Supernatural School

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16 years later
I couldn't not let out a fit of laughter as Nik tickled me underneath the covers in our room in the compound of New Orleans. He lifted his head up letting me see his hair is the simple curly mess that I loved. "I could listen to that sound all day, Mrs. Mikaelson."

"Unfortunately we don't have all day, Nik. We promised Caroline that we would visit the school this weekend." I booped my nose with his trying to get up but he used his vampire speed, trapping me underneath him again.

He smirked proudly, twirling some of my messy blonde hair in between his fingers. "She can wait a few minutes. We have all eternity after all, Maddie." He leans down, capturing my lips with his.

"That is true for us...but not our daughters remember?" I mumbled in between the kiss suddenly vamping him onto his back smiling down at my husband.

Nik flopped on his back holding his head up on his elbow just staring at me. Climbing out of the bed I shrugged on his shirt that he had thrown on the floor from the events of last night. We decided to take some trips around the world while our kids were at the school for the young supernatural. Basically our honeymoon in a way. "Come on, Klaus. It's been a few weeks since we saw the girls. Plus I am dying to see the twins." Giving him the puppy dog eyes hoping he would cave.

"Ugh fine love...but you owe me." He grumbled vamping out of the bed getting dressed quickly like I did. I had to admit I loved vamped speed and compulsion wasn't so bad even though I didn't use it as much as he does.

Wrapping my arms around his neck he leans down kissing my forehead. "Don't worry babe. I'll make it up to you later." He rested his hands on my waist before we made the drive back to Mystic Falls. When my sister talked about opening a school to benefit the supernatural children. It took a lot of work but I am glad she decided to open it. Pulling into the driveway I closed the door seeing kids playing in the backyard of the Salvatore boarding house.

Klaus opened the door for me hearing my sister's voice coming through the hallway. "We believe in inclusive bleeding here. So outside of full moons. Vampires, werewolves and witches. All cohabite peacefully."

"Where do you keep the hybrids? In the root cellar?" My husband teasingly interrupts her leaning in the doorway.

The group of students she was giving a tour to glanced at our direction. My eyes caught sight of the Saltzman twins who both ran over to me grinning ear to ear. "Excuse me I just need one minute with this very lost new janitor. Come on Bob, Maddie let me show you the toilets." She leads us into a small office room closing the door behind me.

"Aunt Maddie!" Lizzie and Josie cheered, engulfing me each in an individual hug then did the same to Nik.

My twin and I embraced each feeling like we hadn't seen each other in forever. We sent Hope and Nikola here when they were seven years old. I trusted that my sister and Alaric had the kids' best interests at heart. "I've missed you, Care."

"Same and look at you. You're glowing. I'm guessing you're loving all the traveling now." She grinned while putting our hands together. Nik and I agreed to take some small trips around the world at least until my sister went on a secret trip on her own for the safety of the twins. She needed to find a loophole to the twins having to merge when they turned 22. Meaning that the winner would live and absorb the magic of the loser.

Throwing my head back I sighed softly to her. "Yes but I miss seeing you all. Plus Nikola and Hope we're missing us too. So it was time for me to come back home."

"And I'll accompany her wherever she wants. Always and forever." Nik declared wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. Leaning into his embrace I smiled up at him softly.

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