Two Hearts

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6 months later
"Nik this pain is unbearable. I want a freaking blood bag to take my mind off it!" I grunted gripping my stomach that has grown bigger making it harder for me to vamp around drinking blood like I would care to do. "Find me a dang witch!"

He sits at the foot of the bed playing with my hair trying to distract me from the pain. It's been getting worse since I became three months pregnant. "Maddie, you're in no condition for me to take you to New Orleans-"

I cut him off, gripping his forearm making him wince sharply. "Then find a witch here - call Bonnie!" Burying my head in the pillows I started crying. Even though I didn't care about anyone else except my twin and Nik, my emotions are still breaking through because of the pregnancy. "Gosh why don't we have any ice cream. I want some right now!"

"Sssh sweetheart, I'll call the witch. In the meantime there's someone here who might make you feel better." He turns his head towards the door where my sister enters carrying like three bags filled with clothes but one in particular caught my eye.

"You brought me dark chocolate. Caroline, have I told you how much I love you?" I cheered when she handed me the whole bag, my eyes lightening up.

Nik crossed his arms over his chest tilting his head slightly offended by my reaction to a simple dessert. "I've never gotten such a reaction out of you and now you're falling for chocolate."

"When she was on her period she always wanted it. Now don't you have a witch to be searching for." My sister whipped her head around glaring at him before he vamped out of the room.

Tossing chocolate chips in my mouth I eyed the bags at the foot of the bed that she had bought. "What's in the bags?" She grinned reaching down pulling out a tiny little pink dress alongside a cameo shirt and tan shorts.

"If it's a girl, I have high hopes that it is. We should spoil her with dresses." She pulled out an orange, blue and green dress laying them out on the bed. Then a few more shirts and pants for boys. "Although I will question what a little boy will look like with Klaus in him."

Slumping my shoulders I wrapped the blanket around myself more hearing footsteps enter the room. The door opened and our mother came in to see us sitting here. "I thought I'd come over during my lunch break to see how you're doing...considering you're a vampire now too." She sits on the bed reaching for my hand and I slowly grasped it in mine, happy that she wasn't mad that I told her I was a vampire a few days ago.

"I think I'm doing okay. This baby thing is a miracle but it's driving me crazy - agh seriously why are the cramps so bad." I moaned resting a hand on my back making my fangs visible for a few seconds.

She looks between my twin and I chuckling softly with a smile. "When I was pregnant I had horrible cramps too. And when I went to the doctor I couldn't believe that I wasn't just pregnant with one baby, but two." She takes my sister's hand in her freehand seeing the shock on both our faces as she explained. "Twins who have become these strong and beautiful women. Who will do great things even if you are both vampires." Her phone goes off where she sighed, kissing both our foreheads. "Uh it's work. I have to go. I love you both."

As she started to head for the door I called out to her hoping that she wasn't mad. "Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Maddie." She replied, turning around to face us.

Holding my sister's hand in mine I pushed hair out of my face trying to find the right words. "I just wanted to say...I know Klaus isn't the perfect guy and probably doesn't seem like the perfect father. But he loves me...he is the father that is giving you your question is will you still love me even though you know the truth now?"

"Oh Maddison. Even though I was taught to hate vampires. I could never push you away because the father is a supernatural hybrid." Our mother rushed forward wrapping her arms around me in a hug and I bite my tongue holding myself back so I don't drain her for blood. She breaks the hug holding my shoulders with tears in her eyes. "You and your sister have shown me that things can be different. So I shall love you and this little one no matter what happens." She waved bye before Bonnie came back with Klaus a few hours later.

Caroline got to her feet hugging our friend helping me get comfortable on the bed sitting upright. Nik stands beside me leaning against the headboard watching Bonnie climb on the bed placing her hands on my bigger stomach. There's a gust of wind that surrounded her as she spoke in a foreign language I didn't understand before she opened her eyes with a shock clear on her face. "What is it, Bon? That's not a happy look on your face." My sister asked, arms crossed over her chest.

"The spirits felt something that they don't believe is possible-"

She tried to say bye and got cut short by my boyfriend. "Yes a vampire being pregnant by the original hybrid we've already been through the shock. What else is there?"

I smacked his arm harshly glaring up into his blue eyes then back down to her. "Bonnie, please tell me." I begged, placing a hand on top of hers.

She bends her head down, taking my hands in hers, showing a small smile on her face. "I don't see how the witch in New Orleans missed this. But there's not just one baby, Maddie...there's two and they're twins. Twin girls." Parting my lips I couldn't believe that she was saying that. Maybe mom knew something that we didn't...she knew without any supernatural ability.

Send me ideas please...honestly I just want to jump to Hope being born already but that might be weird right???? sarahgale98

Comments really appreciated

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