Salvatore Musical

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Nikola's POV

We had finally gotten Landon and my sister back from their sleeping spells and for once it seemed like we were getting back to normal. Entering my parents' old mansion I just needed a break from school. Looking around the room I opened one room seeing a mixture of old paintings and sketches laying everywhere. Picking up one of them I recognized a drawing of my mother sitting on a park bench with her blonde hair falling over her shoulders. "That was the day you're mother and I actually had our first conversation together."

"Dad geez!" I jumped around on my feet throwing my blonde hair around seeing him leaning in the doorway wearing a dark black jacket arms crossed over his chest. "I didn't expect anyone to follow me here."

He pushed himself off the wall walking up to me scanning over the other works of art in front of us. "What are you doing out here by yourself? Your mother sent me to find you. Seeing that your boyfriend is planning some kind of performance of the school."

"I just needed a minute to myself - ugh being pregnant isn't easy." Holding a hand to my stomach I gulped trying to not get sick feeling tired just by standing for a few minutes.

Dad reached over resting his hand on mine blue eyes staring at me. "Well if you ever need a minute to let out your anger you have the perfect father for it."

Nodding my head I sat the drawing down wrapping my arms around his neck where he wrapped his arms around my waist. He moved one hand through my hair kissing the crown of my head. "Thanks dad. Now what do you mean Landon is doing a show about the school?"

"I'll let your mother explain, little Tribrid." He loops his hand through mine vamping us back to the school and into the gym seeing that Landon and my mother were talking with my sister while handing out paper that looked to be scripts.

Maddie's POV

"Landon I don't see why Nikola and Nik wouldn't be open to being in the show. I mean there's a whole complicated story behind how this place came to be." I explained flipping through the parts of Caroline and Elena.

Hope nodded in my direction, smiling. "Yeah mom. You and dad could play by yourselves but I am not sure who I should be. Since Nikola will probably be the one singing her part."

"What is going on here, mom, Landon. Why are you doing a play for the school?" Nikola walked up to us with Nik crossing his arms over his chest standing behind her.

Landon spoke to her. "I thought it would be a good idea to show how the school was created. I also thought since you're parents and your family was such a big part in it that you and Hope should perform with them."

"You want to involve our family in this show. Well I say no." She scoffed, throwing her hands up in the air. "Because you can't even stay by my side when I told you I was pregnant. So why would I ever consider doing a show with you if you won't be serious in our relationship."

Landon dropped his shoulders with me and Hope watching their conversation. "Nikola, calm on I apologized about that-"

"I don't really think you did, Landon. Now I'm gonna go and leave my family out of it." My eldest daughter stomped out of the room leaving the four of us just standing quiet for a few minutes.

Running my fingers through my hair two strands of it were pinned back with the rest loose. "Alright well that was tense. Anyway Klaus I was thinking that you and I should perform our characters in this. What do you think?"

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