Salvatore Musicial

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The girls got called off to help with something while I stood back watching Joisie sitting on the park bench holding the notebook. "Okay, Elena, here's the deal. ♪ You can think about Stefan ♪ ♪ 'Cause he's your boyfriend ♪ ♪ You can think about Bonnie ♪ ♪ She's such a great friend ♪ ♪ You can think about Jeremy or Caroline ♪ ♪ Keep school and family front of mind ♪ ♪ You can think of anything you want ♪ ♪ Just don't think about what you want ♪" She inhaled a breath getting to her feet finishing the song. "♪ 'Cause then you'll think about Damon ♪ ♪ Just don't think about Damon. ♪

The audience clapped before she stepped off the stage with my phone ringing so I stepped down the stairs holding it up to my ear. "Hey Caroline. What's going on?"

"So how did the merge go. Are my girls both alive?" She asked quickly and I could hear the concern in her tone.

Tucking hair behind my ear the audience are clapping while watching another act. A part of me wishes she was here to see this. These kids are in a lot better shape than we were when we turned into vampires. "Calm down, Care. They are both alive. Gosh I miss you and I wish you were here. The kids are doing a play about the founding of the school."

"Awe, that's amazing. I absolutely miss you too, Mads." She sniffed and I wiped away some tears, getting an idea in my head.

"How about I come to you in a few days. You know have a sister day that hopefully doesn't end with me having to rush back because of a monster problem." I shrugged my shoulders hearing the girls coming back meaning our scene was up next.

Klaus came to stand beside me resting a hand on my lower back listening in on the conversation. "They are ready for us, love."

"That's perfect Maddie. I'll let you go and I'll send my location." My sister hung up the phone, putting it in my pocket then I intertwined my hand with my husband's walking on the stage.

Nikola and Hope were already on the stage seeing two chairs sitting up in front of the background with a fake burning fireplace. Klaus and I turned to face one another, hands intertwined as he slumped his shoulders heavily. "They are just children, Maddie. How can they be safer than anywhere but underneath our roof."

"Nik, they aren't going to be kids forever. Heck they are seven years old now." I explained remembering this night all too well. We were both so afraid that sending them off to the school. "Look our family is so strong and my sister will not let anything happen to them. They deserve a better chance."

Hope and Nikola both rose for their chairs staring at us both. "Mom, dad. You wanted to see us." Nikola spoke intertwining her hand with her sister.

"Girls come here. You're father and I have some news for you." I stride over pulling them to sit down in the chairs again bending down on a knee. "We've decided to allow you to go to your aunt Caroline's school for the gifted."

Hope nearly tackled me to the ground hugging me and I hugged her back hearing the crowd awe. "Thank you, mom."

Breaking the hug I did the same to Nikola. "You'll do good there, my girls."

"Hope, Nikola. Never're special." Klaus walked over to us and the room fell more silent then a few seconds ago. He bends down on a knee beside me taking my freehand in his softly giving me a long loving look. "Your very existence is a miracle. One day you'll grow into an extraordinary woman and continue the legacy of the Mikaelson name...the both of you."

The audience all went "Aw."

"You'll carry us all with you. Carry us well." He finished before Lizzie came out onto the stage as he pulled out an envelope.

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