Dancing Date Gone Bad

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Caroline insisted we go clothes shopping like normal teenagers who don't have to deal with the supernatural world for a change. She hands me a short red dress that is sleeveless with some flats since she knows I can't stand wearing heels. Pulling the curtain opened she grinned as I gave her a small twirl suddenly hearing a voice enter the room. "That's looks perfect for a night of dancing darling." Whipping my head around to the front desk of the store I spotted Kol leaning in the doorway with a cocky smile on his face.

"Seriously can't you Mikaelson take a hint and give me and my sister one day of peace." My twin spat throwing hee hands up in the air frustrated.

Kol slowly walked forward until he was standing directly in front of my sister. "Relex Caroline. I'm not here to cause trouble. I simply wish to take your sister out for a night of dancing. Isn't that right, Maddie?"

"He's right Care..." I replied when they both stared back at me knowing the bond never lied to me.

She throws her head back grabbing my arm pulling me into a dressing room even though he could hear what we were saying. "Mads, I don't like this one bit. The Mikaelson are all crazy in their own way. They're dangerous...I will hurt anyone that tries to hurt my little sister."

"Care, you have to trust me on this. Ever since I got this bond they haven't hurt me." Taking her hands in mine I slump my shoulders knowing she just wanted to protect me.

She wrapped her arms around me in a hug and I hugged her back then opening the door seeing Kol now sitting on one of the chairs waiting with a slight smirk on his face. "Don't worry darling. I wouldn't wish to kill your sister because then it would kill my family so she'll be safe." He extended his hand where I slowly placed my hand in his letting him lead me outside the shop then down some streets until we reached a bar making me pull back but he opened the door for me. "I compelled the owner. He believes your 21 dear. Nothing to worry about."

Kol opened his hands with a smile once we're standing in the middle of a crowd of dancing people. Putting my hands in his he moves my left to his shoulder with his other hand on my waist. Our freehands intertwined together with the two of us swaying to the music in silence until I broke it feeling my heart skip a beat. "I guess it pays off to be around for a thousand years because all you Mikaelson's can dance pretty well."

"Maddie, you need to know that Niklaus wasn't the only one to flip his switch and go without humanity for a few years. I was a maniact but now I'll try to do better just so you know." He explained twirling me underneath his arm making me smile with my hair flying everywhere.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind resting his chin on my shoulder. "If you're thinking about compelling me my sister makes me take vervain so you're out of luck. So no drinking my blood either." I snipped looking into his eyes softly.

"Quick on your feet and beautiful. You're after my heart Maddie Forbes." He smiled separating from my hold tilting his head towards the bar. "Care for a drink?"

"Virgin please." I called out to him watching him walk away until someone was standing behind me so I turned around. "Who are you, sir?" A black guy stands neat me with a small beard who walks up to me offering his hand.

"My names Conor and I just wanted to make sure he wasn't bothering you." He spoke noticing that I still didn't shake his hand. "Even though...he's a vampire."

Knitting my brows together I felt a chill run down my spine since he's a complete stranger but knows about Kol. I started to take a step backwards away from him but he grabbed my wrist holding me tightly then pulling out a needle shoving it into my neck. My eyes fell closed and I collapsed into his arms hearing the glasses drop on the ground that Kol was holding with the stranger taking me outside through a back door.

Comments really appreciated

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