind my ear I slumped my shoulders eyeing him.

"Yeah I think she knows someone. I just had to deal with her sister but she'll listen to my girl." He said through a cheeky grin giving us an address to a bar. Entering the bar I stopped catching the scent of a human girl that appeared to be a bartender.

"If you're here for the Gumbo I'm about to break your heart." She spoke with a sigh looking between me and Nik before he laid down a 100 dollar bill. "I'm Cami." She waved to me.

Shaking her hand I introduced myself. "Maddie Forbes." Footsteps entered the bar where I saw Bianca waving us outside with another girl at her side that we followed after them.

Entering a small house in the bayou I focused on the girl with black who keeps her eyes focused on me.

"So this is your human girl, Bianca?' The girl asked, nodding her head to me. "I'm Sophie Deveraux." Her gaze shifted to Klaus who just has a scowl on his face over this. "You know you're famous in this town? Witches tell bedtime stories about the powerful vampire Klaus. We know Marcel was nothing but an orphaned street rat until you made him what he is. And now he's out of control. He does what he wants. He kills who he wants. I'm gonna stop him... And you're gonna help me."

Klaus looks at Elijah annoyed, pointing a finger at him. "This is why you brought me here. I told you to find me a witch to figure out what is wrong with Maddie, not try and bring down Marcel."

Elijah spoke simply "Hear her out."

"I don't need to hear her out. I assure you, love, there is not a thing on this earth that will matter enough for me to waste even 30 more seconds of my time." Klaus roared, starting to stomp out of the room until Sophie started speaking again.

Sophie stepped forward pointing her index finger at me, her eyes focused on my stomach. "Marcel may be able to keep us from practicing real magic in this town, but as keepers of the balance, we still know when nature has cooked up something new. For example, I have a special gift, of sensing when a girl is pregnant."

"What?" Klaus and I whispered under our breaths in unison. My hands started twisting the fabric of my shirt in nervousness.

Elijah revealed looking between the two of us. "Niklaus... The girl is carrying your child."

Nik slipped his hand in mine frantically still not believing what she said was true. "No. It's impossible. Vampires cannot procreate." Looking up to him I sucked in a breath resting a hand on my stomach.

"But werewolves can. Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf. You're the original hybrid, the first of your kind, and this pregnancy is one of nature's loopholes." Sophie declared looking at Bianca then to me. "Bianca told me you were a human until tonight. So think about it, Forbes."

Elijah rested a hand on my shoulder as I squeezed his brother's hand putting the pieces together. His blue eyes locked onto mine shaking his head no as I placed his other hand on my heart even though it no longer beats. "Nik, think about it...we slept together the night before I died. And if you're a wolf then put the two together. It's supernaturally possible."

"Niklaus, lisen." Elijah trailed off, eyes drifted to my belly.

Nik closed his eyes hearing a faint heartbeat. I closed my eyes, slumping my shoulders, holding both of his hands in mine. "We're gonna have a child...We're going to have a baby, Klaus."

"Every King needs an Heir, Mads my love." He rests a hand softly to my cheek adoring the smile on my face, never imagining that we would have children since I was accidentally killed by Damon Salvatore.

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