Be Mine Forever

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He chuckled watching the front door closed. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his phone pressing it to his ear. "Hello Sheriff Forbes, I am fancying a chat with you if you have the time."

Klaus's POV
Knocking on the sheriff's front door I sighed moving my black jacket around. Since Maddie doesn't have her emotions on at the moment I needed to find a way to get her out of my house so I could visit her mother without her knowing. The door opened where I saw the woman give me a confused smile. "Hello Klaus, what exactly was so important that you could tell me over the phone?"

"I know that you've already invited me in. But, can I come in please?" I asked knowing that she already let me in the night that I saved Caroline and met the love of my life too.

She nods her head stepping out of the way letting me step over the threshold. "Sure." She closed the door behind her slowly clipping her gun on her belt that I noticed standing in front of the fireplace in the living room.

"I'm not going to hurt you, sheriff. I just came to ask a question." I reassured her as she took a seat never taking her eyes off me.

"What's your question, Klaus?" She asked, concern in her tone.

Slowly walking towards her I dropped on a knee intertwining my hands together in front of me. I could feel something twisting my stomach in knots. I haven't been so nervous since I was human myself. But I suppose this is what happens when you find the love of your life. "Ms. Forbes, I love your daughter. I love Maddie more than I ever have anyone else in my immortal life. So much that she makes me feel like I can be a better man...that I have to be a better man for my children." Rubbing the back of my neck I bend my head down cursing under my breath that this is harder than anything I've done and I have killed people. "I'm sorry I thought this would go down easier. What I'm trying to say is...I want to marry your daughter. So I came here tonight to ask for your blessing...please Ms. Forbes, may I marry your daughter?"

"You're serious about this?" She asked where I nodded yes flashing her a smile hoping she took me seriously. She gets to her feet running her hands through her hair. "Oh wow she's - she's pregnant and not even graduated high school yet. And she's dating you - and was killed becoming a vampire. I - I was taught to fear them - to kill them. Except now...Now I can't imagine my little girl with anyone else in the world but you."

Slowly getting to my feet she stepped forward taking my hands in hers."I won't ever hurt her, Ms. Forbes-"

"Liz, call me Liz. If we're going to be a family it's a simple ask." She tugged me over to a locked safe, opening it and pulling out a small box.

Opening it I closed it quickly shaking my head. "Shouldn't you give this to your first born, Caroline. If it's about money I don't mind spending it."

"It's not that. When the girls were little I made a promise to myself that whoever got married first would get to have it." She rests a hand on my shoulder smiling with happy tears. "Take care of my baby, Klaus."

Maddie's POV
Spinning inside the front door I kicked off my heels vamping into the living room seeing Klaus standing in front of the fireplace with a bag at his feet smiling at me. "Get changed. We're taking a trip, you and me..back to New Orleans." I vamped upstairs into his room digging around and stealing one of his shirts. Slipping my jeans on with ankle boots. Tying a small part of my hair back downstairs.

"So why are we going back so soon?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders as he threw the bag in the car driving to the airport. Compelling us a seat in first class intertwining my hand in his. The flight was quicker than the drive was.

He leads me out onto bourbon street with the moon bright above our heads. "Tonight is a special night, Maddie. I thought you should get the full vampire experience in my favorite city. So pick whoever you want in this strip and...have at it." He smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind whispering the last part in my ear.

Scanning the crowd I see a girl with brown hair moving through the crowd of people. Slowly walking up to her I eyed her tan boots playing like I was human. "I love your shoes. Where did you get them?"

"I don't remember." She replied before I grabbed her shoulders, vamping her against a wall out of sight. "You're not gonna scream."

My fangs latched onto her in a second breaking her skin. She grunted as her blood slipped down my throat until I just drank until her body hit the floor. Nik vamped over blood on his lips too until he wiped it off taking my hand dragging me out into an area where people were dancing. Draping my arms around his neck, his landed on my waist smiling down at me. "What made you bring me here tonight, Nik?"

"Because you deserve to have a night out even though you're pregnant...and don't worry you won't be disappointed when this is over." He replied, twirling me out and back into his chest, tugging me into his chest, vamping me somewhere above the crowds. The wind blew my hair in my face as I separated from his hold walking forward to see that I could see all of New Orleans from up on this church building. "Maddie, I once said I would take you anywhere in the world and I intend to keep that promise. Because you are the light and love of my immortal life."

Turning on my heels I could see him fidgeting which is something I've never seen him do ever in the time that I've known him. "There's more to this night, isn't there. What are you hiding from me Klaus?"

"I don't plan on hiding anything more from you, Maddie. You have my whole heart and all my love...I love you Maddison Julia Forbes. More than I ever thought was possible. When I became a vampire I viewed human life as nothing more than food...until you." He slowly vamped forward taking my hands in his staring down longingly into my eyes. "I know that you don't have your humanity on right now but I want to do this now because I am tired of waiting."

Squeezing his hands in mine I tilted my head to the side not sure where he was going with this. "Waiting for what exactly?"

"For you to become a Mikaelson. To become my wife for all eternity, Maddie..." He reveals through a toothy grin dropping down on one knee before me. His blue eyes locked deeply onto mine. "I love you and I promise to show you and twins everyday. Even though I have made enemies I know that we can protect each other. I am serious about us so I went to your mother and asked her for this..." Reaching into his pocket he reveals a tiny black box opening it where I gasped recognizing the ring in his hands.

Sniffing some tears out I knew my humanity was trying to break through at this moment. Reaching up I wiped underneath my nose in an attempt to not let my emotions come back this soon. "Is that my mother's ring she did you get that...I thought Caroline would always get it?"

"Yes, Maddie it's hers. She told me that whoever got married first would get it. You're not in your twin's shadow like you always believed. You'll always be first with me. So will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and taking the Mikaelson name. Will you marry me, Maddie Forbes?" He asked, seeing tears falling down my face that shocked him. He didn't intend on flipping your switch back tonight.

Holding my left hand out to him he slipped it on when I croaked through happy tears flinging my arms around his neck. "Yes, yes, yes. Niklaus Mikaelson!" He wrapped his arms around my waist twirling me around in circles for a few seconds...knowing that I would have to face what I had done tomorrow morning.

One of my favorites to write ❤️

Comments really appreciated

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