A Kirby Proposal

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Nikola's POV

Sitting by the window in my room I was holding my son while he was asleep in my arms. My parents were off somewhere running the school. Landon and I have been busy taking care of our baby but we haven't really seen each other that much. "Another miracle child for this family. Hopefully you won't have a destiny that says you have to die."

The baby in my arms starts grabbing at my shirt mumbling some random sounds before I hear a random voice in my head. "Nikola, I'm sorry you had to fall in love with me." Closing my eyes it sounds like Landon. Opening my eyes again I felt dizzy so I laid our son on the bed right before I collapsed onto the ground.

Opening my eyes again I was standing around some area with a bunch of empty crates. I didn't recognize the area at all but I did hear the voice who called out. "Am I interrupting something? It seemed like a moment." Landon slowly walked towards me but the tone in his voice didn't sound like him.

"Landon..." I trailed off about to hug him until someone vamped in front of me to see my sister Hope. "Hope, what is happening. How did you turn?"

She grabs my shoulders glancing back to my mate flashing me her fangs. "That isn't Landon, it's Malivore. I'm sorry but we have to kill him otherwise he will destroy everything we care about including Henry."

"Wait no. I'm not ready." I was startled and panicked that this day would come but I was completely emotional over this. "This isn't real, right. I won't kill the father of my child. I...I don't have the heart to do it."

My twin grumbles through tears clearly not wanting to do what is about to happen. "Then I'll do it for you. I jumped into the pit to protect you and our parents so I'll take this pain from you. I may be your little sister but I'll do it."

"I can't ask you to do the hero move for me. I'm your big sister and I'm supposed to be the one protecting you." Gripping the ends of my hair I felt myself starting to cry uncontrollably at the thought. "This isn't real. Fate isn't real. I'm gonna wake up now. I want to wake UP NOW!"

Landon/Malivore smirked coming closer to us where my sister vamped forward but he snapped her neck dropping her body at my feet. "It doesn't matter what she says. You're the only one who can truly kill me. Soulmate to soulmate. Unless I kill you first - urgh!" He grunted, grabbing his head until I stared into the brown eyes I knew.

"Landon, is it really you?" I asked keeping some distance between the two of us but I could feel his breath mixing with mine.

He blinked a few times replying back with a nervous smile down at me. "I bet you say that to all the Landon's"

"Oh gosh...how do we do this!" Flinging my arms around his neck I sobbed into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close.

He buried his face in my hair before I woke up from this nightmare of a vision I was living. "Just close your eyes when you kill me...and promise me that you will tell Henry stories of his father...I love you, forever."

Shooting upright I gasped clutching my heart feeling like I just lived through a panic attack but much worse. Frantically looking around the room seeing that little Henry was still sound asleep on the bed until the bedroom got kicked open and he started crying. "Surprise, my Tribrid niece."

"Uncle Kol...what are you doing here?" I asked slowly, getting to my feet wiping away tears with the sleeve of my shirt. I wasn't expecting to see any of my other family anytime soon so this was a good surprise.

He walked across the room when I picked up Henry, getting him to calm down from the sudden interruption of his nap. "You will see soon enough. Why are you crying, darling?" He rests a hand on my shoulder.

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