My Orleans Girl

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sarahgale98 Bianca Lockwood is her OC in this chapter. She asked me to include her in here if it was possible at all. I hope I did good :)

Madison Beer portrays Bianca

My phone rings earlier on Saturday morning where I rolled over in my bed thinking it must be Damon calling about another plan to hurt the Originals even though I am linked to the brothers. So honestly he should just stop trying. Putting the phone to my ear I yawned hearing a different voice come through the phone. "Hey Mads, what would you say if I was picking you and bringing you to New Orleans for the weekend?"

"I would say you're crazy, Bianca. You're busy with work and you don't have that kind of money to fly out there." I chuckled throwing my head back against the pillows at her crazy idea. She is related to Tyler and decided to become an artist in New Orleans and she's 23 years old.

Her and I became friends when Caroline and I were in middle school. I figured she was going to become an artist because she was always drawing anything in a notebook like all the time. Sitting up on my bed I suddenly heard someone honk outside my window. Pulling the curtain back I gasped seeing her car sitting in our driveway where she waved up at me seeing me still holding my phone up to my ear. "Bianca Lockwood you are literally insane. There's no way I am coming with you."

"Come on, Mads. I even think I found a hot guy for I have something to tell you." She replied where I groaned changing into some clothes for the day heading out the front door immediately rushing to her waiting arms. She picked me up on the ground twirling me around for a few seconds then sitting me back on my feet. We hold onto each other until she flashed a golden color over her eyes that I recognized from Klaus. "I found this guy who helped me stop having to lock myself up everytime there was a full moon."

Tucking hair behind my ear I gasped finally realizing that she was a werewolf like her brother. It finally made sense since her first boyfriend got killed in a car accident and that's how she became a wolf. "So you're a hybrid now. I know who turned you-" She cuts me off and puts me into the car where we made the drive to the famous city.

Stepping out of her car I watched her draw out her phone answering somebody who had called her. "Hi Marcel, you don't have to worry I just ran to Mystic Falls to pick up a friend. You'll like her. She's Human though so no drinking from her understand." She hung up grabbing my hand were we started walking down bourbon street. She even compelled someone so we could have some drinks where I drank a margarita in my hands.

"So Bianca who exactly is this hot man you claim to have found for me hmm?" I teased her feeling a little bit of a buzz and a burning in my chest from the new taste.

Bianca clasps her hands together in front of her as we now sit at a table outside one of the bars. I could hear loud music being played around the corner and some people were dancing outside some of the other places near us at the moment. I immediately think of Kol and how he said we danced good together. "Well he has dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Oh and an accent you know like-"

"Hello love." I felt my cheeks turn red recognizing the voice that followed in unison with Bianca that could only belong to the one and only original hybrid.

His foosteps stopped right behind my chair where I spun around smiling up at him before he mirrors the same look on his face. "Klaus, what are - how are you here?" Raising a brow at him I had to wonder if the soulmate bond was stronger than we knew. That he could find my exact location without a witch now.

"This is my favorite city, Maddie. I enjoy all the music, art, culture. Although now it's improved that you're here." He smirked leaning down capturing his lip with mine. Lightly gripping the collar of his jacket I kissed him back feeling him whispering in my ear. "Be careful in this place. Vampires rule this place. If anything goes wrong just call out my name."

Nodding my head he vamped off into a random direction leaving me alone with Bianca. Once we finish our drinks the moon was rising in the sky. She intertwined my hand with hers where we started dancing around in a crowd full of people but I could feel someone watching the two of us. Throwing my hair around I tripped falling into the arms of a black guy who chuckled holding me off the ground. "If you're not careful you'll dance till you drop, doll."

"Thanks for the save. I guess I am clumsy on my feet sometimes." I smile standing on my feet now where Bianca throws her arms around my shoulders.

"Hi baby, this is the Mystic Falls girl. Maddie Forbes." Sticking my hand out we shake hands.

The man smiled showing me his fangs clearly not afraid to show what he was. "It's nice to meet you, Maddie. I'm Marcel, Marcel Gerard. Welcome to my city."

Comments really appreciated

Tell me what should happen next please

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