Alaric Wants to Kill Me

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Rubbing the sleep from my eyes shifting up in the bed seeing Klaus laying peacefully asleep beside me. Laying my head down on his chest he wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my forehead whispering in my ear. "I have been waiting forever for your little butt to wake up so I can kiss you."

"Oh I'm sorry humans have to sleep, Klaus." I teased sitting up so I could kiss him but he suddenly flipped me on my back using his vampire speed where I grunted. "That's cheating using vampire powers."

He leans down deepening the kiss that we had started. "I never said I played fair, Maddie Forbes." Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed him back enjoying the feeling until the bedroom door gets broken into by Rebekah who seemed on edge for some reason.

"Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me." She blurted out stomping around the room.

Klaus flopped on his back laying close to me rolling his eyes. "Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead." He leans over trying to kiss me again. "Now leave little sister."

"Would you stop focusing on your soulmate and care about our lives for a second!" She stomped her heels on the floor rolling her eyes. "He's a vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white oak stake that can't kill him. He is strong, Nik. Too strong."

Klaus sits up in the bed focusing on her. "Where is he now?"

"He's stuck at the school without a daylight ring, but as soon as night falls he'll come after us. We need to leave now." Shs replied turning on her heels about to leave the room seeing me shivering at the thought of him killing me.

She walked over taking my hand in hers squeezing it then vampiibg out of the room. "Don't worry Maddie. We'll protect each other, like we always have. Always and forever, Nik."

Klaus kept trying to break into Elena's house until Stefan stepped out onto the porch before he could set the house on fire. "Elena is not here. Alaric has her and Caroline. He's gonna kill them both unless you turn yourself over to him."

"He has my sister. He has Caroline!" Stomping up onto the porch in between the two boys I felt my heart beating faster in fear. Throwing my hands out away from my sides I start freaking out in a panic. "What are we standing around for. Let's go rescue her - uh them!"

Klaus squeezed my shoulder tilting his head to the side. "Now I know you're not asking me to walk into a certain death." We glanced into each other's eyes as he spoke. "Because I'd hate to make you have to explain to Caroline why her little sister died alongside me."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Damon asked carrying a piece of broken fence over his shoulder. "Little Forbes, isn't a vampire. Why would she need to be protected anyhow?"

Whipping my head around to the raven haired vampire I start twirling my ring on my finger. "Damon, I am the soulmate of the Original boys. So if Klaus dies I'll feel his pain. But that's not important. What's important is saving my sister before Alaric kills her. Let's go!"

Entering the high school the Salvatore brothers followed us through the hallways trying to be quiet since Alaric could hear our movements. Pressing my back into the lockers I catch the flying of blonde hair so Klaus vamped behind my sister covering her mouth with his hand so she wouldn't scream. "Shhh. It's okay. It's okay. It's me. It's okay. You're safe. We'll save Elena. You go straight home, you stay inside. Do you understand?" He turns her around so that she faces him. "Do you understand me?"

"Thank you." She whispered back seeing me standing there in the corner. "Maddie, it's not safe here for you."

Walking up to her I grab her hands in mine weakly smiling to my sister. "I had to come save her. You're my sister after all."

"Caroline take Maddie with you right now. Alaric is coming and I can't risk him killing her." Klaus declared before I spun on my feet ready for a fight.

"I'm not going anywhere, Klaus. I can handle myself-" He cuts me off cupping my face in his hands resting his forehead against mine gently.

"You're my mate and I can't let him kill you. You'll be safer with your sister, please." He whispered until I nodded intertwining my hand with my sister's where she vamped us back into our house. Heading into my room I sat down on the bed I run my fingers through my hair sighing with my head between my knees.

My sister enters the room a few hours later where I felt a sharp pain in my heart where I clutched my chest. She rushed forward bending on her knees concern on her face instantly. "Mads, Mads, hey what's going on?" I gasped feeling the pain going away where I grasped her hands in mine.

"Care, take me to Klaus now. Take me to him please!" I begged her where she started to argue but takes my hand in hers vamping me to a storage unit hearing foosteps inside the building.

"Alaric's here Maddie. We should go home." She tried but I pull her hand from mine reaching down into my boot pulling out a white oak stake. "How did you get that?"

Twirling it in my hands I sighed gripping it tightly since I haven't killed anyone ever in my life. "Klaus and I are mates. Actually I'm linked to Elijah and Kol too. We'll talk about this later. Go home if you want I'm going in there." Opening the door I slowly closed it sneaking through the halls looking around just in case Alaric finds me and try to kill me. Someone vamped down the hallway I raised the stake but Rebekah grabs my wrist so I can't kill her.

"Maddie, why are you here. It's dangerous. Did my brother give this to you?" She takes the stake from my hands until somebody vamped us against the wall covering our mouths so we couldn't scream. Moving my eyes up I saw Damon before he led us over to where Klaus's body was trying to get him to the car but Alaric vamped forward in front of us.

Rebekah rushed forward but he grabbed her by her hair slamming her head into the truck hood. So he threw her onto the ground. Grabbing the stake from my inside my boots again I ran up trying to stake him. Alaric snagged my wrist twisting my arm behind my back shoving me into the ground harshly with his vampire strength. Sliding across the floor I winced feeling blood coming from my left elbow. Damon tried to stop him but he throws him too.
"No!" Rebekah and I both cried in unison getting to our feet as fast we could seeing Alaric pull out his stake and opened the coffin.

Damon scrambled to his feet too before he stabbed Klaus with the dagger making him gasp and Klaus's body started burning. "No! Don't!"

Suddenly I collapsed onto my knees feeling my heart is on fire with the stake still sticking inside his chest. Damon puts Rebekah behind him trying to protect her but she started sobbing uncontrollably in his arms trying to go to her brother. Holding myself up on my hands and knees I gasped them tears staining my face reliving through this much pain. "!"

Damon struggled to hold Rebekah seeing Alaric pull out the stake facing all three of us. "Rebekah, run. Take Maddie now, Run!" She grabbed my arm helping me to my feet vamling us away and into the middle of the woods finding Elijah.

"Elijah...he's gone...Klaus's gone!" I shutter stumbling into his waiting arms still sobbing where I stained his suit shirt with tears. He wrapped his arms around my frame feeling my body collapse into his embrace. He stumbled a little being able to feel the suffering you felt much stronger than he did about Finn. So he had to assume it was because of your connection to Klaus more.

Breaking our hug he embraced Rebekah who was sobbing still too. "He's gone, Elijah. There was nothing I could do to stop it." He has tears in his eyes too where I dropped on my knees crying against a tree trunk.

Comments really appreciated

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