Picked A Death Wish

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Stretching my arms above my head I winced a little, blinking the sleep from my eyes. Rolling over onto my side I hold myself up on my elbow against the pillows grinning at the sight of Klaus sleeping peacefully beside me. "It's rude to stare, little human." He mumbled not opening his eyes until I started running my fingers through his curly mess of hair.

"Last night was better than I could have imagined. Thank you for that...and I love you." I mumbled, pushing my hair around even though it was a knotted mess.

Klaus shifts leaning forward kissing me for the first time this morning. Wrapping my arms around his neck I deepened the kiss until I needed air. He rests his forehead against mine vamping out and back into the room with the glass mixture yet again. "If you're a good girl and take this we can get to the fun much faster." He smirked, tilting his head to the side.

"Klaus, you're driving me crazy right now!" I groaned burying my blushing face in the pillows until he vamped over, shaking the glass in my face where I stuck my tongue out. "Fine. Only if I hear the words first."

He hands me the glass vamping over to his side of the bed again with loving eyes. "I love you too, Maddie Forbes."
Tipping the drink back I sat the glass on the table climbing on top of him about to kiss him until the doorbell. Klaus throws his head back cursing to the ceiling. "Bloody hell!"

"I'll get it." I poked his chest throwing on one of his shirts and my jeans from last night. Opening the front door once walking down the long staircase I gasped seeing Damon. But he vamped forward covering my mouth with his hand before I could say a word. I thrashed against his hold not noticing that my ring had slipped from my fingers before he shoved me inside the cellar in the boarding house.

Klaus's POV
Vamping down the stairs I heard the ruckus from seconds ago. Bending down immediately I grasped the small object in between my fingers knowing something was definitely wrong. Maddie's matching ring with her sisters is something she would never take off by choice. Vamping back upstairs I shoved the phone up to my ear needing help from the one person who cares about her as much as I do. "Caroline, Maddie's been taken. I need you to bring your witch friend and help me...please."

Pulling on a grey long sleeve shirt I heard her vamp inside the house no less than 30 minutes after my phone call with the Bennett witch in toe. "How the hell did you let her get captured? I told you that if you hurt her I'd hurt you!" She scoffed, stomping her foot on the floor showing me her vampire fangs.

"Can you yell at me later, Caroline. Right now Bennett, do a locater spell on this so that I can get my love back and seek vengeance on the rif raf who took her!" I threatened the girls not wanting to waste another second.

The witch stood at a table candles circling her ring, already chanting the words then glancing over to us. "She's at the Salvatore house with Damon."

Maddie's POV
Damon wrapped another chain around my wrist so I was chained to the floor staring up at him. "Damon, why are you doing this? We're friends and in case you don't already know Klaus will kill you for this." My hair falls in front of my eyes when I hang my head down.

"I'm aware, Little Forbes twin. But you see I want him to stop trying to kill Elena and according to your sister you seem to be the only thing that can convince that psycho of a hybrid to do anything." He spoke bending down on his knees trying to compel me. "When you see Klaus again tell him he no longer wants to kill Elena to make more hybrids and will leave us all alone."

Shaking my head I begged him thankful in this moment Nik's been giving me Vervain too. "Damon, please let me go. I have done nothing wrong and I'm not gonna abuse my power on him. I love him."

"You love him but he's a serial killer?" Damon spit out his bourbon grabbing my chin in his hands pulling out a key locking the chains around my wrists right before there was a commotion in the living room. He vamped out of the room where I heard arguing before someone vamped in front of me.

"Care, what are you doing here?" I asked in relief as she used her strength yanking the chains off of me helping me to my feet.

She wrapped her arm around my waist where we ran out of the cellar seeing Damon and Klaus fighting by throwing weapons at each other. "Blondie, you're helping him. I thought you wanted him dead" Damon asked ducking as Klaus threw a piece at his head.

"Yes Damon. I am because she's my twin. That comes first!" My twin scoffed before holding her behind for protection.

Damon launched a stake at Klaus who snapped it in two vamping him harshly into the wall. "You shall die for hurting her mate. You came after the woman I love. So here's the end to your immortal life!"

"Klaus, wait. My sister's a part of his sire line. If you kill him she'll die too." I saw his hybrid fangs come out where he was about to bite his neck until I remembered something. Pushing myself away from my sister grabbing his shoulder.

Klaus slumped his shoulders releasing his grip on him giving Damon the chance to grab the stake from his other hand attempting to stab him. But he vamped out of the way causing Damon to shove the stake into my chest. "No!" Caroline and Klaus cried in unison as I collapsed to my knees seeing blood rushing from the wound.

My sister rushed forward biting into her wrist trying to get me to drink it quickly but my eyes fell closed and all three vampires could hear the heartbeat slowing...

Cliffhanger ya'll

Comments really appreciated

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