Who's The Better Teacher??

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He vamped out of the way causing Damon to shove the stake into my chest. "No!" Caroline and Klaus cried in unison as I collapsed to my knees seeing blood rushing from the wound.

I didn't expect yesterday would be my last day as a human and in the next moment to come I wouldn't have imagined not ever regretting it in the future....Shooting upright I gasped frantically looking around the room seeing I am back in my old bedroom. Glancing towards the window I clutched my eyes closed feeling like it was burning like fire. Hugging my knees to my chest I noticed something missing from my hand, my twin ring. The bedroom door opened and I was surprised to see my twin and Nik entering in toe together. Concern present on both their faces. "Mads, oh thank God. I'm so sorry. I should have vamped you out of there the second I freed you." She started crying, taking my hands in hers.

"Care...I'm in transition aren't I?" I shutter remembering drinking Nik's blood that morning so I had to make the choice to feed or you die as Damon would say.

She nods before Klaus bent down on a knee tucking hair behind my ear slowly. Reaching into his pocket he reveals my ring in between his thumb and index finger. "I had the Bennett witch make it a daylight ring. Considering you two never take them off." I smiled seeing my sister spinning hers with her daylight ring on top of it. But it only matters that she still wears it. Watching the two of them I knew my choice was to become a vampire since they both would be heartbroken if I chose to die.

"So I brought some blood from the hospital. My favorite is B positive but I also brought others you can try." My sister vamped downstairs and back carrying three different bags in her hands. She hands me her favorite where I slowly tore it open bringing it up to my mouth drinking the contents. Dropping the bag I bared my teeth feeling some pain knowing what was there.

"Are they there...the fangs?" I asked, gripping the sheets of my bed in my fingers.

Nik offers me his hands helping me to stand leading me inside the bathroom in my bedroom. "See for yourself, Mads." Opening my mouth I gasped seeing two small fangs visible where I touched one with thumbs suddenly spinning around to face them.

"Care, where is mom? Oh god she's gonna hate me!" I felt myself crying for no reason even though a part of me knew that she accepted Caroline for what she was. But that doesn't mean she will do the same for me. "I was literally her only daughter who was still human and now I just drank blood without batting an eye. I'm gonna be a monster!"

Klaus pulled me against his chest letting me sob into his black jacket. One of his hands running through my hair and the other on my back whispering into my ear. "Sssh love. You're not a monster. She's not going to do that and if she does you'll have a home with my family."

Pulling slightly away in his hold wiping away tears with my sleeve nodding my head slowly. He intertwined our hands together where he tugs me through the house until my sister chased after us before we got out the door. "Where do you think you're taking her? I didn't agree to let you train her first. For all I know you'll make her a Ripper like you did Stefan!" She scoffed hands on her hips glaring up at him.

"Fine, love. If you're so concerned, come with us. But don't get upset when she can only keep down blood from the vein or my blood." Klaus dropped his hands from his sides rolling his eyes where I felt the desire to feed growing in the back of my throat. The three of us went out into the woods where he found a bunny eating leaves. "See it, sweetheart. Snatch it and drink the blood. Simple."

Locking my eyes on it I use the newfound speed grabbing it in my hands. My fangs popped out sinking into its neck drinking it until I felt it go limp. Dropping on my knees I sighed looking back at my boyfriend with blood still on my lips. "I think I did it - shit!" I curse suddenly vomiting the blood onto the ground coughing in pain.

My sister vamped forward resting a hand on my back while I groaned in pain. Leaning into her body she wrapped her arms around me with Nik chuckling down to her with a light smirk on his face. "I don't want to say I told you so, but...I told you so." He clasps his hands together tilting his head in the direction of the town. "Now do you want to teach her compulsion so she can feed?"

"Yes, I'll teach her. Just stay out of the way." My twin flipped her hair leading me by the arm into the grill seeing some girls from school sitting and laughing. "Focus your mind and if you believe what you're telling them it will work. Just take it slowly." She squeezed my hand in hers watching me walk up to the group of girls.

"Hey little Forbes." One of the girls spoke up with a smile looking up at me. "What can I do for you?"

Offering her my hand and she placed hers in mine. "Come with me to the back please. I need to tell you something." She followed me into the bar before I gripped her shoulders sucking in a breath hoping I did the right thing. "This won't hurt you and you won't scream." Creating my fangs out again I opened my mouth shoving my fangs into the red heads neck enjoying the feeling.

"Maddie, they're asking about their friend. You have to let her go." My sister came inside from the corner as I tilted the girls neck up getting more blood. I started to feel the girl's body fall into me and her heart was starting to slow but I didn't want to stop. The taste of blood no longer tasted like crap, now it was the best thing ever and I felt like it was addictive. "Maddie let go. That's enough. Maddie!" She demanded until she grabbed me by my hair, yanking me backwards.

Giving her a shove I flashed my fangs at her attempting to vamp forward but arms wrapped around my waist holding me. I recognized Klaus's scent while I thrashed against him wanting more blood. "Let me go, Nik. I need it. I need more!" He spins me around making me look in his eyes.

"Maddie, stop it. Alright I'll get you more blood. But not today. I need you to be better than I am." He bared his teeth feeling my nails digging into his arms but he didn't care. Moving his right hand up he stared into my eyes softly. "I don't want to compel you, Mads. But I will if you don't be a good girl and listen."

Dropping my eyes to the floor I sighed loosening my grip feeling the veins and my fangs disappearing. "I'll stop, Klaus..." Laying my head into his chest he wrapped his arms around my waist resting his chin on top. My sister healed the girl sending her off glaring at us with a long sigh knowing we needed a better system before I lost control again.

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