Kai Parker Influence

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Nikola's POV

Entering the Mystic Grill I needed a break and a drink after what happened with Hope a few hours ago. Downing a shot of Bourbon I shake my head feeling better after the strong taste. "Wow Bourbon girl. You remind me of a vampire named Damon Salvatore."

Spinning on my feet I gasp gripping the countertop behind me frantically searching through the room until someone wissiled waving their hand laying in a booth with a bag of pork rinds in his other hand. "Oh my god I know you....you're Kai Parker. I'm actually not that impressed."

"You know about me I'm flattered. Can I know your name?" The stranger asked me still eating the chips.

Crossing my arms over my chest I tilted my head to the side recognizing him from one of the photos in the library. He was on the enemies list basically. "Nikola Mikaelson. I've been told stories about you. That you murdered your twin who is the bio mother of Lizzie and Josie."

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