What Brings Family Together

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Nikola's pov

I was growing tired of being locked up and finally raised my hand strong enough to break down the spell my cousins put up in place unlocking the door. Vamping into the hospital I needed to find a baby doctor. "Hi um can I see if I'm pregnant?" I asked the nurse at the front desk struggling to not rip her neck open and drink her blood.

The nurse nods, walking away to get a room ready. "You can sit down and wait. Are you ok, do your parents know?"

"Um no." I told her staring down at my shoes feeling guilty while I played with my thumbs.

"Just know that you have options." She said as I nodded my head to the nurse who was taking me back had me sit down and do a blood test to find out. Right now I could care less about the possibility of a baby. But I still don't have the heart to get an abortion or at least I don't think so.

Fifteen minutes later the nurse came back and said with a grin. "Congrats you're pregnant!" Putting some gel on my stomach and I closed my eyes tightly hearing a faint heartbeat inside my stomach.

Resting my hands on it I gasped sharply feeling some tears slipping down my cheeks. Blinking through them I pictured memories of me and Landon. Of us being happy together. "Ms. Uh - are you alright?" The nurse asked, clearly seeing me cry.

"Oh uh yeah. Thanks." I climbed off the bed as quickly as I could craving a milkshake from the grill. Vamping away from the hospital I almost had most of it drank before I gasped seeing my boyfriend. "Landon?"

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket standing in front of me seeing that I was still letting some tears out. "Nikola, are you okay? What happened? Why are you crying?" He bends down on a knee tucking hair behind my ear.

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