Together as One

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Klaus, Rebekah and I traveled from Mystic Falls in search of their mother since she's the only person who has control of my life.
Rebekah and I entered an alley where I tried calling my sister knowing that they now had weapons that could kill the origin. "Care, please call me as soon as you get this. I need to tell you something important. You can't kill Klaus because I'm linked to him - I'm linked to the original brothers. God, even saying it sounds crazy. Just call me back immediately." Running a hand through my hair I hang up the phone rounding the corner to see Klaus and Finn talking.

"Let me rephrase... you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years." Klaus holds his hand against his brothers chest delivering a threat.

Finn scoffed not fazed by it. "What happens to one happens to all. You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but you'd lose your precious Rebekah." He glanced my direction over his shoulder scoffing. "But you care more about her life then your own don't you. Do you feel our desires sweetheart?"

Squinting my eyes locked I shivered feeling something running through my mind. Clutching my hands into fists at my sides I croaked out. "You want to die....that's your desire."

"Maddie..." Klaus reaches down brushing his fingers over my right hand.

"Kol wants to kill Jeremy because he's bored...Elijah just wants you to be happy Klaus. And you - you want to kiss me the hell can I feel what you all want. That's not possible." Wrapping my arms around myself Finn shakes his head at me.

"Because my dear. You are our soulmate. Whatever we feel you will and what you feel we shall too, enjoy your short life." Finn runs with his vampire speed and goes in an alley but Rebekah is there.

Rebekah smirked before Klaus grabbed my hand vamping us into the same alleyway with them. "Let's not make this any worse than it has to be, darling brother."

"You're siding with him? Rebekah, he stored us in boxes." Finn growled in her face.

Rebekah crossed her arms over her chest nodding to Klaus. "At least he's not trying to make us extinct." Klaus shoved him against the wall then they brought him back to their mansion taking his blood and sending him on his way.

Entering the house Klaus was forcing Bonnie to unlink the siblings. Standing beside Klaus Bonnie slowly started chanting with candles light in a circle. All the siblings blood in the center of the table that slowly started moving apart when the spell became stronger. Suddenly my vision started to blur so I leaned my palms on the table trying to regain my balance. "Maddie, are you okay love?" Klaus asked resting a hand on my lower back.

"Urgh yeah I think so - God geez!" Biting my lip terrible pain shoots straight to my heart where I collapsed onto my knees crying in pain. Klaus dropped down beside me hearing my heart racing like a bullet in his ears. Closing my eyes I clutched them tightly closed seeing someone stab Finn in the heart with a stake before Stefan vamped away. Finn's body started burning on fire killing him.

Bonnie finished the spell where I could see five things of blood separated so it's not the link. The link has been broken so this is something else. Klaus gently turned my chin so I'd look him in the eye. "Love, just breathe. I'm right here."

"Klaus....Finn's dead. He died!" Wrapping my arms around his neck I started sobbing uncontrollably into his grey shirt. He paused slowly wrapping his arms around my shaking form that we just stayed like this for a few seconds until he let Bonnie leave having done her job. Klaus gives me a blanket letting me try and get some rest but it didn't last when I heard Rebekah entering the room. Tossing the covers off I slowly get to my feet entering the room seeing Damon strung up bleeding.

Klaus released Damon compelling him so he vamped out of the room. "Bring us the stakes. All of them. Or I'll wage a war against everyone you love. I hope I'm being clear."

"I can't believe Finn is dead." Rebekah sighed as I leaned in the doorway arms crossed over my chest.

Klaus scoffed turning around seeing me watching their conversation. "Good riddance. He was an embarrassment, Rebekah." He slowly walks forward resting a hand to my cheek where I leaned into his palm. "How are you feeling now, love. Anymore pain?"

"No its gone. It actually went away a few seconds after his body stopped burning up." I replied placing my hand over his on my cheek.

Rebekah crossed her arms over her chest confused at what was happening between us. "I'm sorry but are you saying that my friend is linked to my brother's. How is that possible. I thought that witch undid that spell?"

"I don't entirely understand the situation myself Bex. But the spell you're mother did....a separate spell where I am linked to your brothers." Throwing my hands up in the air I moved away from Klaus closer to Rebekah. "I just know that I felt Finn die...and I can feel every desire your brothers have for no reason."

Rebekah wrapped her arms around me in a hug and I hugged her back gently. "The Salvatores may fight like dogs, but in the end, they would die for each other." We broke the hug where she gives me a smile. "What can I do for you, Mads. Food or anything?"

"A grill cheese if you wouldn't mind. Plus I need to tell my sister about this and she isn't picking up my calls." She nodded vamping out of the house leaving me alone with her brother.

He sits down in an armchair watching me just stand in front of him arms crossed over my chest. He tapped his fingers on the arm trailing off in thought. "Now we're unlinked. We're no longer responsible for each other..."

"Except for me...since I'm apparently your mate which I thought only werewolves had..and you obviously want to kiss me...maybe I do too." I blushed covering my mouth with my hands realizing what I had said.

He slightly smirked tugging my hand where he pulled me to sit on his lap. Lazily I wrap my arms around his neck looking into his eyes. "Don't worry Maddie, I won't let my desire control me. We'll take it as slowly as you want."

"Thank you, Klaus." I leaned forward kissing him quickly where he rests a hand to my cheek kissing me back breaking the kiss. Laying my head on his chest he played my hair wishing I didn't have to suffer through Finn's death today.

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