Family Loopholes

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Maddie's POV

Sitting the suitcase down in the doorway of the compound I sighed looking around the familiar home we shared in New Orleans. We haven't been back here since we brought Landon to meet the family. "It doesn't seem right to leave the girls just as soon as we all get back together."

Klaus sat his bag down heading up the stairs and I followed after him knowing he had a good point. "Freya said it was urgent and this family always looks out for our own. Freya, where are you!"

Entering the living room I could see the table was covered with candles and multiple books dealing with supernatural abilities. I could hear her shoes hitting the floor before we saw her enter the room. "Oh great you two finally got here. We need to discuss something concerning your daughter."

"Discuss what beside the fact that you didn't tell us sooner that Nikola and Josie Saltzman ran off without telling anyone they were coming to see you. I thought we had an agreement to tell us the whereabouts of our children." He crossed his arms over his chest glaring towards his sister.

Holding my hands up I didn't need a Mikealson argument right now. "Well play the blame game later. Freya, what is it you need to tell us exactly?"

"Nikola needs to learn self control because she nearly killed a guy in broad daylight. Thankfully she isn't very good with compulsion or he had taken Vervain." She explained resting her hands on the table.

Nik rolls his eyes annoyed. "You brought us here to discuss that we didn't have the time to teach her how to be a good vampire. I don't have to stay here for that conversation. Maddie let's go."

"Niklaus, wait." Freya pleaded.

Whipping my head between my husband then back towards my sister in law sensing she has more to say then just that. "Nik just give her a minute to explain. Because I don't think that's all she has to say is it?"

"I think the family loophole might live on." She dropped her shoulders in defeat, locking eyes with me. "The loophole that allows a vampire to have children. I think Nikola has the capability."

Raising a brow towards her I didn't understand how that worked. "How exactly could that be possible. The only way I got pregnant was because I was still human the night we slept together.."

"And I must say that was a spectacular evening if I must say myself." Nik teased with a smirk my direction seeing me send him a glare back.

Freya cleared her throat entering the conversation again. "Yes but if you remember my brother, your husband was born a werewolf before he became a vampire. Allowing him to be the only supernatural vampire to have children with you Maddie."

"And because Nikola and Hope were born as both werewolves and witches, that gives them the chance." Twirling my wedding ring on my finger it clicked back into my mind like it had the night we found out I was pregnant with the twins myself.

Klaus runs a hand through his hair ruffling his curls into a slight mess. "Well now I've seen everything if that's bloody possible."

"It's just a theory I have but it seems just as possible since you two got the chance." His sister replied before I felt my phone ringing in my pocket aggressively.

Holding it up to my ear I exited the room even though Nik could hear my conversation regardless. "Who is this?"

"You left the school unsupervised, are you crazy, Mads!" My sister's voice scolded in my ear making me scoff under my breath at her ranting. "You do realize that as headmistress at least one of us needs to be there. Not all the kids are good at controlling their abilities."

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