You're Better Than This

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Jerking my head up the veins appearing underneath my eyes with the fangs spitting in her face. "Klaus....we're soulmates bonded. Call your brother off...because we can't be killed!"

I gasped sharply feeling the agony fading from my body. Bianca pushed hair behind my ear before I vamped her onto her back, snapping her neck. Getting to my feet I pressed my hand against the barrier sighing heavily until my hand fell forward. Stumbling a little I raised my brows not understanding how it broke considering Bonnie told me that a spell could only break if something bad happened to the witch. Shrugging my shoulders I vamped out of the house bumping into a random girl with blonde hair. "Watch it!" I spat in her face.

"I'm sorry - are you okay?" She asked, scared before I sunk my fangs into her neck drinking her blood.

Drawing my fangs back I grip her shoulder compelling her. "Tell your friends to meet at the closest bar and don't tell anyone I'm a vampire." The girl turned on her feet leaving me alone. Entering the bar I climbed on top of a barstool as a bunch of people entered the room looking confused. "Humans of New Orleans, you have been chosen to be my meal tonight." I clasped my hands together revealing my fangs vamping towards the closet person biting into his neck dropping him to the floor letting his blood drip from my chin. "Oh and I suggest you start running because if you don't. You'll get killed immediately." The rest of the humans screamed heading outside the door where I chuckled slowly strolling down the street.

Two girls with brown hair ran through the streets hunting some charts that were selling hot dogs. One twisted their ankle where I hovercraft hovered above them grabbing her by her neck biting into her sucking her dry. The other girl pressed her back into a brick wall frozen in fear but someone vamped me into the wall where I grunted. My eyes shot up staring into the eyes of my soon to be husband. "Nik, get your hands off me. You're interpreting my meal hunt!"

"Maddie, what the hell are you doing? Do you have a death wish because Marcel won't like that you're killing off the source of the vampire community." He spoke until I vamped away from him, twisting his arm behind his back shoving him against the wall.

Growling in his ear he grunts but I'm surprised that he isn't fighting so hard. I knew he was stronger than me. I'm not an idiot. "I don't care what Marcel thinks. I don't care what anyone thinks. I just want to spill blood because everyone who I thought were my friends has betrayed me. And the only thing that makes me feel blood!"

"Take it from me then, Maddie!" He replied, vamping me back against the wall holding his wrist up to me.

Biting into his wrist I moaned until something started burning in my throat. Shoving him away from me I started coughing at the bitter taste. "You....took...Vervain...Nik!" Bending over I leaned against the wall and groaned until he placed his hands around my neck giving it a quick snap where I fell into his arms.

Blinking my eyes open I moaned in discomfort trying to move until a burning sensation snagged my wrists and ankles. Shooting my gaze down I grunted seeing ropes that obviously had Vervain on them which is what was hurting me. Footsteps come down the basement stairs and I croaked through tears feeling such betrayal. "How could you do this to me, Nik. We love each other!"

"It brings me no such joy to do this, love. Believe me...but we need to completely snap you back to the girl you used to be." He slowly walks forward pulling up a chair in front of me, hands intertwined together. "You were never meant to be a monster like me. Taking lives because it makes you feel better doesn't mean that it should be done-"

Spitting in his face I jerk forward feeling the ropes getting tighter as a result. "Oh don't give me a sob story tried to kill all my friends and somehow I still climbed into bed with you. So maybe there's no good in me and I'm just drawn to darkness!"

"I once said that there is an allure to darkness. But there's good in you, Maddie Forbes. I know this because it makes me better when I'm around you. You're very being can break down my rage and see that there is another way. I love your innocence and don't think for a second you are like me because you aren't. Yes you are beautiful, intelligent, fierce and loving. But above all you are merciful which is something I never was until I met you." I gasped feeling tiny little holes opened where I was slowly bleeding out which I'm guessing is done by the spikes in my back so I can't sit the normal way. He placed his hands on top of mine, getting in my face sniffing through tears himself.

Sucking in a shaky breath I felt myself more as the twins started kicking against my stomach. Their little heartbeats banging against my ears where I turned my hands over wincing at the burns of the ropes. Intertwining my hands with his wishing that this would stop. That I didn't have to keep feeling emotions one second then it all get ripped away the next. "Nik please take the pain away - please compel me - I don't want to feel like this anymore - compel me I'm begging you!'

"Maddie, I've never compelled you before. Not even when you were a human." He pointed out resting his forehead to mine shaking under my touch.

Squeezing my hands in his I sniffed through more tears just wanting to cuddle or have him make love to me I'm not really sure. I just can't take the pain anymore. "There's no other way, Nik - compel me to not turn it off - I can't take it. You know I don't ask for much from you...please."

"I love you, Mads. More than you know. So this is for your own good...You will stop flipping your humanity switch. You will just be your normal self like how you were a human." He compelled me where I blinked my eyes a couple before he undid the restraints. I attempted to stand on my own feet but knees gave out where he vamped forward catching me bridal style whispering into my hair as I fell asleep in his arms. "Everything's going to be better, my're better than this."

Send any cute fluffy/hints at smut moments between Maddie and Klaus in the next chapter because they need some love.

Comments really appreciated

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