Prom..Interpreted Us

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"I don't think pacing is good for the baby, Maddie. Would you care to tell me why you're clearly having trouble?" Klaus leans back sitting on the couch in front of the burning fireplace. The soulmate was stabbing him in the chest but he didn't want to risk getting it wrong since the pregnancy hormones was fighting against the humanity switch.

Flipping my blonde hair over my shoulders I scoffed to the father of my children. Stomping my right foot on the wooden floor I groaned. "Because the desire for blood is driving me insane. And the baby - correction babies are kicking my ribs like crazy....ugh the point of no humanity is to not care about this stuff!"

"Yes well you're also the only vampire in history that gets to carry children...what can I do to help love?" He secured my arm tugging me down onto the couch with him. Sitting on his lap resting one of his hands on my belly with the other rubbing circles on my lower back.

Wrapping my arms around his neck I lazily played with the dog tags around his neck. A few days ago my old friends found the cure but there's only one so it was in Elijah's hands until we decided who should get it. "I want to drink blood from the vein again..."

"Oh I see...from me or someone else?" He teased through a smirk remembering the drive it gave the both of us.

Leaning forward I whispered in his ear, smirking myself. "You..."

He brushes hair behind my ear tilting his head to the side giving me access. His blue eyes trained on mine as I leaned forward kissing his neck for a second then revealing my fangs. Breaking his skin I felt him gasp then his hands started gripping my waist gently. I moaned, feeling his blood going down my throat making me lean against his touch until Klaus tugged my hair making me retract my fangs blood slipping from my lips. "Bloody hell, Mads. I can't take it anymore..." He suddenly grabbed my waist, flipping me onto my back on the cough.

"What's the problem, Nik...I'm not complaining?" I gasped seeing him hovering above me, hands on either side of my waist so he wouldn't crush my belly.

He reveals his fangs for a second making his voice deeper leaning down slowly. "I have been trying to hold myself back since your sister says that I might hurt the babies. But I can't take it anymore...I want every part of you, Maddie Forbes. Pregnant or not." He crashed his lips onto mine where I wrapped my arms around his neck moaning into it. One of his hands moved underneath my shirt pushing it up as he started planting kisses on my neck.

"Niklaus don't tease..." I moaned, gripping the fabric of his shirt tightly in my hands.

He drew back the veins appearing underneath his eyes that flashed their golden color. I remember when I was so terrified the first time I saw him like this but now it turns me on at this moment. "Say that full name." He demanded our hot breath mixing together.

"Niklaus." Slipped past my lips, easily smiling up at him twisting the hair at the nap of his neck. "Maddison.."

Knitting his brows together he paused holding himself inches away from my lips. "What did you say?"

"My full name is Maddison Forbes. Only my mother calls me it...just thought you should know." I filled him in using my vampire speed flipping the position so he was on his back. Pulling my shirt over my head I kissed him deeply. His hands running up my back kissing me with the same passion.

"Klaus, Klaus!" My sister's voice shot through the mansion as I tried to block her out until she entered the room dropping her hands away at her sides. "Hello, did you not hear me!"

Klaus and I broke apart where he growled under his breath while I lay my head on his chest. "Of course I heard you, Caroline. I think the whole of Mystic Falls heard you. I'm in no mood for company."

"Well, I'm sorry that you're having personal issues, but I have a real crisis on my hands. Elena stole my prom dress. I went to pick it up, and the tailor said that somebody else already did. And when I asked who, she said she couldn't remember. Hello? The vervain is out of the town water supply. She was compelled." She scoffed, throwing her hair around in a fit. "It's not funny."

I started laughing in a dry tone wanting her to leave and Nik joined in shaking his head in amusement. "I know, I know."

"Then, stop laughing. Look, I know that prom isn't important to you, but it's important to me." My twin rolled her eyes at us.

Klaus wrapped his arms around my waist nuzzling his head into my neck kissing me a few times. "Surely finding another dress is well within your substantial vampire capabilities."

"But I don't want just another dress. I want to look hot, like Princess Grace of Monaco hot." She spun around stomping her boots on the wooden floor in frustration. She slumped her shoulders staring down at us. "So... Could you please go back into your creepy trophy case of family collectibles and dig me out something of royal caliber...if not me then for Maddie?"

Leaning up from Nik I rest my hands on my stomach not exactly sure if I could fit into my yellow prom dress I had bought months in advance. "Uh Care. I'm not sure I can even fit into mine you know given this.."

"That's ridiculous, Maddie. Rebekah has picked out a lot of dresses. I'll find you one and you'll go with your sister." He replied by tucking hair from my face turning my chin so I would look him in the eye.

I raised a brow whining like a child. "But Nik I want blood...if you're not there I can't drain anymore."

"Please go for me tonight then when you get back...we'll have some fun." He smirked with puppy dog eyes hearing my sister start gagging at us.

It took a few hours of doing hair and everything but he was right that I managed to fit into a dress that was orange and had yellow at the bottom. My hair falling loosely everywhere with my sister intertwining our hands together waving bye to Nik tugging me out the door. "Thank you, Klaus. I'll have her back by 8!"

He chuckled watching the front door closed. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his phone pressing it to his ear. "Hello Sheriff Forbes, I am fancying a chat with you if you have the time."

"I'm at home right now, Klaus. So come over if you'd like." She replied back to the hybrid hanging up the phone not sure what he wanted to talk to her about.

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