Who's More Powerful Now

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Klaus's POV

Maddie and the others were back at the school but Landon had told me that Nikola hadn't come home with him. If my wife was right that she had flipped her humanity switch then the town was in trouble. Opening the door to the grill I immediately smelled blood and I closed my eyes for a brief moment seeing blood before me. "Nikola, care to explain why you decided to turn the local pub into your own private restaurant?"

She was sitting on top of the bar, blood dripping from her chin reminding me so much of my former self. "Isn't it obvious dad. I was hungry and this town is full of humans who don't take Vervain." She says with a smirk on her face. "Now why don't you leave me alone and go back to Barbie and the little brat that should have stayed gone." She told me as she dropped the body and grabbed a bottle of bourbon and opened it.

"Excuse me little miss but that is no way to talk about your mother and sister." I scolded her, feeling the veins underneath my eyes appearing around all the blood. Most of the time I would just drink from a blood bag or two so this isn't a good situation. 

"Maybe you should shut up and leave me alone. I'm tired of being the hero, maybe I want to be more like the monster that is Niklaus Mikaelson " She said to me finishing the bourbon. "Stay out of my way and we won't have a problem."  

Gently grabbing her wrists I vamped her against the wall, getting annoyed with her tone. "You don't want to be like me sweetheart. Before I met your mother I was a very different person. That isn't going to be you." 

She smirks and bends my arms. "Maybe you should turn it off with me cause that sweet little girl is gone and she's not coming back." She breathed and looked me in the eye, compelling me. "Turn it off!!!!! . Join me, be my partner" 

I do my best to fight her but for once in my immortal life I found someone stronger than me. And it's my own blood. My own daughter. Shutting my eyes I loosened my grip on her sitting her back on the ground. "I'm going to go find your mother. Once upon a time she joined in the fun." I smirked towards my daughter hearing one of the humans start to leave until I vamped, grabbing them and draining them of blood dropping the body on the stained floor. 

"Good, I'll find more food while you're gone." She smirks back at me watching me vamp out of the grill. 

Maddie's POV

Leaning in the doorway of the bedroom I clutched my hands into fists still wishing that Kai hadn't come for my family. Because of him now Nikola had flipped her switch. Running my fingers through my hair I heard someone vamp into the room figuring it was my husband. But what I turned around to see made me shriek a little, rushing forward in a panic. "Nik, what happened? Did she do this to you?" 

"It's not her blood, Maddie. It's actually the bartender's blood. But don't worry he's dead on the floor." He shrugged his shoulders with a cheeky grin. Blood stains on his lips and his shirt was red with it too. 

I started to shrugging his shirt over his head knowing he probably wanted out of the bloody clothes until I registered what he had just said. My eyes drifted up to his blue ones but I couldn't see the normal light that they had when he looked at me. "What did you do, Klaus? Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did." 

"I did, love Technically Nikola compelled me but yes I flipped the switch." He smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist tugging me closer into his embrace, crashing his lips onto mine. "Paint the town red with us, Mads "

Stumbling backwards I shoved him back for the first time since I became a vampire. I was scared of him like I was the first night I learned he was a hybrid. "You turned your humanity off, Klaus. Oh my god you're saying that she can compel an original vampire. That means they're the strongest people in the supernatural universe." 

"I don't care that she's stronger than me. I just want blood and you…" His hybrid eyes flashed at me vamping my back into the wall trapping me in between his arms. "Join me, Mads. I will compel you if you don't agree." 

Locking my gaze on his blue orbs I couldn't believe what he was saying. "I don't believe it - you said you would never compel me." 

"And you said you wanted blood when you had your switch flipped." He spoke resting his forehead against mine pulling me into his memory. 

His hands moved under my shirt, almost pulling it over my head until I drew my fangs out. "Let's paint the world red, Maddie. Together, you and I...you'll be my queen."

"I'm a little hungry for something more than this aren't you?" Resting my chin in the palm of my hand I playfully smirked showing my fangs a little peeking out from underneath my top lip

Nik leans forward brushing his nose against mine. "Great minds think alike, my love...ladies first."

"I can't become that person again. If anything I want to forget that nightmare ever happened." Shaking my head I felt tears slipping down my face seeing no change in his facial expression. 

Nik gripped my neck in his right hand, nearly choking me. His blue eyes dilated where he attempted to compel me. "Turn it off, Maddie  - grah!" His body dropped to the floor with an arrow in his chest. 

I gasped sliding to the floor staring at my husband then shifting my gaze up to see my other daughter holding Alaric's crossbow in her hands. "Mom, I'm sorry. I just saw him holding you like that and I-" I cut her off flinging my arms around her body where she dropped the weapon. 

"Thank you, baby…" I mumbled into her shoulder wiping away tears after we broke the hug. "Come on, we have to go. It won't take him long to revie. Your father with no humanity is more dangerous than when he had his emotions." Hope and I intertwined hands with her carrying the weapon in her other vamping out of the room needing to figure out what we were going to do next. 

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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