Sister's Lie

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Caroline and I finally got out of class but she has cheerleader practice so I am on my own for a few hours until she gets home. Tying some of my hair back I stroll through the park since it's a sunny day where I sit down on a bench enjoying the breeze until someone sits down beside me. "Hello again love." Whipping my head in the direction of the voice I gasped seeing the guy who saved my twins life last night.

"Klaus, hi. What are you doing in the park?" I asked showing him a smile because I was happy to see him again.

He draped his left arm over the bench shrugging his shoulders with a cheeky grin on his face. "I was just on a stroll and saw your sister wasn't with you. So I thought we could have a chat. You're not against that are you?"

"Never. So what do you want to chat about?" I turned so I was facing him a little with the wind blowing my hair around.

He tilts his head to the side flashing me a smile making me blush. "I wanna know about you. You're hopes, interests."

"Oh wow right to the hard stuff huh." I teased feeling my face turning red making him chuckle. "To get the relationship stuff out of the way. I'm not seeing anybody...I've never had a real boyfriend. For my dreams I want to travel, you know see the world outside of this town. And I guess my hopes would be...a family or an epic love whichever happens I'll be happy."

Klaus reaches over resting his hand on mine that was just resting in my lap. "Maddie can I treat you to a drink?"

"I'm not 21, I'm only 17." I shake my head no towards his offer.

He bends his head down retracting his question. "Fair enough. Dinner then?"

"Wait we've only just met and you're asking me on a date. Are you trying to get me into your bed Mr - what's your last name?" I teased him with a raised brow not believing that someone isn't asking about my sister or comparing me to her like always.

Klaus smirked my direction. "Mikaelson."

Waving my index finger in his face I finished my sentence seeing he is enjoying this. "Thank you, Mr. Mikaelson. I am flattered by your offer but if that is where this night might go I'm out."

"Trust me Maddie. My intentions aren't to sleep with you tonight...unless that's what you want." He smirked holding his hands up in the air watching my cheeks burn red.

Burying my head down in between my legs I throw my head groaning. Running my fingers through my hair with him chuckling in enjoyment. "Klaus stop it...I can't handle it."

He gets to his feet offering me his right hand tugging me gently to my feet when I put my hand in his. He keeps our hands together on our way to the grill. Sitting in a booth I recognized Matt working the bar chatting with Damon Salvatore. His brother Stefan goes to school with me. "Hey Damon." I waved what he glanced over his shoulder almost dropping the bourbon in his hands.

"Oh hey little Forbes..." He nervously chuckled going to pick up his phone turning away from us.

Shifting my gaze onto Klaus I saw he was drawing something on a napkin trying to not let whatever it was. "What are you drawing, Mikaelson?"

"That's something for you to find out later." He pointed the pencil at me going back to drawing when Matt came over with a Coke for me.

Sipping my drink before I could get another word out the door to the grill gets kicked opened. Whipping my head around throwing my hair over my shoulder I gasped seeing my sister stomping up to us. "Care, what are you doing here. Practice isn't over for another hour?"

"We got out early. Come on we're going home now." She grabbed my arm abruptly with her vampire strength trying to not break it. "Stay away from my sister you hear!" She whipped her head back towards Klaus yanking me out the door.

I managed to yank my arm from her grip standing my ground as we just stood in the middle of the parking lot of the grill. "Caroline what is going on. Why did you tell him to stay away from me?"

"Because that's Klaus, Mads. As in the big bad hybrid that is trying to kill Elena!" She points her index finger at me raising her voice suddenly. "He's dangerous. Luckily I got here before he tried to kill you!"

"Maddie, I meant to give you this you got too far."
The front door to the grill opens where I glanced over my shoulder seeing Klaus running up to me. He takes my hand slipping something in it before he suddenly gets slammed into a wall by someone.

I screamed jumping backwards a little feeling my heart almost beating out of my chest. "Damon!" The raven haired guy holds Klaus against the wall trying to press a stake to his heart.

"You can't kill me Salvatore. I am the hybrid. I cannot be killed!" Klaus grunted creating veins under his eyes that also flashed a golden color that I have never seen on my sister. So he was something completely different.

Damon jerked his head in the direction of my sister. "Blondie get her out of here now!"

"Mads-" She reached for my hand but I slapped it away feeling tears starting to fall down my cheeks.

She pulls her hand back taken back by force watching me spin on my heels running as fast as I could home not wanting to be around at this moment. "You liar - stay away from me Caroline!"

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