Always and Forever

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Nikola was upstairs putting her little Henry to sleep since we had finally made the trip home. It was a long drive but it was worth it. Walking down the main stairs I could see the sadness in my eldest daughter. Of how much she was missing the man that she loved. Entering the main office I saw my sister jump up to her feet running to embrace me in a hug. "Oh Mads. I was so worried that something would happen to you all. How are the girls?"

"Back to their normal selves, Care. Oh and we have a vampire from Nik's past laying on our bedroom floor since I snapped her neck." I shrugged my shoulders simply smiling at my twin.

She moved her hands down to my forearms, scanning my eyes confused at what I was saying. "Maddie, I know that look in your eyes. What are you thinking of doing this time?"

"We need to find a way to bring Landon Kirby back. Because I can see the broken heart in my daughter and I hate it - what the hell!" Whipping my head around we heard a werewolf roar through the school where we vamped into the main living room in front of the fireplace.

Hope and Nikola were standing in front of the wolf pack where one werewolf was ready to attack them with a red stake in their hand. "Get away from us, Tribrids. You are monsters and won't change unless someone ends it!"

"No!" Klaus vamped forward about to snap the werewolf's neck but a streak of red hair vamped in front of the red stake before the wolf stabbed the weapon into the figure's chest.

Covering my mouth with my hands I released some tears with Hope and Nikola getting to their feet seeing exactly what I was seeing. "Aurora..." The red headed vampire gasped stumbling backwards staring down at the red stake sticking inside of her chest.

"I've got her." Klaus caught her body biting into his wrist trying to heal her.

Snagging his wrist I stopped him before he could making him send me a confused look. "We need to trade her for Landon. She can take his place once we figure out how to get to the afterlife without dying ourselves. We just need a certain witch.."

"Who?" Hope asked, looking at me then to the Saltzman twins standing beside their father.

Caroline and I both locked gazes where she picked up her phone pressing it to her ear. Turning my head around the doors I heard the werewolves all leave the room on Alaric's request giving us time alone. The doors slowly opened bringing a smile to my face seeing black curly hair getting thrown in the wind until she shut the door smiling at our group. "Did someone call for a Mystic Falls witch?"

"Bennett witch long time no see." Klaus grinned tugging me into his side, draping his arm over my shoulder.

She stepped down the stairs where Caroline and I rushed forward engulfing her in a long awaited best friend's hug. She wrapped her arms around each of us laughing along with us. "I have missed you guys so much. And I have missed this little home of ours."

"I've missed you too, Bonnie." I grinned holding her hand in mine while my sister was holding her other hand. "I am sorry though that I am asking for you to put your life on the line for someone you don't know. I know you would rather be traveling the world like Enzo told you too."

She pulled me in for an individual hug where I squeezed her a little tighter. "Hey don't apologize, Mads. I told you before I went traveling that I would always come if you ever called for my help."

"Well thank you, Bon." I broke the hug staring down at Aurora's body where she was gasping. The stake had grazed her heart enough where it was going to kill her slowly. So we had to move fast if we were going to connect to the limbo and make the trade.

Bonnie had went into the library coming back with her families books of spells sitting on the floor drawing a white circle around all of us. She had instructed the twins to bring the red oak stake that was pulled out of Aurora before all of us were standing around the circle waiting for what to do next. "Alright so Lizzie, Josie, Hope and Nikola we are going to channel the combined magic of each other. But I will be the one who has to travel to limbo since I have been dead already a few times." The four nodded understanding where she turned to face the three immortal vampires. "Caroline you and Klaus are only allowed in the circle to pull us out if something starts to go wrong."

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