Most Powerful Creatures On The Planet

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Klaus's POV

Dropping the dead red head in my hands onto the floor. Picking up the beer sitting beside me hearing my phone ringing where I groaned frustrated. "Who the bloody hell is this!"

"Have you lost your bloody mind, Niklaus. You freaking flipping your switch. What were you thinking!" Rebekah shouted in my ear so I put the phone on speakerphone so she didn't blow my eardrum out.

"I didn't choose it, Becca. Nikola made me but I must say I have forgotten how liberating it is. Not having to care about a school full of kids and just focus on myself."

Nikola's lips were covered in red, tearing out a boy's blood. She leans back in the booth calling out to her aunt. "Hi Auntie Bex. Yes I turned his switch. I don't see the problem with it."

"Sweetie you haven't been around when he was like this. He is barely concerned with human life when he has his humanity on. Without it he will become a ripper. It won't end well." She tried to convince her but I scoffed towards her.

Vamping forward to the door I heard someone coming into the grill. The door opened for me to see her boyfriend Landon. "Hello mate. Can I have a drink from you?" My eyes turned black smelling his blood.

"Uh sorry Hope gave me some erb." He replied clearly scared by the multiple bodies on the ground.

My daughter signed heavily, throwing her head back and I was annoyed with the statement too. "Vervain. You've got to be kidding me!"

"Nikola, please come back to school. We all miss you. You don't have to do this." The boy begged her with his gaze shifting nervously between us.

"Why the heck would I do that? I'm happy and I need to get revenge on Hope so don't mind me." She told him as I watched her quickly rush into the bathroom hollering for me as she was throwing up. ""Dad, I need you!"

As she wiped her mouth I could pick up on a faint sound. A tiny sound that I heard from Maddie long ago. A heartbeat inside her stomach meaning that Freya was right that she could have children. "Urgh there must have been something wrong with that human blood. Vampires aren't supposed to get sick." She spat, wiping away some tears with frustration until an idea popped into my head.

"I just remembered there's a dance at the school today. How do you feel about crashing a party, little Tribrid hmm?" I smirked seeing her smirking right back at me.

She pats Landon on the shoulder following me outside of the grill wanting to get ready for later tonight. "Ohh daddy you know me so well. Bye Landon."

Maddie's POV

Closing the door to Alaric's office I instantly saw that he had weapons scattered across the desk. All meant to wound a vampire in some way along with wolfsbane. He sits in his chair staring up at me with a look of concern that was clearly there. "Ric, what's going on? You have that I'm a worried idiot look on your face."

"I forgot there's a dance tonight at the highschool meaning that there's gonna be a bunch of humans for the taking." He covered his face with his hands grumbling.

Shutting my eyes tightly I sighed heavily. "Perfect for two vampires without humanity. Oh boy."

The office door opened again where the Saltzman twins and my other daughter walked in. "So what's the plan? Because I used a spell so we heard what you said outside. If it involves dad and my sister we have to stop them."

"Girls, I don't think it's a good idea." Ric tried.

"Dad, we're two powerful witches." Lizzie smirked hands on her hips.

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